Gun Control Laws And Opposition


PREMO Member

NY Gov. Hochul: We Need National Laws to Deal with Guns, Social Media

Hochul said, “They need to be called out. And leaders elected officials from both parties need to stand up at this moment and call it out and to shame it and to make sure these people crawl back into their holes and stay there. This cannot be part of our mainstream dialogue here in the United States of America. Leaders have a responsibility to call it out.”

She added, “As a leader of the state of New York, I also have a responsibility to make sure we protect people with respect to guns. We have some of the toughest laws in America on the books here, but the guns are coming in from other states or the enhanced magazine, which is exactly what happened here, the high-capacity magazine that led to the slaughter of people in my hometown. So, we are dealing with it on the gun side but also on the social media side. And the combination of the wild access to guns, unfettered, we need national laws to deal with this as well as the unfettered sharing of hate information on the internet, that is a lethal combination. We saw that on display here just hours ago yesterday.”

Ah the country has NATIONAL Gun Laws ... Enforce the Laws on the Books NOW


PREMO Member

Top NYPD official decries ‘ghost gun’ threat, blames it on bail reform

“There has not been a time in modern history where this many people have been walking around with guns not fearful of the consequences,” Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Miller told host John Catsimatidis on his WABC 770 AM radio show.

Miller pointed to an incident just last week to illustrate his point. An NYPD cop, Officer Dennis Vargas, of the Bronx Borough public safety team, was shot in the arm in an exchange of gunfire with a man who had been freed ahead of a sentencing date connected to a past gun bust. The suspect, Rameek Smith, was killed in the Tuesday shootout.

“So you see the triangle of quality of life crimes lead to people involved in other violations of the law, including violent crimes,” Miller said.

City and police officials have made shootings a priority in terms of crime-fighting — with the NYPD launching special anti-gun teams to combat the scourge.


PREMO Member

The thing is the “boy” in question (the alleged perp) was not of the “white supremacist” variety Swalwell was trying to insinuate. He’s reportedly a Chinese immigrant “motivated by political hatred directed at the Taiwanese community,” according to the L.A. Times. And an Asian-American man lost his life stopping the shooter from hurting more people.

I’ve found that the best thing to do after hearing about mass tragedies is first to pray and then stay offline for 24 hours before reacting. That would be good advice for Swalwell to take as well, but apparently, he enjoys opening his mouth and inserting his foot as often as possible for the sweet RTs and likes he gets from his gullible followers. It’s something that does ZERO to help this country grieve and find solutions, but as history has shown us this is about the “best” we can expect out of self-important creeps like Swalwell.



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

NY Gov. Hochul: We Need National Laws to Deal with Guns, Social Media

Hochul said, “They need to be called out. And leaders elected officials from both parties need to stand up at this moment and call it out and to shame it and to make sure these people crawl back into their holes and stay there. This cannot be part of our mainstream dialogue here in the United States of America. Leaders have a responsibility to call it out.”

She added, “As a leader of the state of New York, I also have a responsibility to make sure we protect people with respect to guns. We have some of the toughest laws in America on the books here, but the guns are coming in from other states or the enhanced magazine, which is exactly what happened here, the high-capacity magazine that led to the slaughter of people in my hometown. So, we are dealing with it on the gun side but also on the social media side. And the combination of the wild access to guns, unfettered, we need national laws to deal with this as well as the unfettered sharing of hate information on the internet, that is a lethal combination. We saw that on display here just hours ago yesterday.”

Ah the country has NATIONAL Gun Laws ... Enforce the Laws on the Books NOW
Not a supporter of states rights I guess?


Well-Known Member

This will always be an incredibly easy argument for the left to win (according to their standards). If there are zero guns, there will be zero gun fatalities. Anything short of zero guns isn't real gun control.


PREMO Member
Democratic Senators have introduced new gun control legislation that would, among other things, institute a federal license requirement to buy a gun.

Democratic New Jersey Senators Bod Menendez and Cory Booker, and Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal introduced the “Federal Firearm Licensing Act” Thursday. The bill would institute a requirement for gun purchasers to obtain a firearms license through the Department of Justice before buying or receiving a gun.

The text of the bill states in part:

[It] shall be unlawful for any individual to purchase or receive a firearm unless the individual has a valid Federal firearm license.

The bill then outlines the procedure for establishing the license under the Department of Justice, directing the attorney general to establish a system for issuing them. In order to be eligible to obtain the license itself, a prospective licensee must first complete a firearms safety course, which includes “a written test, to demonstrate knowledge of applicable firearms laws; and hands-on testing, including firing testing, to demonstrate safe use and sufficient accuracy of a firearm.” After that, the licensee must pass a federal background check and a criminal history; submit proof of identification; fingerprints; and information about the firearm the licensee intends to buy or obtain, including “make, model, and serial number, and the identity of the firearm seller or transferor.”



PREMO Member

I'm Not Desensitized to School Shootings. I'm Desensitized to the Predictable Reactions.

That’s the process to which I’ve become completely desensitized. I’m desensitized to the folks who have deconstructed every aspect of our society they can get their hands on and then wonder why some children have no hope and fall through the ever-widening cracks. I turned 50 last year. Sadly, I’ve been through a lot of these mass shootings now. Every time something like this happens we recoil in righteous horror, followed by special interest and political groups screaming about gun control. We have done everything we can as a society to destroy things like the church and the Boy Scouts via endless lawsuits, while allowing similar abuse to continue unchecked in other institutions that are not as eminently able to be sued. I’m looking at you, public schools. We’ve spent the past several decades watching declining membership in America’s churches, civic organizations, extracurricular character-building activities for kids, and basic civic involvement.

