Govt Work at Home May Be Over


Well-Known Member
I know that most federal workplaces that have parking lots and garages depend on the staggered entry of employees to avoid daily messes - it's typical when storms or power outages that trigger dismissals USUALLY create massive traffic jams as EVERYONE leaves at the same time - instead of a staggered schedule.
When the base has had delayed openings and said ok everyone show up at 9am we had huge traffic jams. I live close enough I can hear the national anthem every morning at my house and it took me an hour to get into work.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
When the base has had delayed openings and said ok everyone show up at 9am we had huge traffic jams. I live close enough I can hear the national anthem every morning at my house and it took me an hour to get into work.
I have to think that "everybody, back in the office, 8-6 (10 hrs?) 5 days a week" was a generic way of saying, ok, all those people you sent home for COVID, they come back now.

I have absolutely no knowledge of the rest of government - but since COVID ended, it seems hard to believe anyone is still out. I do know that the numbers being promoted are utterly false - most government workers aren't even eligible for telework, and most that do, come in at least a little.

My agency decided - ok, since most everyone is out - and we have more agencies MOVING in to a crowded space - let's take this opportunity to COMPLETELY RENOVATE a two million and a half square foot complex - to be designed for telework - because the pre-COVID crowding was out of control. So yeah - it WAS mostly empty for a long time, but that's because floor after floor were all being renovated.


Well-Known Member
I have absolutely no knowledge of the rest of government - but since COVID ended, it seems hard to believe anyone is still out. I do know that the numbers being promoted are utterly false - most government workers aren't even eligible for telework, and most that do, come in at least a little.
Most admin, financial, clerical, and logistical personnel are on telework. How many of those work for the GOV?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Most admin, financial, clerical, and logistical personnel are on telework. How many of those work for the GOV?
When you say most, do you mean, across all federal agencies? Or just say, locally - PAX etc.?

I can't speak for any of that. I do know that the IRS had the bulk of their HQ employees on remote work dating a good ten year's prior to COVID. Other than that - I have no idea.

I know that several of my friends who work military or related agencies in the DC area (say, anti-terrorist or intelligence, for example) - a lot say their admin and clerical work is outsourced. As in, remote contract work. One friend was adamant about it - she'd say, what does all that have to do with the mission of (her government agency). But that's been the situation from at least twenty years ago or more.