Here I am..31 going on 5!


New Member
Here I am..31 going on 5! 02-01-2008 12:09 AM more skeletons out of the closet I see, what a informative week. Explains you hollier then though attitude

To my darling karma giver: :biteme:

I have more colorful words for you, but this is a family forum! :evil:
Umm..what?! Was this directed at me? I don't even know what the f*ck Karma is,let alone how to give it to someone. Get back on your meds.


Umm..what?! Was this directed at me? I don't even know what the f*ck Karma is,let alone how to give it to someone. Get back on your meds.

Nope, not directed at you. It was directed at the one who left it and didn't sign it. :shrug:


New Member
QUOTE=Mousebaby;2664713]Nope, not directed at you. It was directed at the one who left it and didn't sign it. :shrug:[/QUOTE]
I would hope you know it isn't me since I have never seen you display a "holly attitude"!:buddies:


New Member
And how dare you,Mousebaby,to have a holly attitude,more than though. Next thing you know,you will start acting holier than thou and we will really have problems!


I always did that. She just recently left me because she feel she missed out on things from getting married too young. But she will learn the grass is not any greener wherever she goes.

Unless the new guy tends to his lawn


In My Opinion
Oh my f**kin god..if that was me,would I have the balls to post it?! I think not.
thank God.

I just left him a karma saying that not missing what was in that picture would be the same as not missing the garage if someone took it off the house while you were at work.

I mean. that was an ignorant thing for someone to say.
its whats in the heart and the brain that counts, not the 50 tons of blubber.


New Member
Speaking from some experience sometimes the grass is greener on the other side(its rare and wonderful), however the price you pay to get there isn't always worth it....sometimes you have to just make the decision not to put up with mediocre and go for the creme de leux creme life...but newsflash: nobody or no relationship is perfect and happy all the time


Speaking from some experience sometimes the grass is greener on the other side(its rare and wonderful), however the price you pay to get there isn't always worth it....sometimes you have to just make the decision not to put up with mediocre and go for the creme de leux creme life...but newsflash: nobody or no relationship is perfect and happy all the time

:starcat: She finally posts!!!!!!!



New Member
yeah it took me awhile but hey I was ill, along w/2kids and a sick about a miserable week...but I am back


New Member
thank you welcome wagon...much appreciated

now if I can just find my way around this site w/some accuracy and quickness we might actually be able to hold a conversation w/out 5 minute pauses in between responses...


now if I can just find my way around this site w/some accuracy and quickness we might actually be able to hold a conversation w/out 5 minute pauses in between responses...

Not like we aren't sitting 3 feet from one another!!! :killingme:killingme