HELP!!! Nasty IE problem has me stumped.


Set Trippin
jazz lady said:
Hello McFly! I said I got the crossover cable but don't know how to set it up. :razz: I figured it would be easier to ask then to look it up myself, but I can see know that isn't the case. :lol:
:roflmao: too tired to type all of it out so here is a cut and paste...

For starters, you’ll need to purchase a crossover cable and connect it to the Ethernet port of each PC. Next, each PC’s Ethernet adaptor needs to be configured with a static IP address and a common Subnet mask. For our example, we’ll assign the first PC an IP address of and the second PC an address of Both machines should use the Subnet
Also, you’ll want to make sure that both machines have been configured as members of the same workgroup. Any name will work for the workgroup name as long as it doesn’t exceed 15 characters (ex.WORKGROUP). All that’s left to do now is reboot the system. Upon reboot, go to a DOS prompt and try to Ping the other PC. To do this, just type PING and the IP address of the system you’re trying to reach (ex. C:\>PING You should get 5 replies.

If for some reason your Ping returns a timeout message, you might have another problem. The most common issue has to do with Windows XP and the Internet Connection Firewall (ICF). The Windows XP Network Setup Wizard will sometimes enable ICF on your Ethernet adapter. ICF is designed to protect you from threats outside of your network by blocking unauthorized traffic from reaching your PC.

ICF is supposed to be used only on the interface that directly connects to your Internet connection; however, if ICF is being used on an interface that is being used to connect to another PC, it will block all the transmissions being sent to it. It will not even respond to pings. As a result, ICF must be disabled in order for this to work. To disable ICF, simply right-click on “My Network Places” and select Properties. Right-click on your LAN connection and then select Properties again. Go to the Advanced tab and uncheck the box that reads “Protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access to this computer from the Internet.” Click OK. Now try to ping the other PC again. It should work fine.

Try this out...:huggy:


jazz lady said:
:twitch: What time did you say you are coming over tomorrow?


Yeah really, might as well read

Se cansó también escribir a máquina todo de ello fuera tan aquí está un corte y la pasta..

Para principios, usted necesitará comprar un cable de paso y lo conecta al puerto de la Ethernet de cada computadora personal. Próximo, cada necesidades de adaptador de Ethernet de computadora personal ser configuradas con una dirección constante de IP y una máscara común de Subred. Para nuestro ejemplo, nosotros asignaremos la primera computadora personal una dirección de IP de y la segunda computadora personal una dirección de Ambos mecanizan debe utilizar la Subred También, usted querrá cerciorarse que ambos mecanizan ha sido configurado como miembros del mismo workgroup. Ningún nombre trabajará para el nombre de workgroup tan largo como lo no excede 15 caracteres (ex.WORKGROUP). Todo que es dejado para hacer ahora es reinicia el sistema. Sobre reinicia, va a un aviso de DOS y la prueba al Sonido Corto y Metálico la otra computadora personal. Para hacer esto, apenas SONIDO CORTO Y METALICO de tipo y la dirección de IP del sistema que usted trata de alcanzar (ex. C: \>PING Usted debe obtener 5 contestaciones.

Si para alguna razón que su Sonido Corto y Metálico vuelve un mensaje de tiempo muerto, usted quizás tenga otro problema. El asunto más común tiene que hacer con Windows XP y el Cortafuegos (ICF) de la Conexión del Internet. El Mago de Arreglo de Red de Windows XP permitirá a veces ICF en su adaptador de Ethernet. ICF se diseña para protegerle de amenazas fuera de su red bloqueando el tráfico no autorizado de alcanzar su computadora personal.

ICF se supone ser utilizado sólo en el comunica eso conecta directamente a su conexión del Internet; sin embargo, si ICF se utiliza en un comunica eso se utiliza para conectar a otra computadora personal, bloqueará todas las transmisiones para ser mandadas a. Hace ni responde a sonidos cortos y metálicos. Como resultado, ICF se debe incapacitar en la orden para esto trabajar. Para incapacitar ICF, simplemente correcto-clic en “Mis Lugares de la Red” y escoger las Propiedades. El correcto-clic en su conexión de RAL y entonces escoge las Propiedades otra vez. Vaya a la etiqueta Avanzada y no compruebe la caja que lee “Protege mi computadora y la red por el acceso de limitar o previene a esta computadora del Clic de Internet.” BUENO. Ahora trate el sonido corto y metálico la otra computadora personal otra vez. Debe trabajar bien.

Trate esto fuera.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Kizzy said:

Yeah really, might as well read

Se cansó también escribir a máquina todo de ello fuera tan aquí está un corte y la pasta..

Exactly! :lmao: My brain is fried right now and it does NOT compute.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Thank you, MM!

I told you it would drive you absolutely bonkers. But at least you found a work-around so it works. :kiss:

And little MM was a trip. I'm exhausted now. :lol:


Penn said:
I think what Vrai is getting at is, there is a crossover ethernet cable(normally yellow) that can be used to transfer files from one PC to another.

Good idea, Vrai!! :cheers:
Crossover cables are the same color as normal CatV, depending on who makes the CATV it could be yellow, blue, red, or green, along with many other colors. They make different colors just in case some sweet IT guy wants to color code his data closet, like by floor, or by department.


jazz lady said:
I told you it would drive you absolutely bonkers. But at least you found a work-around so it works. :kiss:

And little MM was a trip. I'm exhausted now. :lol:
Does one get a reach around for a work around?


Set Trippin
jazz lady said:
I told you it would drive you absolutely bonkers. But at least you found a work-around so it works. :kiss:

And little MM was a trip. I'm exhausted now. :lol:
:lmao: He was out before we hit the main road...:lmao:


Be about it
itsbob said:
What do you mean by reloading the OS? Did you do a repair, did you install over the old copy?? If it is a virus, you should format the harddrive before doing a re-install of the OS.. If you have the time, a low level format is bestest. SO when your computer asks "Do you want to fomat the drive?" during the install you would answer yes (though this isn't a low level format, it's better then installing over the old copy)

I re-loaded it by choosing the 'update' option so that I'd not lose everything on the PC. I may end up having to just reformat the drive, but was trying to avoid that. :ohwell:


Be about it
jazz lady said:
Sounds like a similar problem to mine. I've tried just about everything BUT reinstalling the OS, but it may come down to that. I'll let you know what Mainman finds. Whatever it is, it is NASTY. :mad:

I did the processes thing the other night - we compared what was running on D's PC to what was running on mine and were able to find some that were viral that had appeared as 'threats' on my Norton. Even after search/delete, though, the problem w/the net is still there. :confused:


Set Trippin
JabbaJawz said:
I did the processes thing the other night - we compared what was running on D's PC to what was running on mine and were able to find some that were viral that had appeared as 'threats' on my Norton. Even after search/delete, though, the problem w/the net is still there. :confused:
What exactly is the problem?


Sounds like what mine was doing back when I got the "mydoom" worm a while back. Reboot and it would run slow for about 10 minutes, then pop up a message that said Windows had detected a fatal error in some .dll file and will auto shut down.