Gone but not forgotten


Well-Known Member
Pasofever said:
I would have given my kids their shots if I could have found out where to get them :ohwell:

:roflmao: My roommate in college brought home her flu shot one day. She asked me to give it to her. She got it from her mom who worked in a Dr's office. :lmao:


Does my butt look big?
If the kids had worms in their poop I guess I would look to see what type they were..If tapes I would have to give them droncit and if they had rounds I would give them some strongid..


Pasofever said:
If the kids had worms in their poop I guess I would look to see what type they were..If tapes I would have to give them droncit and if they had rounds I would give them some strongid..

How do you determine what worm it is?


Does my butt look big?
Inkpen said:
How do you determine what worm it is?

Same way you or anyone could tell a tape from a round..use your noggin for somefin more then a hat rack.. :huggy: And if god forbid they ever got lice I would give them a SQ shot of ivermec.. :lmao:


From DNR...Not me....

Did you know that all species of wildlife have very specific needs for survival? Many people, with the best of intentions, feed wildlife or “rescue” what they think are sick or injured wildlife. You may actually be doing more harm than good by handling and caring for wild animals and it is a violation of Maryland law to keep wildlife captive.

Most species do not respond well to human care and, if they survive, do not assimilate well back into the wild. Wildlife can easily become stressed by interference from people. This stress can ultimately be detrimental to their health. Also, it is important to remember that wild animals of any size can be dangerous, especially a female protecting her young.

If you come across an animal that you believe may be sick or injured please call 877-463-6497 or go to http://www.dnr.state.md.us/wildlife/wlproblems.asp.
Facts About Feeding Wildlife
• Feeding wildlife can lead to the spread of disease
• Wild animals can be dangerous
• Feeding leads to crowding and crowding causes stress
• Supplemental food sources do not contribute to a wildlife population’s well being
• An overabundance of individuals can result in habitat degradation
• Wild animals need habitat not handouts
• Read more

White-tailed Deer
Think Twice Before Rescuing that Fawn
Did you know does will often leave their fawns alone for several hours at a time? The doe returns to feed and care for the fawns several times a day. After about 3 weeks the fawns are strong enough to keep up with their mother and will stay with her. If you see a fawn in the wild please leave it alone and rest assured the mother is not far away.

Why is it illegal to keep deer as pets?
Captive deer pose a significant threat to Maryland’s native wildlife and a potential threat to domestic livestock and people. Wild animals held in captivity often suffer higher stress brought about by a reduction in immunity from nutritional deficiencies and from the stress of being held in captivity. There is an increase in the risk of disease transmission when animals are held in a confined area. There is also a significant risk of transmission of diseases from captive deer to free ranging wildlife.

Chronic Wasting Disease
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal disease that attacks the brain and spinal cord of deer and elk, specifically white-tailed deer, moose, mule deer, and Rocky Mountain elk. Maryland’s goal is to be proactive regarding the threat of this disease in an attempt to safeguard Maryland’s wildlife resources for future generations.

Black bears, once nearly extirpated from Maryland’s landscape, have made a remarkable comeback over the past several years. Today bears are found primarily in western Maryland with the highest populations residing in Allegany and Garrett Counties. Black bears are an important part of Maryland’s natural history and provide interesting wildlife viewing opportunities to those lucky enough to catch a glimpse of this solitary animal. Care should be taken if you encounter a black bear and they should never be feed or approached.

• Commonly asked Questions
• Living with Black Bears
• Black Bear Conservation Stamp Program
• Keep Maryland’s Black Bears Wild

Whether we find them beautiful and beneficial or frightening, snakes hold a certain fascination for most people. Snakes play an important role in Maryland’s and like all wildlife is best left in the wild.
All about snakes in Maryland
Snakes in the Basement?

Many people see young birds on the ground and assume that they are injured and take them inside. Chances are it’s a young bird learning to fly and the adult is close by. If you think it has fallen out of the nest place the bird back into the nest or on a tree branch. Human scent on a bird will not discourage adult birds from caring for the young. Birds can easily become habituated to people and have very specific needs for survival so it is best to leave them in the wild. If you find a bird that you think is injured or sick please call the sick and injured animal hotline at 877-463-6497.
OKAY people. New rule for saving wildlife in MD. If you have a deer, fox, possum, squirrel, turtle or anything like that which needs to be removed/cared for, call me. I will come take care of it for you. Have 30-06, camp stove and pot, will travel. If it's a stray dog or feral cat, find a local contact here.