Hamas Attacks aka Religion Of Peace


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Tomorrow is Friday the 13th.. I suppose we will see what it brings in places like Dearborn.

If I lived close I would be sure to be prepared to greet any fool who listened to this coward in Qatar.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Meanwhile, from the perpetual defenders of barbary, butchery and death, CNN...

22 min ago
Israel cut off electricity, food, water and fuel supplies to Gaza. Here's how it looks
After Hamas attacked Israel on Saturday, Israel responded by ordering a "complete seige," of Gaza, cutting off food, electricity, fuel and water supplies.

The UN said in a statement released Thursday that residents in Gaza "have lived under unlawful blockade for 16 years," and condemned this "further tightening" of the blockade.

Take a look at how Israel is cutting off Gaza:

Humanitarian crisis grows as Israel cuts off Gaza
Israel ordered a “complete siege” on Gaza on Monday evening, halting electricity, food, water and fuel supplies going into the territory. On Wednesday, Gaza’s sole power source ran out of fuel, Gaza officials said. Ongoing Israeli airstrikes have displaced more than 1 in 7 of Gaza’s population, and access to water has become a challenge due to damage and the reduction in power supply to sewage infrastructure



American Beauty
PREMO Member
Meanwhile, from the perpetual defenders of barbary, butchery and death, CNN...

22 min ago
Israel cut off electricity, food, water and fuel supplies to Gaza. Here's how it looks
After Hamas attacked Israel on Saturday, Israel responded by ordering a "complete seige," of Gaza, cutting off food, electricity, fuel and water supplies.

The UN said in a statement released Thursday that residents in Gaza "have lived under unlawful blockade for 16 years," and condemned this "further tightening" of the blockade.

Take a look at how Israel is cutting off Gaza:

Humanitarian crisis grows as Israel cuts off Gaza
Israel ordered a “complete siege” on Gaza on Monday evening, halting electricity, food, water and fuel supplies going into the territory. On Wednesday, Gaza’s sole power source ran out of fuel, Gaza officials said. Ongoing Israeli airstrikes have displaced more than 1 in 7 of Gaza’s population, and access to water has become a challenge due to damage and the reduction in power supply to sewage infrastructure

Too bad, so sad. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
U.S. — Following the controversy that arose due to comments made by a group of outspoken members of Congress known as "The Squad" regarding the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel, a GoFundMe that proposes sending "The Squad" to Gaza raised $5 million within just a few hours.



PREMO Member
There was much skepticism shown initially, with some claiming the i24 reporter had "backtracked" on her claim. She hadn't actually done so, but that quickly became irrelevant when CBS News, CNN, and other mainline outlets confirmed the atrocities had taken place. Later, a report that Secretary of State Antony Blinken had been shown the pictures further cemented what had happened.

Still, some remained skeptical, and after days of denials and demands for proof, pictures have been released.

For multiple reasons, I'm not going to directly post the images in this write-up. I also do not recommend you go seek them out given the horrifying nature of them. It's truly one of those things you will not be able to unsee. But if you are someone or you know someone who is still skeptical, you can very easily find them on social media. That's as far as I'll go in directing people to their location.

So what do the pictures show? One is of a bloodied baby in an unzipped body bag that appears to have been shot in the head. The child appears to be about six months old. Another photo shows the charred remains of a baby that was burned alive by the terrorists who invaded the Kibbutz. That's as far into describing the pictures as I feel comfortable going.



PREMO Member

Egypt: No way we let Gazans into our country

In fact, it was ridiculous to expect Egypt to open corridors for a Gazan retreat in the first place. Perhaps Western diplomats forget the circumstances in which Egypt’s leader, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, came to power in 2014. A popular uprising from the Muslim Brotherhood in the so-called Arab spring forced Hosni Mubarak from power and eventually led to the election of Muslim Brotherhood figure Mohammed Morsi as president in 2011. The new Muslim Brotherhood government rapidly began to radicalize Egypt, and the military conducted a coup led in part by al-Sisi in 2013, after which followed a period of violence between the interim regime and forces led by the Muslim Brotherhood attempting to restore Morsi. In 2014, al-Sisi won the elections run by the military government at the time, and he’s been a target of the Muslim Brotherhood ever since.

Why does this matter? Hamas is a spin-off and ally of the Muslim Brotherhood. To admit two million Gazan supporters of Hamas into Egypt, even if one could filter out the actual Hamas terrorists, would be a form of suicide for al-Sisi. To even ask for this from al-Sisi is an expression of historical ignorance. Mubarak and al-Sisi both kept the containment policy firmly in place for their own survival, and one of the reasons the Egyptian military took action to depose Morsi was because he was about to lift that strategy:

Palestinians in Gaza feel that Morsi repeatedly paid a price for his political and moral positions in favour of them, despite a presidency that lasted less than a year. They feel indebted to him for calling for the lifting of the unjust Israeli siege. And his words were not just words: Morsi ordered Egyptian authorities to permanently open the Rafah crossing, the gateway for Palestinians in Gaza to the outside world. …
In the 2014 war on Gaza, Egyptian interference prolonged the war, which lasted more than 50 days. Sisi, who wanted to punish Hamas – the Palestinian offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood – did not agree to a ceasefire until Palestinian armed groups accepted Israeli demands.

