Gov Sarah Palin?


"Typical White Person"
...give a damn what she looks like. That's a plus, but I like her resume.

Now, can she chew bubble gum and walk at the same time?

I'm youtube-ing her like mad. I wanna see someone arguing with her.

Just providing some more of the rare pics I've found of her

See here.


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Larry Gude

Strung Out

I knew if I left you alone you would come around. :lol:

I think she will do OK against The Archbishop of Nasty Biden. If all else and he goes totally nasty on governor Palin like he is prone to do he will remove all doubt he is a creep of the highest order in the minds of people who see her as a wholesome atractive female version of Dudly DoRight.

Big mean old Biden being nasty to that attractive nice woman I am not voting for him! :mad: And don't tell me there are not thousands of voters out there who will think exactly that. what, while this is sinking in, I'm liking it more and more by the minute.

Obama being special (a black or female) GONE.
The Hillary buzz. GONE
Another freaking senator. GONE
Executive experience. CHECK
Pro 2nd amend. CHECK CHECK CHECK
Compelling story CHECK
Grunt work, city council, mayor, CHECK

Hell, she's got the Messiah on resume anyway and she's not a freaking lawyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
It is Ohio. Look at the demographics of Ohio. There is a black population, but it is not exceedingly large, and roughly ninety percent of blacks nationwide are voting for Obama for one reason; he's black.

I found a black guy, 3rd row, green shirt behind the podium. :shocking:


New Member I say, she sounds great to me, though I'm hoping she can really compose herself for the Clarence Thomas lynching she's about to receive from the press.

There's a lot of good in this pick. Again though, the only real argument against Obama, and it's a big one, is inexperience. "Hey! I look and sound good! I wanna be president!" Duh, OK.

She's growing on me. Now I wanna see her in action. Her hunting skills are gonna come in handy because she's gotta face the wolves now.
Plus, the fact that she scared Kerad into losing his bowels speaks for something! :lmao:

Well think about this. What experience does a VICE-Presidential candidate need other than hitting a gavel to open the Senate?
McCain has the experience, and she will be getting it ,as VP, and will make an excellent Presidential candidate in 2012 when Mccain decides not to run for a second term.
Something Bush should have thought of in his second term.
She has everything I need to vote for her. Loving Mother of a handicapped child who bore the child instead of aborting it, NRA member ,Clean as a hounds tooth so far, (havent seen the Dem machine start their attacks yet). Governor of a state that wants drilling for oil, Conservative, Female in a feminine way,(that might piss off the Dykes from NOW),has a Native-American husband. She could be the first female President in 2012. She has a son in the active military and McCain has two, that should surely shut up Charlie Rangel who claims republicans dont send their own kids to war.

The slight Bump Obama might get after his "dream" speech, a speech that was most sorely lacking in specifics, wont hold a candle to Mccains picking her for his VP. Lets watch and see who gets the surge in the polls.


New Member what, while this is sinking in, I'm liking it more and more by the minute.

Obama being special (a black or female) GONE.
The Hillary buzz. GONE
Another freaking senator. GONE
Executive experience. CHECK
Pro 2nd amend. CHECK CHECK CHECK
Compelling story CHECK
Grunt work, city council, mayor, CHECK

Hell, she's got the Messiah on resume anyway and she's not a freaking lawyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn I missed that one , and good Gawd a'mighty its a biggie.
Deed By Gawd she is looking good.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Well think about this. What experience does a VICE-Presidential candidate need other than hitting a gavel to open the Senate?

Like it or not, Gore made the veep job a real one and Cheney raised the bar, a lot. She WILL have to have her #### together dealing with foreign leaders. She WILL have to use some weight domestically be it energy or health or education, some major issue will be her bailiwick.


no sh1t. I am getting stoked.

Again, gotta see her in action. She's gotta be able to handle the vultures.

How would you like to be Biden and prepare to debate her? :killingme

I'm reserving any real opinion on this until I've learned more about her and seen her in action. I think the surprise is enough for me to deal with right now.