Pete said:
This is fun! You are wrong again! The Ga. state flag that had the confederate battle flag in it was replaced 30 January 2001 by an all blue flag with the state seal in the center, which was replaced in May 2003 by the flag above.
Semantics aside, it is just endemic how often you open your pie hole and blow without having any real knowledge of what you are blowing about.
I like this version better.
I was going by the date YOU highlighted. I'm assuming you highlighted it for a reason....correct? I think you were as wrong as I. You may need to work on that googling a bit more, then.
It's humorous to watch you cling on to a branch and shake the crap out of it just to be "right" on a peripheral item. the 2nd time you researched the history of the Georgia flag, you found 2001. Big frakkin' deal!

If I ever meet you in person, I'll by you a beer for being so intelligent.
The point of the post, Flagboy, is to state that there are plenty of appropriate places where religious theory is taught. Religious high schools, religious colleges, Sunday schools....
CHURCH. It's not hard to find that sort of instruction.
The overly religious want to force their beliefs on everyone else.
Want religion? Find a church.