Gays in the military...

Open gay will mean...

  • Less volunteers

    Votes: 14 18.2%
  • More volunteers

    Votes: 3 3.9%
  • No difference

    Votes: 60 77.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


In My Opinion
I went to plenty of concerts in my younger days and have used the mens room many times opposed to waiting in line for the ladies room. You know what happens when a woman walks in the mens room? The men make an effort to cover their stuff. I'm certain it's because I don't have a wanker and has nothing to do with sex or sexuality. The same reason my young boys cover themselves around their step sisters but not around other boys.

maybe they thought you were a crossdresser and didnt want to excite you


In My Opinion
Maybe but doubtful. At 5'4" and 110#s I'd have been the smallest crossdresser ever.

Although I am not overly knowledgeable in cross dressing, I will admit that I was not aware of a minimum size requirement.

then on the other hand, at that size, they could have thought you to be a child and were afraid of being arrested for exposing themselves.

Off topic though.
I was in a mens room at a rest stop one time, the ladies room was evidently shut down for cleaning. So this woman walked in.

guy using the urinal down the other end must have got upset so he turned to her and with his crank out he said, what do you think of this?

she said,, How sad, did it stop growing when you were 2?

I laughed for the next 20 miles down the road.


Yae warsh wif' wutr
Recruitment will remain.

However, this "perfect world" mentality (the ideal that all people are going to live harmoneously regardless of the reality that other people are involved) should be used wisely.


Yae warsh wif' wutr
I was in a mens room at a rest stop one time, the ladies room was evidently shut down for cleaning. So this woman walked in.

guy using the urinal down the other end must have got upset so he turned to her and with his crank out he said, what do you think of this?

she said,, How sad, did it stop growing when you were 2?

I laughed for the next 20 miles down the road.



Cleopatra Jones
Although I am not overly knowledgeable in cross dressing, I will admit that I was not aware of a minimum size requirement.

then on the other hand, at that size, they could have thought you to be a child and were afraid of being arrested for exposing themselves.

Now you're just being ignorant and trying to be ugly. The average height of an American man is 5'9.5" and men typically have a broader/heavier frame than women. So 5'4", 110#s would be a pretty tiny dude.

The average height of American women is 5'4". Have you ever dated or slept with a woman 5'4" or under? Are you a pedo? By your above statement being of small stature makes one childlike.


Lem Putt
I only see three issues with this:

Gays are occasionally killed in the military now merely because they are gay. We can expect that to increase.

Sometimes people fight, and sometimes they are killed. If someone happens to be "out" will it now be treated differently? Will it become a hate crime instead of manslaughter? Will there be outrage? (of course there will.)

The question being asked is "will this hurt the military." The question being asked should be "what is best for the military." If doing away with DADT is the answer then fine. But starting with the answer then formulating the question is the wrong way to go about this.


In My Opinion
Although I am not overly knowledgeable in cross dressing, I will admit that I was not aware of a minimum size requirement.

then on the other hand, at that size, they could have thought you to be a child and were afraid of being arrested for exposing themselves.

Now you're just being ignorant and trying to be ugly. The average height of an American man is 5'9.5" and men typically have a broader/heavier frame than women. So 5'4", 110#s would be a pretty tiny dude.

The average height of American women is 5'4". Have you ever dated or slept with a woman 5'4" or under? Are you a pedo? By your above statement being of small stature makes one childlike.

Might I suggest some Thorazine for you?
Next, 5.9 is pretty short for the average guy
no, I dont think I have ever dated or slept with a midget.
and yes, normally, children are short.

If there is anything else that you really need cleared up, please do not hesitate to use your tiny little fingers to type it out.


In My Opinion
I only see three issues with this:

Gays are occasionally killed in the military now merely because they are gay. We can expect that to increase.
do you have statistics on this? Im betting that more military are killed by their own due to being ignorant or putting the troops in danger than they are for being gay.

Sometimes people fight, and sometimes they are killed. If someone happens to be "out" will it now be treated differently? Will it become a hate crime instead of manslaughter? Will there be outrage? (of course there will.)
My thought is that once they are allowed to be openly gay, they will feel as though it is ok to ask others about the possibility of maybe "dating" this is where the fights are going to come from.

