Gay indoctrination...

Are they being indoctrinated?

  • Yes, it will harm them and make them gay

    Votes: 6 7.6%
  • It might not make them gay, but it will make them wrongly accept gays

    Votes: 21 26.6%
  • It won't harm them nor make them accepting of a wrong way to live

    Votes: 13 16.5%
  • It won't harm them and will rightly make them accept gays in society

    Votes: 39 49.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
kmw1123 said:
I couldn't agree more. It would make my job so much easier. Tolerance, who the heck wants to learn that any way? But if you raise your kids to be bigotted cross-burning satanists, don't complain or act suprised when they get fired from their job, sued, and/or put in prison because they said or did something to tick the wrong person off.

And as far as this 1.5% of the population goes, I think that's bull despite whatever the research says. It might not account for the people who haven't come out yet. There are too many factors to consider before using that statistic as pure fact.
I can (and have) shown you where your 10% comes from, why the analysis there was wrong, and where the 1.5% comes from.

And you?

By the way, the whole point is that it's not the state's job to teach anything outside of tolerance for other people's opinions. The rest that you speak of, all of those consequences - that's society correcting itself. That's how it works. Thanks for backing us up!


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
...a distinction between consenting adults vs. children? Or animals? Is that what gays are to you, child molesters and animal ####ers?
No, but what everyone is saying is we MUST accept it because it isn't a choice, it's a gene, they were born that way. The same can be said about men that like 12 year olds. And some would morally equate both homosexuality and child molestation, be it right or wrong.


kmw1123 said:
But if you raise your kids to be bigotted cross-burning satanists, don't complain or act suprised when they get fired from their job, sued, and/or put in prison because they said or did something to tick the wrong person off.

I didn't say this was a good or responsible thing to do - just that it's not anybody's business if I do it.

Point being: Morality should be taught at home. Nothing should be taught at school except for cold hard clinical facts.

I want my children to know what a hypoteneuse is, and how to calculate its length.

I want my children to know what a subject, predicate and object are.

I want my children to know that in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

They don't need to learn that dope is for dopes.

They don't need to know that Bob smokes Raul's pole... and that's OK.

They don't need to know that Bob and also Linda rub groins.. and that's OK too!

End of ####ing list.


Larry Gude said: brother was gay. Being around him and his friends and lovers. Getting to know them.

Well then, you are an example of why we DON'T need this stuff in our schools.

BTW... I consider you changing your position (if I understand it correctly) as a good thing
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New Member
So it's ok for the state to be responsible for cleaning up the mess of other people's mistakes, but it's not ok to do anything to prevent those mistakes from happening? It's ok to spend tax money on putting someone in jail because they killed someone because they were gay, but it's not ok for the state to try to prevent that? And in Toxic's case, it's ok for the state to pay for putting a drug dealer in jail, but they shouldn't have prevention programs like DARE?


Larry Gude said:
...a distinction between consenting adults vs. children? Or animals? Is that what gays are to you, child molesters and animal ####ers?

I think what he means is people in these groups don't make a distinction between each other's behavior. Each sees their own as normal to them. So they deserve to be afforded the same rights to be tolerated.


Larry Gude said:
Homosexuality is a Goddamn fact of nature.

Not everyone feels this way. There are a great number of people that feel homosexuality is an abomination and they don't want their children exposed to such teachings. Just as you demand gays be extended their rights to their choices and beliefs and be tolerated so do these others that stand on the other side of the fence. can you imagine a child that has been raised believing homosxuality is an abomination by their parents goes to school only to have a teacher tell the child that their parents are wrong? The parents would take this as an attempt to undermine their faith and authority.

The only comprimise here is to leave it out of the schools (that require all of our taxes to pay for) and leave it up to the parents to teach these things.


kmw1123 said:
It's ok to spend tax money on putting someone in jail because they killed someone because they were gay, but it's not ok for the state to try to prevent that?

Why doesn't the state enact school programs to prevent ALL crimes? Then instead of teaching science and english, kids could spend 8 hours a day for 12 years learning how to be fine tolerant upstanding brain-dead morons.

Gimme a break.

Do you honestly think some sociopath is going to NOT kill someone because.... "Whup! Back in school they told me that we should live and let live, and this guy is OK."

kmw1123 said:
And in Toxic's case, it's ok for the state to pay for putting a drug dealer in jail, but they shouldn't have prevention programs like DARE?

Don't get me started on that. I don't think drugs should be illegal in the first place, and I think BS like DARE is a collosal waste of money.


kmw1123 said:
So it's ok for the state to be responsible for cleaning up the mess of other people's mistakes, but it's not ok to do anything to prevent those mistakes from happening? It's ok to spend tax money on putting someone in jail because they killed someone because they were gay, but it's not ok for the state to try to prevent that? And in Toxic's case, it's ok for the state to pay for putting a drug dealer in jail, but they shouldn't have prevention programs like DARE?

First of all DARE hasn’t done a darn thing to prevent drug abuse. This proves how much a failure these state-sponsored programs really are.

It’s the state’s responsibility to apply the law where the law is broken. The real prevention in these things is NOT in the schools but at home. The real problem is law enforcement and strict, harsh penalties as a deterrent. We’ve gone soft on crime. The flip-side of that is we have absent parents. There is no real supervision of our kids and we expect our schools (who aren’t even able to teach our kids the 3Rs) to take up the slack. This and the sex-ed in Kindergarten (proposed by Obama) are just examples of how we aim to use our schools to raise our kids instead of the parents.


