Gay adoptions

Should gay couples be allowed to adopt?

  • NO! Never, it's just not right. The kids need normal parents

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Generally no, except for the hard to place kids. It's better than nothing

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Sure, they should have the right to adopt.

    Votes: 36 59.0%
  • I really don't care.

    Votes: 5 8.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Yet, you do not think that a stable gay couple should adopt. Yet, you have 3 kids and are not stable. Good going. :yay:

You got the wrong unstable guy there rocket scientist. I am for gay adoption. I just think that a hetero couple should be the first choice if there is one available. Stable of course.

Gosh I hate illiteracy!

From page one, written by the bird of love - BlueBird.

BlueBird Wrote:

"Yes but only as a last resort....

Let me explain. The best environment for a child to be rasied in is a moral one where proper values are taught. A normal family environment is the closest they'll get to this. With this being said though, I think anything is better than being raised in an orphanage so if a suitable heterosexual couple is un available to adopt then let the gays adopt - only as a last resort though.

Sorry in advance if my views offend anyone...


Well-Known Member
You got the wrong unstable guy there rocket scientist. I am for gay adoption. I just think that a hetero couple should be the first choice if there is one available. Stable of course.

Gosh I hate illiteracy!

From page one, written by the bird of love - BlueBird.

BlueBird Wrote:

"Yes but only as a last resort....

Let me explain. The best environment for a child to be rasied in is a moral one where proper values are taught. A normal family environment is the closest they'll get to this. With this being said though, I think anything is better than being raised in an orphanage so if a suitable heterosexual couple is un available to adopt then let the gays adopt - only as a last resort though.

Sorry in advance if my views offend anyone...

You said as a last resort. My reading comprehensive is just fine. I am far from illiterate.


Well-Known Member
You said as a last resort. My reading comprehensive is just fine. I am far from illiterate.

If you say so..... As a last resort still implies that I am pro gay adoption. I never said that under no circumstances should gay couples be allowed to adopt did I?

You feel that a stable gay couple competing for a child that a stable hetero couple is competing for should have the same opportunity to adopt said child. I respect your point of view and your opinion is noted. I on the other hand think the stable heterosexual couple should get the nod based on my core values....

You are also much younger than I am and it seems that your generation is more liberal when it comes to these matters. Either way who cares? We have different opinions and so be it!


New Member
I think of you often too, Geek! It makes me realize my life isn't so bad afterall. I could have been you but I was given a better life. I'm glad you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Is it because Obama won or because you've had lots of warm and fuzzy guys riding you over the years.

Obama is another issue. BOHICA!

Really? That has got to be the weirdest thing any woman has ever said to me. :roflmao:


Well-Known Member
I am mature beyond my years. Spend a day in my shoes and you would realize that.

I'm sure you are....

It sounds like you're looking for someone to argue with and I'm not in an arguing kind of mood this evening. We have opposing views and I've already said that I respect your point of view even though it differs from mine.

With that being said, I'm moving on as I've already made my point. You may have the last word if you wish.


In My Opinion
the issue is easy to solve on when dealing with the semi older adoptable kids.
let them make the decision.
I personally would vote no to gay parents, other kids might welcome the opportunity just to get out of social services hell.

End of conversation here for me but let me leave it with this.
I do not agree with gays adopting, and I do not think that they can make a normal family.
I also do not think its in the best interest of the child.


Chin Jiggla!
For those worried about there kids growing up in a Gay family (and getting teased at school)....think about the snappy comebacks the Gay family kid could come up with.

For example: a bully says to the adopted kid "so which one of your mom's do you call dad?" He could come back with "I don't know; why don't you ask your mom? I think she's called my Mommy "Oh Daddy!!!Oh baby" a hundred times so which one is it today? Go call her and find out!"


In My Opinion
For those worried about there kids growing up in a Gay family (and getting teased at school)....think about the snappy comebacks the Gay family kid could come up with.

For example: a bully says to the adopted kid "so which one of your mom's do you call dad?" He could come back with "I don't know; why don't you ask your mom? I think she's called my Mommy "Oh Daddy!!!Oh baby" a hundred times so which one is it today? Go call her and find out!"
so, the comeback is that not only is his mother a lesbo, shes also a whore?

yeah, thats a good one.


I don't know, bcp...I'm torn on this issue. I don't agree with the gay lifestyle either, but I look around and see some of the trailer park trash/ghetto trash who are allowed to breed and raise kids in squallor and violence....people who pimp out their kids, let them run amok, beat them, abuse them...and I just have to wonder... what is so worse about letting gay parents adopt? If they can do better, crap, let them.
People now days just suck... doesn't matter if they're gay/straight, military/civilian, rep/dem, religious/agnostic. Society is just going downhill alltogether...


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should go back to your fantasies in Foodcritics thread and rethink that position :shrug:
We've discussed this in the past, and that position holds water.
Again, from a Stanford psychological study:
Large sample nationally representative studies of family structure and children’s outcomes nearly universally find at least a modest advantage for children raised by two biological parents who are married to each other. The question which has bedeviled researchers, and which remains essentially unresolved, is why (Cherlin 1999).​
And, the LA Times (and certainly we can agree this is a "socially progressive" newspaper, that would not taint its stories towards a conservative mindset) deemed the psychological studies done so far are skewed in favor of homosexual marriage/parenting due to a bias on the parts of the researchers. They basically say there's not enough information yet.

As a matter of fact, Duke Law School declared:
Given the methodological limitations of the existing research on lesbigay parenting, as well as research suggesting that dual-gender parenting may be modestly advantageous for children, laws prohibiting same-sex marriage or adoption on the theory that lesbigay parenting disadvantages children can (and probably should) pass constitutional muster under the highly deferential rational basis test for judicial review of legislative action.​

While I don't think all adoptive parents are good (hetero or homo), and I don't think they're even mostly bad (hetero or homo), there is at least some correlation to problems with homosexual adoptive parents.

No, that doesn't mean they're all bad, or you can assume they'll be bad, or all heterosexual parents are good, or any other conclusion that I have not stated.


Well-Known Member
There you go again, with that whole "Not understanding when someone replies (or quotes) another users post"

BCP posts this :

See that is me quoting from BCP's post i then responded

Foodcritics thread was about FEMALE teachers who molested their students. There are a crap load of teachers referenced, you would think when BCP posted in that thread he would recognize that :
  1. The teachers were not male
  2. Majority of the students while male were the opposite sex of the teachers (who were not male)
With the above information, as well as the information others have posted you would think BCP would think twice before making his ignorant posts, unfortunately thats not the case.

Fair enough - a quick skimming and I presumed (without full knowledge) that the comments had something to do with the topic of the thread.....

As you were!