Help need advice


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
gothicsorrow78 said:
I am 28 and he is 23
Get rid of him. There are too many great guys in the world to waste time with someone who makes you miserable. Love is supposed to make you happy, not make you run around with a name like GothicSorrow.


Dancing Up A Storm
She speaks the truth. Is it worth carrying on for someone who will never be there for you, or is it time to move on?

But, that is something for you to decide.


New Member
gothicsorrow78 said:
No this was not always so volitale and it used to be great and happy and supportive, it turned kinda sour when i stopped submitting to him and no longer gave him what he needed or wanted. I will continue with the couseling by all means. I am so ready for the changes and apperciate the words of encouragment. Your right i should have posted everything but unfortuantly i came ill prepared and i was running on little time not to mention sleep. I have been having alot of problems sleeping. I am sorry to everyone for making myself sound so bad and i truly do apperciate alot of what has been said.

You know the answer to your own problem but you've been afraid to admit it, but at least here you are willing to admit that the red highlighted part. This right here says a great deal. I've been there in the self-inflicted pit of doom myself like many other women who posses that motherly instinct to just want to "make it right." There just are some situations and relationships that, no matter what, they will never be “right.” You just have to find out why you are attracted to "those" types of people, then you will have a better understanding of yourself.

In the future, when he starts :blahblah: about all your faults, respond with an "ok." Walk away. I know you are not in a position to cut all contact, because you have a child with this person. But don't let someone stand there and cut you down. You know where your faults are and don't need somebody to stand there and project that back on you! This really is more about his low self esteem and self worth than you are willing to understand right now.

Good luck! :flowers:


New Member
why read the same book when you already know how it's going to end? You need to get out of that relationship with whatever dignity and sanity you can salvage. You're only 28. You WILL find someone that will treat you with respect. He abused you and that right there shows me that he never loved you, he loved that you loved him and would do anything for him. he sounds selfish and immature (big surprise he's 23) and in 2 years from now (with the appropriate treatment) you will look back on this period of your life asking yourself how you ever got so worked up over such a loser. your kids will be better off with a single mother who's got it together than a couple that physically and emotionally abuse each other.


New Member
Thanks for that, I just wish it was not so hard to just walk away. All my instincts say run and whatnot but my heart is begging me to stay. One second my brain is all it will be ok you will change and he will change over time and then you can possibly go home,We can work on things and it will all be better. Because it is so fresh seeing other people happy kills me. Why am i addicted to this type of person i am not sure but i guess it will be something i need to look into. What i hate the most is the way my disorder messes with me. One minute i am cool about everything and the next i am anxious or panicky or angry and depressed. I cannot stand it. On top of this all the people i am staying with act so damn lovey dovey to eachother. Constant baby talk and kissing and whatnot. It sucks.....I know my x has alot of issues he needs to work out but everyone tells me people just do not change. I wish against all wishes that it were the opposite.
He swears he will take my daughter away from me, that i am doing drugs, and whatnot. I went a got a drug test to prove to him i was clean. Man it sucks i am so addicted to this man and so crazy about it and i wish i just turn cold as he has to me. A friend of mine asked me for his phone number and called him because she just thought the whole thing was insane and she was tired of seeing me in so much pain. He hung up on her. That sent me into a depressive state again. Can you imigane going to eat and the waitress is crying while bringing you your food???? Kinda funny after i stop and think about it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

So much to do, so much to see
So what's wrong with taking the back streets?
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow

Hey now you're an All Star
Get your game on, go play
Hey now you're a Rock Star
Get the show on get paid
All that glitters is gold
Only shooting stars break the mold

:getdown: :cartwheel


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
gothicsorrow78 said:
Why am i addicted to this type of person
Because you're a kook. The best way to get started being mentally healthy is to...start. Put one foot in front of the other. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Like that.

You don't need some therapist telling you what to do - what the hell can they tell you that you don't already know? I frankly admit I don't know crap about nothing, but what I DO know is that nobody ever got their life together by wallowing in misery and whining to everyone they see about how unhappy they are.

Make a list of what's not working in your life and GET RID OF IT. That means the abusive boyfriend as well. It literally is that simple and you'll feel so much better you'll kick your own ass for not doing it sooner.

Or you can stay miserable and helpless. Your choice.


gothicsorrow78 said:
Thanks for that, I just wish it was not so hard to just walk away. All my instincts say run and whatnot but my heart is begging me to stay. One second my brain is all it will be ok you will change and he will change over time and then you can possibly go home,We can work on things and it will all be better. Because it is so fresh seeing other people happy kills me. Why am i addicted to this type of person i am not sure but i guess it will be something i need to look into. What i hate the most is the way my disorder messes with me. One minute i am cool about everything and the next i am anxious or panicky or angry and depressed. I cannot stand it. On top of this all the people i am staying with act so damn lovey dovey to eachother. Constant baby talk and kissing and whatnot. It sucks.....I know my x has alot of issues he needs to work out but everyone tells me people just do not change. I wish against all wishes that it were the opposite.
He swears he will take my daughter away from me, that i am doing drugs, and whatnot. I went a got a drug test to prove to him i was clean. Man it sucks i am so addicted to this man and so crazy about it and i wish i just turn cold as he has to me. A friend of mine asked me for his phone number and called him because she just thought the whole thing was insane and she was tired of seeing me in so much pain. He hung up on her. That sent me into a depressive state again. Can you imigane going to eat and the waitress is crying while bringing you your food???? Kinda funny after i stop and think about it.

were you ever on drugs?


