Gun Control Laws And Opposition


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Investigators Claim David Used Illegal ‘Ghost’ Sling In Lethal Assault Against Goliath

BET SHEMESH, ISRAEL—Investigators working with the Israel Antiquities Authority have claimed David used an illegal "ghost" sling in his famous battle with Goliath. Experts allege the ghost sling would have been untraceable, which would account for why Goliath was caught off guard so easily.

"Goliath, a man who stood about 7'10" by modern reckoning, would not have been defeated so easily if David had a legal sling registered with the proper authorities," said Dr. Phil Gath, a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. "David probably used a 3D printer or something, maybe he just stole some leather and grabbed some stones to put something together himself. We're not sure where the sling came from."

"But we are certain it did not have an authenticated serial number registered with a government database," he added.



PREMO Member

Firearms have no place in civilized society. We should repeal the 2nd Amendment

Biden and anti-gun lobbyists "pussyfoot" around the only real issue — the "right" itself —while insanities are amok and lunatics run the asylum. We seem precariously balanced on a fragile tipping point. The time seems right and essential for a total reboot as the only sensible solution to the gun violence problem. (Gun violence being a redundancy).

Firearm use is by definition a violent act (homicide when a human is the recipient) and has no place in civilized society. Nothing ever invented is easier to obtain or more lethal with less effort than a firearm. No reasonable person could possibly imagine that expressing one's feelings or opinions with a bullet could be equivalent to "free speech" or even exist as a "right" on the same piece of paper.

The only real solution must begin with the repeal of the 2nd Amendment in its entirety and without delay. It might then be re-written in clear language as a privilege to be strictly regulated — the details to be worked out later by usual democratic means. This would include specifics as to legal and reasonable legitimacy of uses, manufacture, sales, types, and related products.


PREMO Member

BB guns are typically used for target practice and pest control. They are also legal in the U.K.

One of the BB guns in the photo was the iconic Daisy Red Ryder 650 air rifle. A product description on Amazon of a similar gun details that the Daisy Red Ryder 650 “has been the dream of youths since its introduction in 1940.”

“The most popular BB gun in the world remains faithful to its original design,” the description reads. “With its solid wood stock and forearm, lariat ring with a leather saddle thong, today’s Daisy Red Ryder is the spittin’ image of the one you cherished growing up.”


black dog

Free America

BB guns are typically used for target practice and pest control. They are also legal in the U.K.

One of the BB guns in the photo was the iconic Daisy Red Ryder 650 air rifle. A product description on Amazon of a similar gun details that the Daisy Red Ryder 650 “has been the dream of youths since its introduction in 1940.”

“The most popular BB gun in the world remains faithful to its original design,” the description reads. “With its solid wood stock and forearm, lariat ring with a leather saddle thong, today’s Daisy Red Ryder is the spittin’ image of the one you cherished growing up.”

Its not the same for quite awhile now, when I was a kid you could unscrew the BB barrel and shoot dirt clods, chunks of crab apples and other items out of the gun then.
Now the BB barrels are welded to the outer tube. Daisy killed lots of fun.
Instead of a new one I gave my son mine as a kid.


PREMO Member

Well, Whaddya Know… Stats Validate What Gun Owners Have Been Saying For Years

According to a recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, there is a direct correlation between gun ownership and crime, but that correlation doesn’t align with the storyline from the “guns are bad” crowd. In fact, shocker… it shows just the opposite.

The NBER analysis used Tennessee’s database for handgun carry permit holders, and then cross-referenced that data with crime statistics in those zip codes. It was determined that once information from the database was publicized, in areas where gun ownership was highest, burglaries were correspondingly lower. Conversely, in areas with relatively low gun ownership, burglaries were considerably higher:

“Our analysis suggests a post-publicization relative decrease – both in absolute and in percentage terms – in burglaries in zip codes with higher numbers of gun permits, relative to zip codes with median numbers of permits, and a post-publicization relative increase in zip codes with fewer gun permits: our estimates suggest an 18% relative decrease of burglaries in those zip codes with the largest number of gun permits.”


Power with Control
No reasonable person could possibly imagine that expressing one's feelings or opinions with a bullet could be equivalent to "free speech" or even exist as a "right" on the same piece of paper.

They have it backwards. You use the bullets when the govt removes your free speech. IF you cant stop them from doing that, then the First becomes a privilege.

It might then be re-written in clear language as a privilege to be strictly regulated — the details to be worked out later by usual democratic means.

Ah, yes, the usual democratic means. You mean like Maryland has used? No thanks.


Well-Known Member
The Democrats have every intention of making us as servile as the citizens of Communist China.


PREMO Member

California’s under-21 gun sales ban unconstitutional

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A U.S. appeals court ruled Wednesday that California’s ban on the sale of semiautomatic weapons to adults under 21 is unconstitutional.

In a 2-1 ruling, a panel of the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Wednesday the law violates the Second Amendment right to bear arms and a San Diego judge should have blocked what it called “an almost total ban on semiautomatic centerfire rifles” for young adults. “America would not exist without the heroism of the young adults who fought and died in our revolutionary army,” Judge Ryan Nelson wrote. “Today we reaffirm that our Constitution still protects the right that enabled their sacrifice: the right of young adults to keep and bear arms.”