Meanwhile, we spend way more time worrying about the .001 percent of children who might be questioning their gender, targeting kids on the autism and Asperger’s spectrum for conversion without parental notification (don’t come at me, I know several parents of kids on the spectrum who had this happen). We don’t allow for tomboy girls, and boys who have trouble fitting in their skin, to spend their childhood in the unfettered discovery of their true identity, as we did in previous generations. We throw out all of the successful classical curricula that have been shown effective throughout the decades, to create an environment in which everything that ever existed is racist or oppressive. We are no longer allowed to say the U.S. Constitution is an expression of our aspirational goals as an experimental nation. We’re not allowed to say the United States of America is the boldest, most daring experiment in the history of mankind.

Framing every societal condition, positive or negative, in the simplistic Marxian framework of power dynamics, has led to disunity and confusion among the people. We are no longer aspirational as a society. We tell our kids the world will end in twelve years, despite overwhelming evidence that we’ve made so many things better in the world. Thus, too many of our citizens are not individually aspirational anymore. We only consider things in the framework of power dynamics of groups.


PREMO Member

Democrats Pounce On Texas School Shooting, Demand Taking Away Constitutional Rights

Leading the charge in pushing for more gun control laws was Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), who said that Republicans needed to find a way to work with Democrats to “pass laws that make this less likely.”

Murphy also suggested that mental illness was not the problem when it came to major shootings.

“Spare me the bull**** about mental illness. We don’t have any more mental illness than any other country in the world,” Murphy claimed. “You cannot explain this through a prism of mental illness because we don’t — we’re not an outlier on mental illness. We’re an outlier when it comes to access to firearms and the ability of criminals and very sick people to get their hands on firearms. That’s what makes America different.”

Other notable Democrats who seized on the tragedy to call for more gun control laws included Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

“The horrific rampage in TX once again makes clear that there are some very sick people in this country with guns in their hands who should not have them,” Sanders said. “Congress may not be able to end this problem, but we must at least pass commonsense gun reforms to finally protect the public.”

The how else do you explain the mental state of someone willing to shoot a bunch of children

black dog

Free America
Not a supporter of states rights I guess?

Would it be a good thing if Federal Law said,
States could not ban certain firearms.
States could not require a card to purchase firearms or ammunition.
States could not place a limit on how many firearms one can buy in a certain time period.
States or municipalities could not ban certain ammunition.
States cannot require more paperwork than Federal requirements.
That all States be Shall Issue States National Constitutional carry.

And hundreds more.

black dog

Free America
Democratic Senators have introduced new gun control legislation that would, among other things, institute a federal license requirement to buy a gun.

Democratic New Jersey Senators Bod Menendez and Cory Booker, and Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal introduced the “Federal Firearm Licensing Act” Thursday. The bill would institute a requirement for gun purchasers to obtain a firearms license through the Department of Justice before buying or receiving a gun.

The text of the bill states in part:

The bill then outlines the procedure for establishing the license under the Department of Justice, directing the attorney general to establish a system for issuing them. In order to be eligible to obtain the license itself, a prospective licensee must first complete a firearms safety course, which includes “a written test, to demonstrate knowledge of applicable firearms laws; and hands-on testing, including firing testing, to demonstrate safe use and sufficient accuracy of a firearm.” After that, the licensee must pass a federal background check and a criminal history; submit proof of identification; fingerprints; and information about the firearm the licensee intends to buy or obtain, including “make, model, and serial number, and the identity of the firearm seller or transferor.”

Sounds like buying a handgun in Maryland...


Well-Known Member

Democrats Pounce On Texas School Shooting, Demand Taking Away Constitutional Rights

Leading the charge in pushing for more gun control laws was Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), who said that Republicans needed to find a way to work with Democrats to “pass laws that make this less likely.”

Murphy also suggested that mental illness was not the problem when it came to major shootings.

“Spare me the bull**** about mental illness. We don’t have any more mental illness than any other country in the world,” Murphy claimed. “You cannot explain this through a prism of mental illness because we don’t — we’re not an outlier on mental illness. We’re an outlier when it comes to access to firearms and the ability of criminals and very sick people to get their hands on firearms. That’s what makes America different.”

Other notable Democrats who seized on the tragedy to call for more gun control laws included Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

“The horrific rampage in TX once again makes clear that there are some very sick people in this country with guns in their hands who should not have them,” Sanders said. “Congress may not be able to end this problem, but we must at least pass commonsense gun reforms to finally protect the public.”

The how else do you explain the mental state of someone willing to shoot a bunch of children

If its a white person, its a white supremacist. When its a black person like the NYC subway guy, it was mental illness.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Other notable Democrats who seized on the tragedy to call for more gun control laws included Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

“The horrific rampage in TX once again makes clear that there are some very sick people in this country with guns in their hands who should not have them,” Sanders said. “Congress may not be able to end this problem, but we must at least pass commonsense gun reforms to finally protect the public.”

The how else do you explain the mental state of someone willing to shoot a bunch of children
Same tired old refrain....and same utter lack of definition; exactly what could be passed that would actually protect anyone...and how.