Hamas Attacks aka Religion Of Peace


PREMO Member
Hamas’ Call For Global ‘Day of Rage’ Prompts Terrorist Attacks, Demonstrations Across The World

For context, Hamas is an Iranian-backed terrorist organization that launched a horrific attack against Israel earlier this week, resulting in the deaths of more than 1,200 innocent civilians. Days after the initial attack, Khaled Meshaal, Hamas’ ex-chief (2004-2017) who resides in Qatar, called for worldwide demonstrations in support of Palestinians living in Gaza and Muslim-majority Middle Eastern countries to wage war against Israel. He also claimed the day represents a “moment for the application” of jihad.

“[We must] head to the squares and streets of the Arab and Islamic world on Friday,” Meshaal said. “To all scholars who teach jihad … to all who teach and learn, this is a moment for the application [of jihad].”

“The entire planet will be under our law, there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors,” he added.

Several acts of violence and anti-Israel demonstrations have since been reported in cities across the world on Friday that appear to be in response to Meshaal’s call to action.


PREMO Member

You Cannot Coexist With Evil

By Ted Noel

To use an expression that politicians love when covering their lies, let me be perfectly clear: Israel cannot coexist with evil. It’s just that simple. The Apostle Paul put it this way:

“Do not be unequally bound together with unbelievers [do not make mismatched alliances with them, inconsistent with your faith]. For what partnership can righteousness have with lawlessness? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” 2 Corinthians 6:14 (Amplified Bible)

I doubt if the Apostle was thinking about our modern strife, but it’s pretty clear that he knew the principles in play. After all, God told Abraham that his heirs would not possess the Promised Land until the “iniquity of the Amorite” was full (Gen 15:16). We know from Amos 2:9-10 that the Amorites were giants. These giants were the progeny of fallen gods and human women (Gen 6:2, 4). The Israelites were to utterly wipe out all the giant clans (devote them to destruction). And before you throw that other size 9, read The Unseen Realm, by Michael S. Heiser PhD. It’s all in the Bible.

But I’m not here to do theology. The Apostle’s principle is in play here. God does not require us to wipe out our neighbors if they don’t believe in Him. And most secular moderns are happy to go along and get along. But Israel’s neighbors aren’t the slightest bit interested in coexistence. Their recent actions show the utter evil of their hearts. In spite of this being demonstrated multiple times in the past, Israel has attempted to deal with them as equals, making peace treaties that the neighbors violated repeatedly.

No sane person would behead babies (unless he’s an abortionist, but I repeat myself). Then, add in raping women in the presence of the bloody bodies of their babies, then killing the women. I don’t care who you are, this is not the act of a civilized entity. It is the act of sub-humans devoted to the service of a false god who demands obedience at the point of a sword. It is pure evil. No words can properly convey how utterly depraved such a god and his followers are. And this is where our compassion must be replaced by cold calculation.


Image: Internet meme. Creator unknown.


Lanny Davis points out that Hamas and its ilk have no interest in a separate Palestinian state. On multiple occasions, they were offered one and rejected it out of hand. One must wonder what Israeli leaders were thinking when they “made peace” on those occasions. The Muslims made it clear that their only interest was the complete and utter destruction of Israel and all Jews. That is to be followed shortly by subjugation of the entire world and the murder of any who don’t like it.

At this point, we have to ask, “How can the jihadis make it any clearer?” They hate you. They hate that you exist, breathe, and occupy space. Their religion sanctions their bloodthirsty actions. Women are possessions. If they misbehave, they can be flogged. A bit more misbehavior and they can be killed. Infidel women can then be pressed into slavery to the jihadi. That’s perfectly OK. And if the jihadi dies in battle, he gets seventy more virgins to do as he commands.


PREMO Member

Minnesota Woman Who Spent Life Advocating For Palestinian Rights Is Murdered By Hamas

Cindy, 67, spent much of her life protesting against Israeli military action in Gaza and advocating for the rights of Palestinians. On October 7, approximately 2,000 Hamas terrorists stormed the Israel-Gaza border and executed a highly detailed terrorist attack that experts say likely took over a year to plan — and Cindy is one of more than two dozen Americans who is confirmed dead from the terrorist attack.

Cindy and Igal, 66, were murdered in their safe room in Kfar Aza, a kibbutz in southern Israel that experienced some of the most barbaric acts during the attack.

“They are breaking down the safe room door,” Flash said in a text message to her daughter, 34-year-old Karen, who was nearby. “We need someone to come by the house right now.”

Keren told CNN that the terrorists then “managed to break into the safe room” and that was “the last time anyone heard from them.”

According to the New York Post, Cindy was a “staunch advocate for the rights of Palestinians.”


Power with Control
Two points.

1. I wonder what the western students reaction will be if those pro=palestinian screamers decided to get all intifada on campus. Scream for the police, of course. "We didnt think the scorpion would sting us!!!!!" they would wail in their final voicemails.

2. The fact that the Minnesotan lady knew she needed a safe room, yet still advocated for the very people who slaughtered her speaks to a cognitive dissonance on an epic scale.


PREMO Member
1. I wonder what the western students reaction will be if those pro=palestinian screamers decided to get all intifada on campus. Scream for the police, of course. "We didnt think the scorpion would sting us!!!!!" they would wail in their final voicemails.

Perhaps like the GF of the AntiFA Stooge knifed to death in NYC 2 weeks ago, she did NOT want to cooperate with police.

Send them SOCIAL WORKERS Not Armed Police ......


Well-Known Member
Two points.