New Member
It is funny

Good god, how funny is this, I am fighting to get my ex back and my another of my ex bf's is trying to get me back. He keeps calling me asking me to move where he is and asking if he could move up here. Granted in a way it would be cool but hell no he is crazier then me or my current ex bf. LOL. So i am steering clear.


New Member
I smoked weed when i was 18 ten years ago. Veri.. your right i know the therapist is not going to really help me in a sense but it is worth a try. You are right though i should make a list and see how that goes. Thanks for the idea.


aka Mrs. Giant
gothicsorrow78 said:
Thanks for that, I just wish it was not so hard to just walk away. All my instincts say run and whatnot but my heart is begging me to stay. One second my brain is all it will be ok you will change and he will change over time and then you can possibly go home,We can work on things and it will all be better. Because it is so fresh seeing other people happy kills me. Why am i addicted to this type of person i am not sure but i guess it will be something i need to look into. What i hate the most is the way my disorder messes with me. One minute i am cool about everything and the next i am anxious or panicky or angry and depressed. I cannot stand it. On top of this all the people i am staying with act so damn lovey dovey to eachother. Constant baby talk and kissing and whatnot. It sucks.....I know my x has alot of issues he needs to work out but everyone tells me people just do not change. I wish against all wishes that it were the opposite.
He swears he will take my daughter away from me, that i am doing drugs, and whatnot. I went a got a drug test to prove to him i was clean. Man it sucks i am so addicted to this man and so crazy about it and i wish i just turn cold as he has to me. A friend of mine asked me for his phone number and called him because she just thought the whole thing was insane and she was tired of seeing me in so much pain. He hung up on her. That sent me into a depressive state again. Can you imigane going to eat and the waitress is crying while bringing you your food???? Kinda funny after i stop and think about it.
Again, you need to get your meds corrected and you should increase your therapy session.

Again, ain't nobody gonna like you until you like yourself.

Again, posting crap like this makes you look crazier than a two headed snake.

Go ahead, keep posting crap like this instead of getting counseling. I can't think of anybody in their right mind who would want to inflict themselves with you and your drama.


aka Mrs. Giant
vraiblonde said:
Because you're a kook. The best way to get started being mentally healthy is to...start. Put one foot in front of the other. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. Like that.

You don't need some therapist telling you what to do - what the hell can they tell you that you don't already know? I frankly admit I don't know crap about nothing, but what I DO know is that nobody ever got their life together by wallowing in misery and whining to everyone they see about how unhappy they are.

Make a list of what's not working in your life and GET RID OF IT. That means the abusive boyfriend as well. It literally is that simple and you'll feel so much better you'll kick your own ass for not doing it sooner.

Or you can stay miserable and helpless. Your choice.

Great advice EXCEPT - this woman has already admitted to a diagnosed mental illness that will NOT get better on her own. She will be perfectly capable of being normal IF she gets treatment - which involves counseling AND medication.


wandering aimlessly
migtig said:
Great advice EXCEPT - this woman has already admitted to a diagnosed mental illness that will NOT get better on her own. She will be perfectly capable of being normal IF she gets treatment - which involves counseling AND medication.
I'm not sure about that- normal part I mean. This chick deeply loves pain, mental and physical. That particular personality trait helps when birthing children but ruins the ability to function properly as a parent. Even with meds for the mood swings, etc she's still going to like what she likes and pursue it, perhaps obsessively.


cattitude said:
This is funny. I don't even think this person is real. :lol:

if she's not , then azzy sure went through a lot of trouble in setting up the fake myspace and yahoo profile :faint:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
gothicsorrow78 said:
i should make a list and see how that goes.
No, you don't "make a list and see how it goes". You make a list and start checking it off. "Seeing how it goes" denotes lack of commitment and laziness, and 10 years from now you'll still be sitting there.

You can stay with the abusive boyfriend if you want. Lots of women do that. Some of them end up dead.

Think about that.

And while you're thinking about it, think about the example you're setting for your children. Do you have a daughter? How would you like it if she hooked up with some abusive guy who turned her into a wreck? Because that's the way that works - you are setting the stage for a little girl who is watching your every move for guidance on how to live her life.


Isn't it ironic that "Frued's Encyclopedia of Mental Disfunction" volumes 1-7 are giving Volume 9 advice?


aka Mrs. Giant
bresamil said:
I'm not sure about that- normal part I mean. This chick deeply loves pain, mental and physical. That particular personality trait helps when birthing children but ruins the ability to function properly as a parent. Even with meds for the mood swings, etc she's still going to like what she likes and pursue it, perhaps obsessively.
That's why she needs proper therapy. With her type of mental illness she will remain obsessive until she learns proper behavior patterns and rationalization techniques. With therapy and medication she will be "normal'. However, it won't happen overnight. She has to seek out proper medical attention, and work hard at modifying her behavior.

Telling her she can do it on her own is the wrong advice for someone with her illness. The only advice is for her to seek treatment.


wandering aimlessly
Pete said:
Isn't it ironic that "Frued's Encyclopedia of Mental Disfunction" volumes 1-7 are giving Volume 9 advice?
Which number am I? :lol:

I refuse to give her advice. I know who she is and why she's here. She's wasting her time.