Having a baby....


New Member
Would you ever be a surrogate mother for someone? Would it be for just anyone? How much would you want to be paid?

What if your husband says no? What would you do then?



Well-Known Member
I would carry a baby for my sister without hesitation. I have 2 close girlfriends that I might do it for, but I'd have to think about it. I wouldn't do it for a stranger.

If my bf/hubby whatever didnt' want me to do it, I'd explain why I felt I needed to. If he still didn't like it, he could get over it.


New Member
Cowgirl said:
I would carry a baby for my sister without hesitation. I have 2 close girlfriends that I might do it for, but I'd have to think about it. I wouldn't do it for a stranger.

If my bf/hubby whatever didnt' want me to do it, I'd explain why I felt I needed to. If he still didn't like it, he could get over it.
So nice of you to consider his feelings. I'd get over it alright.

While I was newly single chasing nooky cuz my "preggo by another man" exwife was so busy giving birth. :duh:


The Challenger
Cyurius said:
Would you ever be a surrogate mother for someone?
Would it be for just anyone?
How much would you want to be paid?

What if your husband says no?
What would you do then?


No can do. Angels aren't anatomically correct. Having said that... the rest of the questionaire is now irrelevant.


curiouser and curiouser
The only person I'd be compelled to be a surrogate for is my best friend, but she's pregnant right now, and has always shared my view that if you want children but aren't able to have them, you should adopt. And she knows how much I disliked being pregnant, so she'd never ask anyways. :lmao:


I Need a Beer
Mikeinsmd said:
So nice of you to consider his feelings. I'd get over it alright.

While I was newly single chasing nooky cuz my "preggo by another man" exwife was so busy giving birth. :duh:

Wow, that's pretty shallow sounding.


Well-Known Member
Mikeinsmd said:
So nice of you to consider his feelings. I'd get over it alright.

While I was newly single chasing nooky cuz my "preggo by another man" exwife was so busy giving birth. :duh:

Preggo by another man? :confused: Have you heard of embryo transfer? :lol: It's not like I'd go :bangbangbang: my BIL. If my husband didn't want me to carry a baby for my sister, we'd have serious issues. My sister is my best friend and I'd do anything for her.

That being said, she just had her 2nd baby, so I doubt this situation would ever arise. :lol:


The Challenger
Cowgirl said:
If my bf/hubby whatever didnt' want me to do it, I'd explain why I felt I needed to. If he still didn't like it, he could get over it.

Good girl! Just like I tell everyone else, take the easy way out. :yay: Don't consider his feelings, just crap all over him. It's easier to get through life that way.


Well-Known Member
Ha_Satan said:
Good girl! Just like I tell everyone else, take the easy way out. :yay: Don't consider his feelings, just crap all over him. It's easier to get through life that way.

Consider his feelings? I'm the one that would be carrying the baby. :rolleyes:


I Need a Beer
vraiblonde said:
I'd surrogate for someone - shoot, that's the easy part :lol:

I would too, if I could, but I can't. My cousin actually volunteered to be a surrogate for my hubby and I but we were blessed with the adoption of our twin girls!


Cleopatra Jones
Mikeinsmd said:
So nice of you to consider his feelings. I'd get over it alright.

While I was newly single chasing nooky cuz my "preggo by another man" exwife was so busy giving birth. :duh:

Good Lord, and I thought I was a control freak. :huggy:


Well-Known Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Oh having someone elses baby regardless what your husband thinks isn't shallow?? :duh:

Glad you're not my hubby. My BF knows how close my sister and I are. He knows that if I really wanted to carry a baby for my sister and her hubby, I'm going to do it.

It's not like I'd just carry any old ho's baby. :lol:


The Challenger
Cowgirl said:
Consider his feelings? I'm the one that would be carrying the baby. :rolleyes:

I'm agreeing with you. It's your body and your choice. Who cares what he thinks? or what demon woman he has to deal with for 9 months? or what all he has to help you with while you're pregnant or recovering from childbirth? He chose to be with you good or bad and as such, should support whatever descision you make without question- no matter how it impacts him. You'll be putting yourself through all kinds of hell and if he won't be there for you, what good is he?


New Member
Cowgirl said:
Consider his feelings? I'm the one that would be carrying the baby. :rolleyes:
Ever think maybe he doesn't want his wife running around pregnant?
Ever think maybe he doesn't want to explain to everyone?
Ever think maybe he doesn't want to put up with all the things BC she's preggo?
Pretty self centered if you ask me.
I'd tell ya to pound sand. :howdy: