Funny story related to discussions in this thread.. Names changed to protect the innocent.
Had to go onto PAX for a meeting a few weeks ago. While I was there and after the meeting (it ended around 1:30PM), I noticed the female assistant for the meeting lead headed out the door. Purse in hand, jacket on, etc.
Me: "Oh, is that Marcy headed out the door? Is she off to another meeting?"
John: "No, she has a kid in middle school and she has to pick them up."
Me: "Is there an emergency. Are they OK?"
John: "Oh yeah. They are fine. She picks them up every day."
Me: "She leaves at 1:30 every day?"
John: "Yep!"
Me: "Is she part time?"
John: "Nope. She is full time."
At this point, I didn't even continue the discussion. I know for a fact this person arrives at the office at 8:30AM every day. Now, you do the math.
Have a feeling a lot of this goes on in or around the base.