Gay TV


New Member
Reading the Atl Journal - They are thinking of having a TV channel - exclusively for GAY TV.. What are some of your insights on this.. Im sure this debate will be quite interesting..

If it would mean that I would see less of that crap on mainstream TV, then I am all for it!! Let them have thier own channel so I don't have to throw up when I see two men kiss on privetime TV.


Gay 90s Homepage

Here ya go... that just took all the fun out of it as I'm trying to watch the last 3 episodes to know that Bebe won... but it's on the front page. If you ask nicely, I'll show you my club card the next time I see you :smile:


I knew I shouldn't have clicked on that link. That was N.A.S.T.Y.!!!
:confused: It says "Gay 90's Homepage", and I had mentioned before that she was a drag queen at The Gay 90's...

There are worse things in this world to be afraid of than homosexuals... last I checked there weren't any campaigns to attack and rape heterosexual males in an effort to convert them. Of all the irrational fears one could have, homophobia is about the silliest.


:confused: It says "Gay 90's Homepage", and I had mentioned before that she was a drag queen at The Gay 90's...

There are worse things in this world to be afraid of than homosexuals... last I checked there weren't any campaigns to attack and rape heterosexual males in an effort to convert them. Of all the irrational fears one could have, homophobia is about the silliest.

There is no fear of homos here. I am definitely not afraid of them, therefore the word homophobe is stupid. There were two males hugging and kissing on your link. That to me is NASTY, no matter how you slice it. It's just sick. I think most people would agree but are hesitant to say it in public. Now, behind your gay backs, you are made fun of and disaproved of all the time.


There is no fear of homos here. I am definitely not afraid of them, therefore the word homophobe is stupid. There were two males hugging and kissing on your link. That to me is NASTY, no matter how you slice it. It's just sick. I think most people would agree but are hesitant to say it in public. Now, behind your gay backs, you are made fun of and disaproved of all the time.

I'll say it.........I don't condone the lifestyle and think it is sick, also.


curiouser and curiouser
There were two males hugging and kissing on your link. That to me is NASTY, no matter how you slice it. It's just sick.
If you're so offended by it, why would you click on something that has the word "gay" right in the title? :eyebrow:


Chin Jiggla!
I'll say it.........I don't condone the lifestyle and think it is sick, also.
I don't like any couples getting excessive with "public display of affection". If I choose to watch other people gettin' nasty it will be on a p0rno.

I don't have a problem with people being whatever they want to be. I don't like anyone flaming their sexual preferences to "get a rise" out of people. It is tacky and disgusting. There are way to many people engaging in this behavior. I am biased against homosexuals doing this the most because I am not into that lifestyle (as I am sure they are biased against heterosexuals for doing the same thing).


Peeps do what they want to do.......I am just saying I prefer females.......:shrug:


In My Opinion
Maybe if you met the right man you wouldn't be so homophobic. :whip:
Having a natural animosity toward gays is not something that someone can change, or choose to have.
its a natural born instinct that can not be changed with the wave of a magic crank


New Member
Having a natural animosity toward gays is not something that someone can change, or choose to have.
its a natural born instinct that can not be changed with the wave of a magic crank

Usually the people who hold animosity towards gays are closeted gays....

Just sayin'....:whistle:


In My Opinion
Usually the people who hold animosity towards gays are closeted gays....

Just sayin'....:whistle:
A wonderful talking point for sure. the homosexuals really got over with that one.


Just an attempt at making the normal accept that which is not normal.

but still, nice try,, really really nice try.


New Member
A wonderful talking point for sure. the homosexuals really got over with that one.


Just an attempt at making the normal accept that which is not normal.

but still, nice try,, really really nice try.

Have you been listening to Showtunes and dreaming of a trip to Frisco lately?