When the base has had delayed openings and said ok everyone show up at 9am we had huge traffic jams. I live close enough I can hear the national anthem every morning at my house and it took me an hour to get into work.
I have to think that "everybody, back in the office, 8-6 (10 hrs?) 5 days a week" was a generic way of saying, ok, all those people you sent home for COVID, they come back now.
I have absolutely no knowledge of the rest of government - but since COVID ended, it seems hard to believe anyone is still out. I do know that the numbers being promoted are utterly false - most government workers aren't even eligible for telework, and most that do, come in at least a little.
My agency decided - ok, since most everyone is out - and we have more agencies MOVING in to a crowded space - let's take this opportunity to COMPLETELY RENOVATE a two million and a half square foot complex - to be designed for telework - because the pre-COVID crowding was out of control. So yeah - it WAS mostly empty for a long time, but that's because floor after floor were all being renovated.