Well-Known Member
PsyOps said:
First of all DARE hasn’t done a darn thing to prevent drug abuse. This proves how much a failure these state-sponsored programs really are.

It’s the state’s responsibility to apply the law where the law is broken. The real prevention in these things is NOT in the schools but at home. The real problem is law enforcement and strict, harsh penalties as a deterrent. We’ve gone soft on crime. The flip-side of that is we have absent parents. There is no real supervision of our kids and we expect our schools (who aren’t even able to teach our kids the 3Rs) to take up the slack. This and the sex-ed in Kindergarten (proposed by Obama) are just examples of how we aim to use our schools to raise our kids instead of the parents.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I am clueless...

SamSpade said:
I don't know what "normal" around each other means to you; there aren't riots and the same kind of name calling and vandalism. But you can go to any school cafeteria or workplace and see that blacks and whites still largely segregate themselves.

You can't quell racism or bigotry by forcing people to be nice to each other. That's not a "legacy". to how to have a productive discusion with a person from another solar system.

If this statement isn't true;

"Blacks and whites get along much better and are much more comfortable around each other than they were 30 years ago"

...then we may as well start debating 1+1 because I don't know the world you live in.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

This_person said:
Okay, homosexuality is a fact of nature. So what?


:killingme :lmao:

I really don't know what to say in response.

You sound like a 10th grade biologoy student.

"So what?"

Or maybe a 10th grade Brit Lit student;

"So what?"

Have you not followed ANY of the objections to homosexuals? Deviants. Un-natural. Against Gods will. Perverts. Child molesters.

I know, I know...

"So what?"

:killingme :lmao:


I bowl overhand
kmw1123 said:
It's ok to spend tax money on putting someone in jail because they killed someone because they were gay.

People kill each other all the time for all kinds of reasons.. wrong skin color, wrong eye color, homosexual, heterosexual.. they looked at my ass wrong, they looked at my girlfriend wrong..

So we have tolerance of gay people taught in school, or gay training on how to be gay correctly. You don't think this is going to make the problem worse? The tolerance portion, not he being gay problem.

The murderer should go to jail for mudering another human being, not for murdering a gay, black, hispanic or blond human being.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You guys...

PsyOps said:
I think what he means is people in these groups don't make a distinction between each other's behavior. Each sees their own as normal to them. So they deserve to be afforded the same rights to be tolerated.

...are on a roll, I'll give you that. Do you even know any gay people? This will absolutely shock you but, some of them, maybe even many, do not support adults having sex with children OR animals.


:killingme :lmao:


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
...a distinction between consenting adults vs. children? Or animals? Is that what gays are to you, child molesters and animal ####ers?
Consenting ADULTS, yet they are suggesting teaching 12 year olds on how to do it safely, and correctly.. last I checked 12 year olds are not adults.

That is not consenting adults, that's indoctrination.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Every time I write the same thing...

This_person said:
there's a clearly large percentage of the population of Mont. County that doesn't want the issue taught as they believe it is/will be. They have the right to believe that, and to petition the county and state BOEs to get their point across. Furthermore, when they speak, they shouldn't be shut out of the conversation, having the school be the only one allowed to present its version of the view. either ignore it or mis quote it so, I AGREE with every word in the above paragraph.


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
...are on a roll, I'll give you that. Do you even know any gay people? This will absolutely shock you but, some of them, maybe even many, do not support adults having sex with children OR animals.


:killingme :lmao:
Do you know anyone with morals?

They would equate one sin no better or worse than the others..

Larry Gude

Strung Out

itsbob said:
Consenting ADULTS, yet they are suggesting teaching 12 year olds on how to do it safely, and correctly.. last I checked 12 year olds are not adults.

That is not consenting adults, that's indoctrination. have a health class in 7th grade? What did they teach you? How old were you? Did they use words like 'vagina' and 'penis' and 'condom' and 'birth control pill'? Did they show you the baby being born movie?

Did any of this suddenly make you...a any chance? Or indoctrinate you to the 'straight' lifestyle?


Larry Gude said:
...are on a roll, I'll give you that. Do you even know any gay people?

I have a cousin who is gay. I love her dearly and she is the kindest and loving that anyone could possibly be. I didn't need some course in school to teach me that. I simply responded to her nature as a human; as most people would.

When I lived in PG county neighbors on each side of me were gay. Great people I call my friends.

This will absolutely shock you but, some of them, maybe even many, do not support adults having sex with children OR animals.

No doubt. Totally not my point. I was trying to say that, from their own perspective they see their behavior as normal. It feels normal to them. Not how they view each other. I'm quite certain a gay person has no tolerance for people that have sex with geese. Now doesn't that just throw a monkey wrench into this "let's teach each other tolerance" thing.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

itsbob said:
Do you know anyone with morals?

They would equate one sin no better or worse than the others..

...and some of them absolutely wig out over homosexuals even though they may claim all sin is equal in their eyes. There's several on this forum. You could read up on 'em.

PS; Everyone has morals of some sort or other. People who've killed people for being gay had morals. Some have argued they had good ones.

Do you think a gay person is capable of what you would call good morals? How about someone who has divorced? Or jerked off? Taken the Lords name in vain? Coveted thy neighobrs wife?