The question being asked is "will this hurt the military." The question being asked should be "what is best for the military." If doing away with DADT is the answer then fine. But starting with the answer then formulating the question is the wrong way to go about this.
the answer is yes, it will hurt the military for a period of time until all of the issues have been worked out and the boundry lines clearly drawn and followed.
Will it be long term damage? I dont think so. Will it make a difference on the fighting field? I doubt it, at least not if people are halfway thinking. I would rather have a live gay guy backing me up than no back up. Thoughts and actions during stress are much different than when sitting around the berthing area watching so you think you can prance.


Cleopatra Jones
Although I am not overly knowledgeable in cross dressing, I will admit that I was not aware of a minimum size requirement.

then on the other hand, at that size, they could have thought you to be a child and were afraid of being arrested for exposing themselves.

Might I suggest some Thorazine for you?
Next, 5.9 is pretty short for the average guy
no, I dont think I have ever dated or slept with a midget.
and yes, normally, children are short.

If there is anything else that you really need cleared up, please do not hesitate to use your tiny little fingers to type it out.

Would you like me to order you a butt plug while I'm ordering my meds?

Shows just about how smart you are....

Human height - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In My Opinion
Would you like me to order you a butt plug while I'm ordering my meds?

Shows just about how smart you are....

Human height - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No thank you on the butt plug.
Im trying to lose about 25 lbs to reduce strain on my twice broken back, Ive cut out meat for a while and am using beans to get my proteins, I fear a butt plug could become a deadly projectile.. but again, thank you so much for your concern.

Im 6' most people I know are my height or taller than I am, so I figure that the 5'9 number is either old or off for some reason.

I will however conceed the average height based on your link.


Power with Control
Damn heightists!!! Short folks are everywhere, if only you would look down from time to time!!!!:cds:


In My Opinion
she is correct.
5'9.2" is the average height of the adult male in the U.S.

and all this time I thought I was short.

and for the record, I have always found that the most attractive women, (to me) have been short and petite.


Cleopatra Jones
she is correct.
5'9.2" is the average height of the adult male in the U.S.

and all this time I thought I was short.

and for the record, I have always found that the most attractive women, (to me) have been short and petite.

Soooo, you do like midgets. :geek: :lol:

I get called short all the time. I work in an office with 6 other women and only 2 are taller than me. 1 is the same height, the other 3 aren't much shorter (maybe an inch or so). I bet if you asked anyone who didn't pay great attention who the smallest was they'd say me. Being of slighter frame gets associated with being short.


In My Opinion
Soooo, you do like midgets. :geek: :lol:

I get called short all the time. I work in an office with 6 other women and only 2 are taller than me. 1 is the same height, the other 3 aren't much shorter (maybe an inch or so). I bet if you asked anyone who didn't pay great attention who the smallest was they'd say me. Being of slighter frame gets associated with being short.

Of course I do. Who doesnt?

I just like to joke them from time to time.:killingme



Of course I do. Who doesnt?

I just like to joke them from time to time.:killingme


A bald guy walks into a bar, turns to the noticably short bartender, and says "Hey midget, gimme a beer!"

The bartender gives the man a beer, but tells the man not to refer to him as a midget.

A few drinks later, the guy turns to the bartender and again says, "hey midget... gimme another beer!"

The bartender gets upset and warns the man about calling him a midget, but gives him his beer.

After the thrid time this happens, the bartender says, "Hey! I told you to stop calling me a midget! How would you like it if I called you 'baldy' if our positions were reversed?"

The guy thinks about it and admits that he wouldn't mind. The bartender disagrees, and ultimately they agree to switch positions to let the man see how it feels.

The bartender moves to the front of the bar, and the guy moves to the back. The bartender says, "Hey baldy, gimme a beer!"

The guy leans over the bar and says, "Sorry, but we don't serve midgets here."


My 401K is now a 201K
Yes it is.

You're missing the point. Seperate facilities are provided for seperate genders, not to seperate beefy from skinny, etc. The orientation thing is a question of conduct which is an issue now with heteros. Sexual harassment, assult, rape, etc. are violations of the UCMJ regardless of a person's orientation.

Include sodomy in the 'etc.' part of UCMJ violations.


My 401K is now a 201K
I had to share toilets with men overseas. Not the shower, thank the stars... guys are just nasty. lol I think that's why they should keep them separate. :lol:

On the gay issue.. I could careless who I'm serving with as long as they don't shove the acceptance of their issues down my throat. Do your job=good evaluation from me. That's all I care about.



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I'd like to hear from the 2 people who voted for "more volunteers". I just wonder if that's their real opinion, or if they just thought that it looked forlorn with no votes?