Originally posted by huntr1
They are also excellent investments. Esp. with all these gun bans. A buddy of mine bought a pre-ban HK 91 that was ex-swat team (or something like that). This was in the late 90's (about '99) for $1500. It is now worth over $3000.
Sorry huntr1, but assault weapons are lousy investments. Yes, a pre-ban HK-91 sells for around $2,500, but only a real purist would pay that much for one as now Century Arms is making build-up guns (HkK parts on a CA receiver) and these are selling for about $400. The only difference is there is a muzzle brake in place of the flash supressor and no more functional folding stocks (they must be locked in place.) Also, now that CA is making receivers for the HK-91, you can expect to see shorty variations of the 91, HK-93s, and HK-94s (MP-5s) coming shortly. About the only assault weapons that were banned that you can't get at a discount price right now are the FN/FNC and M-1A rifles.
Here are some sample prices:
AR-15A2: Pre-Ban Price - $650, Immediate Post-Ban Price - $1,500, Price Today - $525
FN/FAL: Pre-Ban Price - $1,300, Immediate Post-Ban Price - $2,500, Price Today - $390
HK-91: Pre-Ban Price - $750, Immediate Post-Ban Price - $2,500, Price Today - $400
CETME (Early version of HK-91): Pre-Ban Price - N/A (None were imported to USA), Immediate Post-Ban Price - $N/A, Price Today - $325
M-1A Standard: Pre-Ban Price - $850, Immediate Post-Ban Price - $1,500, Price Today - $1,100
AKM (AK-47): Pre-Ban Price - $350, Immediate Post-Ban Price - $750, Price Today - $300
AKS: Pre-Ban Price - $150, Immediate Post-Ban Price - $250, Price Today - $140
As you can see... the vaunted Assaut Weapons Ban did anything but ban these weapons. In fact, the ban greatly increased the availability, and decreased the price, of most of these weapons.
Also, the same deal was seen with high-capacity pistol magazines. Even though the manufacture of these was banned, there were millions of them on the market. So, there was a brief spike due to panic buying after the ban, and then the market corrected due to oversupply and the fact that the ban on high-capacity magazines resulted in a flood of compact pistols that people have been buying instead of the larger pistols.
This was also a god send to criminals as they no longer had to rely on cheap, unreliable, saturday night specials from South America anymore. Now they could have a nice high-performance Glock, Colt, S&W, Sig-Sauer, etc., pocket pistol. Way to go Clinton!