Handgun background checks...


I bowl overhand
Good things the criminals are all on hiatus until we all get our paperwork approved.

I'd like to see the numbers of how many applications were denied after all this is said and done, and if the reason for disqualification was something that could have been done by a records check at the dealer.

What an extraordinary waste of taxpayer money.


I bowl overhand
BG was reading a story to me last night (it was a bed time story, my favorites)..

A woman working from home, kids downstairs, her up in her office. Knock at the door, she tells the kids not to answer, she looks out to see who it is as an unknown person goes to their car to retrieve a tire iron, and he starts to knock down her front door.

She gets the kids, escapes into a storage area in a bedroom and locks herself in.. calls her husband (in this case probably smarter than calling 911).. He tells her to get her gun, remember what he taught her, and do whatever it takes to protect her and the kids.

He's talking to 911 on another line while he's keeping her calm.

Intruder breaks into the bedroom, then finds them in the storage area/closet.. she shooots him.. Empties the gun, 6 rouds expended, 5 find the target.

The intruder is still alive, but luckily doesn't realize she's out of bullets as she keeps repeating, "Don't move, or I'll shoot you again!"

Would have been a good day to own a gun with more than a 6 round capacity, would have been a better day to have a gun that went "Pew! Pew! Pew!" Of course the libs never take into account that it's not only the number of rounds you have, it's how many hit the intended target. If 50% of your bullets find the target, I'd much rather have it be 50% of 15 instead of 50% of 6.

No talk of what caliber, but basically it says to me, a small caliber revolver is NOT good enough for the task of protecting yourself. He still, though shot 5 times, could have probably still harmed or killed her and/or her kids.

You keep shooting until the threat is gone.. if he is going to kill you with your own gun make sure he has to beat you to death with it.


I'm waiting for news article opener: "Mom could have defended herself if the MSP wouldn't have taken 2 months to process her handgun application".


I bowl overhand
itsbob- it was a .38 with range rounds

He took four to the face and neck, and one to the body.. and still lived to serve out his time.


Of course MORE unbelievable is his wife proclaiming how he wouldn't hurt ANYbody..

Larry Gude

Strung Out
BG Of course the libs never take into account that it's not only the number of rounds you have, it's how many hit the intended target. .

This really needs to stop or, at least be given more consideration. It ain't just 'the libs'. The danger here is in presuming friends we don't have. Again and again, sez I, I prefer to be punched in the face by an opponent than stabbed in the back by a friend.

Speaker Boehner, our 'friend', could have called a simple press conference two months ago and said, flat out, 'the presidents proposed new guns laws will NOT protect anyone, would not have helped at Sandy Hook, or anywhere else and are nothing but the worst of political pandering. Unless and until he proposes something effective, good guys with guns at our schools, protection his children are worth, as are all of our kids, this congress will NOT consider nor waste time on helping him pleasing people who only seek dismantling of the second amendment one step at a time."

That would have put an end to this nonsense. Stopped it cold.

Again, where is, where was Boehner??????


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I am still waiting. 56 days now. FFL says that they're still getting approvals back from the end of February, so you may be off by a few weeks. :frown:

My FFL said they're seeing them come back from the first week of March now, so two months is still a good estimate for most, apparently.


I bowl overhand
this really needs to stop or, at least be given more consideration. It ain't just 'the libs'. The danger here is in presuming friends we don't have. Again and again, sez i, i prefer to be punched in the face by an opponent than stabbed in the back by a friend.

Speaker boehner, our 'friend', could have called a simple press conference two months ago and said, flat out, 'the presidents proposed new guns laws will not protect anyone, would not have helped at sandy hook, or anywhere else and are nothing but the worst of political pandering. Unless and until he proposes something effective, good guys with guns at our schools, protection his children are worth, as are all of our kids, this congress will not consider nor waste time on helping him pleasing people who only seek dismantling of the second amendment one step at a time."

that would have put an end to this nonsense. Stopped it cold.

Again, where is, where was boehner??????


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Speaker Boehner, our 'friend', could have called a simple press conference two months ago and said, flat out, 'the presidents proposed new guns laws will NOT protect anyone, would not have helped at Sandy Hook, or anywhere else and are nothing but the worst of political pandering. Unless and until he proposes something effective, good guys with guns at our schools, protection his children are worth, as are all of our kids, this congress will NOT consider nor waste time on helping him pleasing people who only seek dismantling of the second amendment one step at a time."

That would have put an end to this nonsense. Stopped it cold.

Again, where is, where was Boehner??????
Why? Why not do as he has done, you know, not letting a gun control bill get to the floor. Sounds like your issue is one of style over substance. I'll give you that Boehner ain't a Newt, not even close, but he doesn't have to be to stop a measure. Why should he burn one iota of political capital when he doesn't have to? Simply directing committee chairs so that they know that anything on the matter diminishing 2nd A rights will die, preferably in committee, is all that he needs to do. Why make it a battle when he knows that he owns the game? :buddies:


Why? Why not do as he has done, you know, not letting a gun control bill get to the floor. Sounds like your issue is one of style over substance. I'll give you that Boehner ain't a Newt, not even close, but he doesn't have to be to stop a measure. Why should he burn one iota of political capital when he doesn't have to? Simply directing committee chairs so that they know that anything on the matter diminishing 2nd A rights will die, preferably in committee, is all that he needs to do. Why make it a battle when he knows that he owns the game? :buddies:
Maybe the house is trying to make as little "noise" as possible... pregame strategy for their upcoming election cycle :shrug:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Maybe the house is trying to make as little "noise" as possible... pregame strategy for their upcoming election cycle :shrug:
Perhaps. don't know for sure, but you can bet he has observed how over in the Senate any talk of a budget, tax relief, or whatever that isn't what Harry wants simply gets swept aside. A great tactic for stagnation.


Well-Known Member
That seems weird to me. How could that be?

I've been reading the Maryland Shooters Forum and the dates vary. People are being told different things and FFLs are getting in different dates. I called All Pawn and Tackle Box on the same day (last Friday). One was getting in 2/24-2/26 and the other was getting in 2/28. :shrug:

Oh and I'm on day 58.


Well-Known Member
Let's Just Say.....

.....that this handgun purchase issue is resolved one day, to the benefit of Marylanders. What's next? CCW's, right? You think buying a handgun is a PITA; wait til all the new gun owners want or apply for CCW's.


Well-Known Member
That seems weird to me. How could that be?

the email i got from the MSP rep indicated that they dont send them back to your FFl as soon as they are completed. Instead they collect several to many and then fax them by batch back to your FFL. Mine was apprently completed and "would be fax to your dealer" last week. My dealer still hasnt recieved it.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
the email i got from the MSP rep indicated that they dont send them back to your FFl as soon as they are completed. Instead they collect several to many and then fax them by batch back to your FFL. Mine was apprently completed and "would be fax to your dealer" last week. My dealer still hasnt recieved it.

That could explain a few days variation, I guess. I know that the guy I buy from has a ton of them submitted.


I bowl overhand
That could explain a few days variation, I guess. I know that the guy I buy from has a ton of them submitted.

I went to a small mom and pop gun dealer, run out of his garage, and he had a stack of about 50 to submit the day I was there, maybe more.