Gov Sarah Palin?


New Member
I'm not concerned about Obama's experience because I'm definitely not voting for him. I already know he's not experienced enough for the job. So being on the fence for McCain, the experience thing IS a concern of mine.

Its a good thing to be concerned about, but personally I dont think Mccain will die in 2 months, and she will be gaining experience as VP. I look for her to be well in the running in 2012, with her experience as VP behind her.

Certainly Cheney was leaned on a lot as VP and of course Gore picked up Clintons bag money from the Chinese, but I believe she can do just fine as VP and if she has to I am sure she can learn on the job as fast as Obama,but with better counseling coming from people other than Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. If she has any questions on running the Senate she has Mccain who spent 30 years there to help her.


New Member
I am doing the same thing others are doing and searching the youtube videos. Have you noticed the comments? If you scroll through the youtube videos, you'll see all the asses making comments about her being a female and where they'd like to stick their junk. :rolleyes:


NOT Politically Correct!!
I am doing the same thing others are doing and searching the youtube videos. Have you noticed the comments? If you scroll through the youtube videos, you'll see all the asses making comments about her being a female and where they'd like to stick their junk. :rolleyes:

Just like all the adoring girls wishing where NObama would stick his junk!!! :killingme


b*tch rocket
The only question I have is, with this being such an obviously good choice, why did it take so long?

Didn't they used to not announce the VP choice until the conventions?

I speculate that the timing in annoncing his VP choice was to take the wind out of the Democratic Euphoria after the DNC. :yay:


New Member
As it has been pointed out in here a couple of times Palin has executive experience whereas Obama does not. BUT does her executive experience trump Biden's overall legislative experience?

I told you folks that I thought the Veep pick was going to be a big time deciding factor in this race.

So what you are saying is that McCains experience definitely trumps Obama's inexperience, but you are voting for Obama because McCains VP doesnt have experience?

The two dont jibe. If you are voting for experience you will vote for Mccain.

The President is the big job the one where a person should have the most experience.
Of course being VP is a big job, but not near so big as the Presidency which many want to hand to a man who came from nowhere with a suspiscious background in Chicago politics.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I am doing the same thing others are doing and searching the youtube videos. Have you noticed the comments? If you scroll through the youtube videos, you'll see all the asses making comments about her being a female and where they'd like to stick their junk. :rolleyes:

I read some of the comments too but the ones that stuck out were th eones like, "McCain is pandering to women", and "She is a stupid biatch, Hillary is the better choice here."

Hooray for the party of tolerance!


A historic election. regardless of who wins.............I think McCain just committed political suicide though. :coffee:


Crap my pants?!?! :confused:

I'm very pleased with McCain's gift...I mean, his choice for VP. :yay:

I just hope Biden doesn't make her cry during the debate. (Is there only one?)

I hope the Duke of Snide does make her cry. It will be good press, the wealthy, mean, nasty, power hungry, life long grifter attacks do-gooder.


New Member
...we'll just mark this post.


Game over, pal! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah yeah...I know. It's all over now.


Another great thing about this pick is this: For once, I get to genuinely agree with all the Righties on this board. :yay:

Thank you, John McCain!
A historic election. regardless of who wins.............I think McCain just committed political suicide though. :coffee: - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the GOP's Newest Star - Opinion

I like this quote.
"The landscape is littered with the bodies of those who crossed Sarah," says pollster Dave Dittman, who worked for her gubernatorial campaign. It includes Ruedrich, Renkes, Murkowski, gubernatorial contenders John Binkley and Andrew Halcro, the three big oil companies in Alaska, and a section of the Daily News called "Voice of the Times," which was highly critical of Palin and is now defunct."


wandering aimlessly
Brilliant play on McCain's part in keeping everyone guessing right down to the last minute.

She comes from a blue collar background too. She'll scoop up Hillary's folks easy.


New Member
A historic election. regardless of who wins.............I think McCain just committed political suicide though. :coffee:

My 84 year old grandmother called this morning saying the exact same thing and I was arguing with her about why I disagree. :lol: She is sick and not doing very well but that hasn't kept her from arguing politics.


New Member
As it has been pointed out in here a couple of times Palin has executive experience whereas Obama does not. BUT does her executive experience trump Biden's overall legislative experience?


Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Palin served two terms on the Wasilla City Council from 1992 to 1996. In 1996, she challenged the incumbent mayor, criticizing wasteful spending and high taxes.[4] The ex-mayor and sheriff tried to organize a recall campaign, but failed.[4] Palin kept her campaign promises by reducing her own salary, as well as reducing property taxes by 60%.[4] She ran for reelection against the former mayor in 1999, winning by an even larger margin.[4][5] Palin was also elected president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors.[6]


Brilliant play on McCain's part in keeping everyone guessing right down to the last minute.

She comes from a blue collar background too. She'll scoop up Hillary's folks easy.

That'll be McCain's only hope, I don't see the GOP women voters picking up the votes needed.