So which genius in the Biden administration and/or Sunak government thought that al-Sisi would allow Hamas-led Gazans to flow into Egypt?

And it actually runs deeper than Hamas. The main reason why no other Sunni state will accept Palestinians comes from Jordan’s experiment with sheltering the Palestinian Liberation Organization. King Hussein allowed the Palestinians to evacuate their positions from the West Bank after the 1967 Six-Day War into eastern Jordan, after which they held off the Israelis in a separate battle in 1968. That prompted an avalanche of recruitment and fundraising for the PLO, which then began to operate as its own sovereign entity within Jordan. That touched off a series of battles from 1970-71, with Hussein eventually expelling the PLO to Lebanon by military force — where the Palestinians started another civil war, which lasted from the mid-1970s to 1990. (The Palestinians call this Black September, which is why the PLO gave that name to their military wing headed for years by Mahmoud Abbas.)

Any Arab country that accepts radicalized Palestinians en masse will eventually pay for it with civil war. Anyone who proposes such a solution is a fool, and any Arab leader that accepts it is an idiot. Why do people think that these leaders insist that the Palestinians have to settle their issues in situ? Between the PLO and Hamas, the Palestinians are too radicalized to handle.


PREMO Member
When the sirens went off on Saturday, Hand said he wasn’t concerned until he heard gunshots — and when he tried to reach his daughter, who was at a friend’s home for a sleepover, he was unable to find her. He tearfully recounted the moment he learned of her death during an interview with CNN reporter Clarissa Ward.

“They just said, ‘We found Emily, she’s dead,’ and I went, ‘Yes,'” Hand recalled. “I went ‘Yes,’ and smiled because that is the best news of the possibilities that I knew. The best possibility that I was hoping for.”

Hand went on to explain that, in the aftermath of the horrific attacks Hamas terrorists had perpetrated against Israeli civilians, he knew that his daughter was either dead or in enemy hands. And given what he knew about the way Hamas has treated captives in the past, he said that he could only hope that she was dead so that she would not have to endure that.



PREMO Member

Muslim Org That Advised White House Gives Students, K-12 Parents Script To Denounce ‘One-Sided’ Support Of Israel

“In the wake of Israel’s recent assault on Gaza, many schools and universities have recently released one-sided statements of support for Israel that have been emailed to students, families, and community members in their school districts,” CAIR of California wrote. “The schools’ statements fail to acknowledge the dispossession of the Palestinian people under the illegal Israeli occupation and apartheid system or their humanity as they are bombarded and killed by Israeli forces.”

CAIR’s templates for both colleges and K-12 schools, which read the same, argue that support of Israel is “unbalanced and bias[ed]” since it does not acknowledge “the ongoing and historical suffering and death of Palestinians.” The letters accuse Israel of keeping Palestinians in an “open-air prison” and engaging in a 15-year “siege and blockade” of the Gaza Strip.

Israel ended its military occupation of Gaza in 2005, according to the New York Times. The Jewish state has been providing water and electricity in the area for years, but recently cut off access to the resources in an effort to regain the hostages taken during the attacks, according to multiple reports.

“It is essential that your school keep in mind that the Palestinian people have endured decades of dispossession, dehumanization, and annexation under the illegal Israeli occupation and apartheid system,” the letters read. “Their humanity should be recognized and respected as they face the devastating consequences of violence, including the recent Israeli airstrikes in Gaza.”


PREMO Member

Israeli billionaire Idan Ofer quits Harvard board, blasts university’s president over Hamas student letter

Israeli billionaire Idan Ofer and his wife are resigning their posts on the executive board of Harvard’s Kennedy School in protest of school President Claudine Gay’s belated lukewarm response to the student letter blaming Israel for the massacre committed by Hamas terrorists on Saturday.

Ofer, the shipping and chemicals magnate whose net worth was valued by Forbes at $14 billion as of Thursday, said that he and his wife were quitting the board, according to the Hebrew-language news site TheMarker.

Ofer and his wife, Batia, who is also a member of the executive board, said they resigned “in protest of the shocking and insensitive response by the president of the university, who did not condemn the letter by student organizations who blamed Israel for the massacres.”


Well-Known Member
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Anybody have anything planned for today's global Day of Shenanigans? You govt employees... are your bosses giving you the afternoon off to protest?