That is not a fair representation of what the Jehovah Witnesses teach.
They teach the Kingdom of God to come on earth as it is in Heaven.
Therefore they teach the 144,000 will be ruling with Christ in Heaven while the rest of mankind are in the Kingdom of God on earth as an earthly paradise.
The Witnesses are over 6 million members and they expect all 6 million to enter the Kingdom on Judgement Day.
"Jehovah's Witnesses teach that when they die they will be resurrected to life on earth, and that only the 144,000 will go to heaven. The Bible's teaching on where the saved go after death is so different from that of the men who formed the Jehovah's Witnesses' doctrines that you may find this chapter hard to accept."
"Answers To My Jehovah's Witness Friends" - Chapter 3
You have a different take on pretty much every fact known to man JPC.
My post was taken from the worlds funniest female stand up comedian.... While based on truth, it was a joke.