1. I wonder what the western students reaction will be if those pro=palestinian screamers decided to get all intifada on campus. Scream for the police, of course. "We didnt think the scorpion would sting us!!!!!" they would wail in their final voicemails.

2. The fact that the Minnesotan lady knew she needed a safe room, yet still advocated for the very people who slaughtered her speaks to a cognitive dissonance on an epic scale.
This is the ignorance of the woke. The people who want to close down the oil that is used in tractors to grow food, the oil and coal that keeps us warm and supplies our electricity, the people who want to make us defenseless by taking our guns, the people who invite illegals to our country to live in 5 star hotels and destroy the hotel, the people who cry when they see babies killed but cheer the abortionists in America, The people who want prisoners turned loose in our cities, because these same people who are in prison are the same people who destroyed our school system and refused to learn when they had the opportunity. These people who call others who don't agree with them whet supremacist and Domestic terrorist because they don't want to live where they need to have safe rooms.

They sit with their warm feelings of Kumbaya, until the wolf eats them.


PREMO Member
But there is something else going on, something beyond even Israel’s need to win the war or the entirely appropriate desire to exact revenge. The Palestinians, and Gazans in particular, have the sickest culture on Earth. Little productive work is done; Gaza exists largely as the beneficiary of international welfare. Instead of goods and services, the main product of Gaza is ideology–the perverted ideology of Jew-hatred.

Of all the appalling images that have emerged from Israel and Gaza, this one may be the most chilling. A captured Israeli boy who appears to be around six or seven years old is tormented by Palestinian children:

The inhuman heartlessness of these Palestinian children is the product of their education and upbringing. Gazan children are taught that killing Jews is the highest human achievement and religious duty. They are taught that they must wipe Israel off the map. In fact, in their schools they are given maps on which Israel has already ceased to exist. They are not reared to pursue gainful occupations, enrich their communities or enjoy the arts. They are reared to hate, and to kill, Jews–all the Jews who live “from the river to the sea.”

Israel has learned through bitter experience that it does little good to decapitate Gaza’s political leadership, Hamas. As long as Gaza’s sick culture exists, new leaders will be easy to find and the society’s perverted aims will be pursued. So the ultimate objective of Israel’s current military effort should be to destroy the culture that has rendered Gaza an implacable foe.



PREMO Member

💣 In another tragic friendly-fire incident, the dreaded scourge of ‘cancellation’ struck at home. NBC ran a story yesterday headlined, “Top law firm rescinds job offers to Ivy League students who signed Israel letters.” The headline is misleadingly ambiguous. The students signed an “anti-Israel” letter, or maybe a “pro-Hamas” letter.

After the Harvard Crimson published the pro-Hamas letter on October 10th, a series of corporate executives and public figures who have been training for years in cancel culture and woke virtue signaling leapt into action. According to NBC, just part of the response included:

— Sweetgreen CEO Jonathan Neman tweeted that he would “like to know” which students signed the Harvard statement “so I know never to hire these people.”

— “Same,” EasyHealth CEO David Duel tweeted, replying to Neman.

— FabFitFun CEO Michael Broukhim echoed them, and tweeted, “We are in as well,” and, “Discriminating against terrorist supporters is the most comically easy decision I’ll ever have to make as a CEO.”

— Judge Matthew Solomson of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims reportedly said on LinkedIn that he would not let any of the students who signed the statements clerk for him.

— Prominent donors have cut ties with Harvard because it protected the students’ identities. The angry donors included the Wexner Foundation — co-founded by Leslie Wexner, the former CEO of Victoria’s Secret.

It looks like the CEO talk wasn’t just bluster. According to NBC, U.S. law giant Davis Polk sent out an internal email yesterday announcing it rescinded job offers to three law students from Harvard and Columbia universities who signed the pro-Hamas letters.

This must all be so confusing for these students. They thought they were playing Woke-opoly right, and virtue-signaled for all the right causes: race, check. Trans, check. Masks, check. Jabs, check. Ukraine, check. Palestine, check! But wait! They went one issue too far!

When the leftist rubber hit the progressive road, the pro-Palestine students went under the bus. Or something. You get the idea.



Power with Control
So I've heard of at least two cases of people being drug out of safe rooms. Seems like that designation needs a revisit.


Well-Known Member
So I've heard of at least two cases of people being drug out of safe rooms. Seems like that designation needs a revisit.
To be fair, the safe-rooms were provided by ACME, and they outsourced their assembly instructions to the guys who write IKEA furniture instructions.



PREMO Member

Alan Dershowitz Says Hamas-Supporting Harvard Students Should be Treated Like the KKK (VIDEO)

He said that people should not hire them and praised a UC-Berkeley professor who recently said the same thing.

Dershowitz’s point is that these people have the same position as neo-Nazis and he is right.

From Breitbart News:

“There should be no distinction between these neo-Nazis, the ones at Harvard, and the neo-Nazis who everybody would say that no nobody should employ. I admire the professor from Berkeley who said: Don’t hire my students. My students — I would say the same thing. Don’t hire my students. You know, these are people who don’t deserve to be hired, and more importantly, your clients don’t deserve to be serviced by bigots, racists and antisemites like this.”


PREMO Member

“Evidence on Display at Israel’s Forensic Pathology Center Confirms Hamas’ Atrocities”

Medialine: “Many bodies, including those of babies, are without heads.” Daily Mail: “‘There is evidence of mass rape so brutal that they broke their victims’ pelvis – women, grandmothers, children.” Fox News’ Trey Yingst: “We’ve left out some incredibly graphic details about what Hamas did to the bodies of women they slaughtered. They are too disturbing to explain on TV.”