I never ever ever even implied that - in fact, my point here, on Twitter and other places online I've made it clear - it's stupid to bring people in if you're accomplishing your mission with an empty building. REPURPOSE or sell the building, which is what BEA and BLS did. Do NOT order everyone back into the building to "save money". It doesn't save anything.
They DID accomplish a number of things, though, The building was already overcrowded and the agency needed to rent space all around town, and ran shuttles to ferry people back and forth. Once COVID hit, they didn't need THOSE spaces at all - or the shuttle.
On another note - I've been saying for DECADES regarding churches, which I've worked with for the same amount of time - why do we waste most of our member's money maintaining a building which is barely used but once or twice a week? Isn't it smarter to either dispose of the building and rent space - or repurpose the existing space to further the church's mission? Say, turn the sanctuary into a shelter or soup kitchen?
EDIT to add -
Sorry - just realized you weren't addressing ME.