Gay adoptions

Should gay couples be allowed to adopt?

  • NO! Never, it's just not right. The kids need normal parents

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Generally no, except for the hard to place kids. It's better than nothing

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Sure, they should have the right to adopt.

    Votes: 36 59.0%
  • I really don't care.

    Votes: 5 8.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Just curious, how many gay couples do you actually know? All the ones that I know have more stable relationships than the majority of my hetero friends. :shrug:

I know several and yes they are all in stable relationships. So what?

I never said I didn't like gay people, I just don't agree with their lifestyle. It goes against everything I believe in as a christian... Marriage is between a man and a woman, there's a reason why gay couples can't conceive naturally and I believe this is why they aren't meant to have children. Is this supposed to make me a bad person somehow?

If I'm upsetting you in some way, I didn't write the bible so don't be angry with me. It is God who makes the rules not I. God made the rules I'll let God judge what happens to them when they depart us...

Why subject a kid to ridicule if he is adopted by a stable gay couple if a suitable stable hetero couple can adopt them? Orphan's already have it rough why make things harder on them? Sorry, but I'm just not that liberal in my thinking to accept gay couples as being equal to a heterosexual couple.

I do know some very nice gay people though....


This thread is about gay adoption. Leave it on topic. You have never seen either one of us to even know what we look like. You want to #### with me, take it to the Fight Club. I'm in a crappy mood and I'll gladly shread your ass in there.

Why are you in a crappy mood? Did your man-of-the-week dump you? Did all 4 of your kid's daddy's stiff you on child support? You wanna shread my ass! I don't think you are worthy to wipe my ass! What a desirable woman you are. lol. :barf:
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Chin Jiggla!
Just my opinion; I think Gay couples should be allowed to adopt.

On a separate note, I do not have any gay friends. Most of the ones I have met have been either prissy, b#tch#y or just plain mean. I'm sure there are some nice people that are gay....but I haven't met them.


Just my opinion; I think Gay couples should be allowed to adopt.

On a separate note, I do not have any gay friends. Most of the ones I have met have been either prissy, b#tch#y or just plain mean. I'm sure there are some nice people that are gay....but I haven't met them.



Main Streeter
I voted for option 3, "Sure, they should have the right to adopt." but every adoption should be considered on a case by case basis. A hetero couple is no gurantee to a sucessful upbringing nor is a gay couple. It's all based on the individuals involved in each case of adoption. There are a lot of kids out there in need of adoptive parents which means there are not enough folks out there who want to adopt. Given that, if there's a gay couple out there who want to adopt then so be it. For those who oppose that idea, step up to the plate, call and become part of the solution. If you're not willing to reach out and adopt a child, then don't fuss about other folks who are just because they don't meet your idea of perfect parents.


New Member
Why are you in a crappy mood? Did your man-of-the-week dump you? Did all 4 of your kid's daddy's stiff you on child support? You wanna shread my ass! I don't think you are worthy to wipe my ass! What a desirable woman you are. lol. :barf:

Every time I think of you, I remember Obama won, and it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. And you're right Dork, I am sure you are twice the woman that Socki is :yay:


You're a LOON :)
no, I just personally do not think that gay couples are suited for properly raising children. I would have run away and joined the circus or something if I had been raised by a couple of homosexuals.
Friends wouldnt be allowed to come over, I would never want them to show up for parent teacher confrences. It just would have been terrible to be raised by non normal parental units.

Define normal. WTF is normal?


You're a LOON :)
Regardless of what you or I think- little Johnny/Susie are going to get the snot beat out of them from 3rd grade on because they have a daddy and a daddy/mommy and a mommy vs a mommy and daddy.

So no- but not because of the parental aspect. Kids will be kids and kids can be mean so why subject one to daily beatings.

ps Hi from a newbie! :howdy:

And where do those kids learn it from? Where do they learn to be cruel and mean? From their pathetic parents. Thank God I wasn't raised that way and my children will not be raised that way. People are people no matter their race or sexual preference.


You're a LOON :)
That's where it bothers me. I try to picture myself with two daddies or two mommies. I am thankful that I was not raised in that environment. When I was growing up, none of this would have ever been an issue. Homos were and still are living a perverted unnatural lifestyle. That's not healthy for children to be exposed to. I don't want to hear the argument that it's between two consenting adults. That doesn't make it any less perverted.

