Grass clippings in the road
This is actually a viable concern for a few reasons. First, most people who leave the clippings in the road do not do anything to their lawns except mow. the grass clippings are actually weed clippings which contain millions of weed seeds that are then spread throughout the neighborhood into the neighbors lawn. So, if you are having a problem with bermudagrass (wiregrass) or other hard to control weeds, and you are one of the few who care enough to take care of the lawn, look across the street. More than likely you will find the source. If on the other hand you are one of the others who don't care, please keep your weeds to yourself and stop leaving them in the street. Second, grass clippings (and weed clippings) contain primary plant nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Left on the street, they have a direct route down the storm drain to local creeks, rivers and eventually the Chesapeake Bay. Grass is an important filtering device in our "Urban Forest". However, left in the street the clippings can add to the polution problem. Recycle your clippings into the turf. This is a benefit to the lawn because it will recycle plant nutrients, and reduce the amount of fertilizer required to keep your lawn thick, healthy, beautiful and an environmental assett.