I also can't understand how homos are calling themselves christian and are going to church. I can only assume they've edited the bible to suit their needs. The priest in our old church used to preach against the gays on a regular basis. There was never one person in church who did not agree with him.

My kids will only see society deteriorate even more in their lifetimes. Thankfully they have a good foundation and are off to a great start.

:duh: and all priest are great right? How many molest children as they preach against gays?


You're a LOON :)
and I suggest the gay population get used to being looked down on.
there are a whole bunch of people out there that dont agree with their chosen lifestyle, and basically, not much chance of us going away either.

the harder they try to push to force society to normalize and embrace their choice, the harder some will push back.

Chosen lifestyle? I don't belive that people choose to be gay. Why exactly would a person choose that?


You're a LOON :)
That's just it. They are looked down on but don't see it that way anymore. I know that when I'm out with the guys or at work, we always crack gay jokes. You know.."Don't bend over..." or Hey, get your hand off my knee...." When the gay people are around, we have to behave ourselves but when they are out. Don't dare be caught in a room with only one other male there with some of the lights turned off. That will definitely start a rumor and get some jokes flowing.

I can remember being with my brother about 1 1/2 ago at a flea market. Two gay guys were trying on a fake fur coat and making comments about it. My brother and I were laughing so hard, it brought tears to our eyes. You had to be there. It was like being at the circus watching the bearded lady perform.

That is just sick and cruel and shows what type of person you really are. Does your bible teach you to laugh at people?


Well-Known Member
:duh: and all priest are great right? How many molest children as they preach against gays?

Gay preist, straight priest, or pastor or whatever they all preach from the word of God and all christian faiths share the same fundamental belief that homosexuality is a sin. The gay priest or pastor is no less wrong than any other human being.

Maybe I should give this gay thing a try.....


Every time I think of you, I remember Obama won, and it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. And you're right Dork, I am sure you are twice the woman that Socki is :yay:

I think of you often too, Geek! It makes me realize my life isn't so bad afterall. I could have been you but I was given a better life. I'm glad you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Is it because Obama won or because you've had lots of warm and fuzzy guys riding you over the years.

Obama is another issue. BOHICA!


Well-Known Member
That is just sick and cruel and shows what type of person you really are. Does your bible teach you to laugh at people?

Lighten up, I'll bet it was funny. Gay people know how to laugh and most of gay people I know expect to be the BUTT of a few jokes. Most gay people I know are the ones making the jokes!


That is just sick and cruel and shows what type of person you really are. Does your bible teach you to laugh at people?

There's nothing sick about it. It was sooooooooo funny. The bible doesn't prohibit me from humor. Laughter is a good thing,


Well-Known Member
I know several and yes they are all in stable relationships. So what?

I never said I didn't like gay people, I just don't agree with their lifestyle. It goes against everything I believe in as a christian... Marriage is between a man and a woman, there's a reason why gay couples can't conceive naturally and I believe this is why they aren't meant to have children. Is this supposed to make me a bad person somehow?

If I'm upsetting you in some way, I didn't write the bible so don't be angry with me. It is God who makes the rules not I. God made the rules I'll let God judge what happens to them when they depart us...

Why subject a kid to ridicule if he is adopted by a stable gay couple if a suitable stable hetero couple can adopt them? Orphan's already have it rough why make things harder on them? Sorry, but I'm just not that liberal in my thinking to accept gay couples as being equal to a heterosexual couple.

I do know some very nice gay people though....
Take this crap to the religious forum Bible Thumper.
Why are you in a crappy mood? Did your man-of-the-week dump you? Did all 4 of your kid's daddy's stiff you on child support? You wanna shread my ass! I don't think you are worthy to wipe my ass! What a desirable woman you are. lol. :barf:
I do not have 4 kids. I have 13. Get it straight. Have you even ever seen me?
Every time I think of you, I remember Obama won, and it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. And you're right Dork, I am sure you are twice the woman that Socki is :yay:
Is that really Dork? Is she fat?


Well-Known Member
There's nothing sick about it. It was sooooooooo funny. The bible doesn't prohibit me from humor. Laughter is a good thing,

I agree. Maybe God made gays to entertain us? Ever watch HGTV? Pretty entertaining!
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Well-Known Member
Take this crap to the religious forum Bible Thumper.

Don't ever call me a bible thumper! :killingme I don't FORCE my beliefs on anyone.

Everything I said is relevant to the debate we're having. It supports my stance and explains my point of view.
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