Hermanville Road And Route 235 Being Examined


Power with Control
Roy, that was a joke. Almost all multiple vehicle accidents involve two vehicles trying to occupy the same space, when they collide, get it?


Infinite Impetus
I use that intersection every day. People turning left jump in front of people going straight and trying to beat the light. I see more aggression.

It's stupidity and the "oh I am important and need to hurry up and get down to work." The intersection is bound to change, until then impatient drivers will continue to cause accidents.


I use that intersection every day. People turning left jump in front of people going straight and trying to beat the light. I see more aggression.

Not only straight...I can't count how many times I've been turning right from NB 235 to go to work, and with a green light, been cut off by people turning left.....


Ref: Buck Hewitt

I was thinking Buck-Hewitt. But yeah, I live south of the base, so I have heart burn on that one too.

I was at a community meeting a few days ago where State Highway was present. They are aware of Buck Hewitt being a problem. No one disagrees. As I understand it, the contractor that created the mess went bankrupt.


Right? Did You Mean Left?

I live south of the base and have personally stopped to assist when an idiot pulled right out in front of the vehicle in front of me. We were doing about 50mph and she t-boned him good. I have also witnessed another of those accidents a few cars back. It is always the impatient person that can't wait for oncoming traffic to clear so they turn right in front of the oncoming traffic. They just about have one a week at this intersection and I don't think you can remedy it because people are idiots. Just wait your freakin turn. I don't even usually post comments but I have kids on the road and I panic everytime I hear sirens.

You said right. Did you mean left? The problems I have seen are from folks that are not yielding turning LEFT on to Forrest Park Road from 235. Have you seen anything different?


Flying High

I heard they went into designing aircraft runways! :yikes:

Roy, that was :sarcasm: :lol:

Yeah, I figured that. I got a good kick out of it. I wouldn't be surprised these days. I remember many years ago when Pax had one of their major runways develop a 16 foot x 14 foot deep sink hole that a aircraft "Follow Me" truck fell in to. The truck still had the sign "follow me" flashing. I should have got a picture of it, but I don't think the Navy would have been amused.

A good part of the runways are filled in swamp lands. This apparently accounts for why this occurs from time to time.


Well-Known Member
I was at a community meeting a few days ago where State Highway was present. They are aware of Buck Hewitt being a problem. No one disagrees. As I understand it, the contractor that created the mess went bankrupt.

Ok, how does a company going bankrupt affect a road that the highway dept. designed and approved? Sounds like case of trying to pass the buck.


I Am Not Surprised!!

Not only straight...I can't count how many times I've been turning right from NB 235 to go to work, and with a green light, been cut off by people turning left.....

The State Highway folks were asked to change the "left turn" light from 235 south bound turn left on to Forrest Park Road to "include" all three in the cycle, a red arrow, green arrrow and yellow arrow. Now it has only two of the three. They were asked to make the entire intersection "specific in nature", not allowing a yield on ANY green. This will stop the problem. They have told me that they want to look at statistics. Everything is a NUMBER. It DOES NOT matter to them if you family member remains in the hospital fighting for a life. For example, my neighbor is going to be in the hospital for another month and will be lucky if he is out by Christmas, which I doubt at this point.

I have another meeting with a separate County Board that State Highway will be present. TRUST ME, I am going to lay in to them. Too bad the media won't be there. It will be "interesting". I STRONGLY suggest not to be in the left south bound lane at this intersection. This will give you time to react in case some one decides not to yield again. We've even had not one, but two Sheriff's cars hit at this intersection a few years ago. This is an interesting intersection, to say the least.


New Member
My backyard faces that intersection. Since April 2010 there have been more then 10 accidents. Four were in the same week. I hate that intersection with a passion. Here are a few tips for drivers:

When on Hermanville rd and your turning left you do not have the right a way. Which means you sit there until the traffic going straight is clear then proceed. This is a HUGE issue.

Red Light means STOP! If you don't stop then you will hit someone or something.

Yellow Light means prepare to stop.

Use you turn signals. It helps believe it or not.

For the people at Sunco(sp) gas station, when someone is in the turning lane they are "A" going to to turn into the gas station or "B" turn on to Hermanville rd. This is not rocket science people. Do not pull out. You will get hurt.

Hope this helps! :howdy:
My backyard faces that intersection. Since April 2010 there have been more then 10 accidents. Four were in the same week. I hate that intersection with a passion. Here are a few tips for drivers:

When on Hermanville rd and your turning left you do not have the right a way. Which means you sit there until the traffic going straight is clear then proceed. This is a HUGE issue.

Red Light means STOP! If you don't stop then you will hit someone or something.

Yellow Light means prepare to stop.

Use you turn signals. It helps believe it or not.

For the people at Sunco(sp) gas station, when someone is in the turning lane they are "A" going to to turn into the gas station or "B" turn on to Hermanville rd. This is not rocket science people. Do not pull out. You will get hurt.

Hope this helps! :howdy:
You forgot to mention... "Obey the posted speed limit!" :yay:
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Good Question

Ok, how does a company going bankrupt affect a road that the highway dept. designed and approved? Sounds like case of trying to pass the buck.

Actually, I thought the same thing and I think it's a good question. For me this is just a bunch of smoke and mirrors. Here is why: If the County "approved" the intersection to be built as they did, the County assumes some liability once they sign off. Depending upon the stipulation of how the agreement is written, the developer may have left off some requirements, although the County signed off. The key LEGAL aspect is, can the County return to the stipulation to enforce an ORIGINAL written agreement, or are they "SOL" since the County signed off on the horrible intersection developed in such a way that they should have seen, as the rest of us do. It is hard for me to believe these intersection "engineers" are that uneducated. Therefore, if they are educated enough to realize a potential problem, this may suggest a cozy relationship may exist to enhance developers, which may be another problem by itself. Of course we all know this would NEVER exist in St. Mary's County. Therefore, it has to be an honest mistake that was overlooked even after they built it and looked at what was in front of them.

When an intersection, new, redelveloped or whatever is under consideration, it "is" mapped out. How they could not see this problem on a map is beyond me.


Reexamined By State

My backyard faces that intersection. Since April 2010 there have been more then 10 accidents. Four were in the same week. I hate that intersection with a passion. Here are a few tips for drivers:

When on Hermanville rd and your turning left you do not have the right a way. Which means you sit there until the traffic going straight is clear then proceed. This is a HUGE issue.

Red Light means STOP! If you don't stop then you will hit someone or something.

Yellow Light means prepare to stop.

Use you turn signals. It helps believe it or not.

For the people at Sunco(sp) gas station, when someone is in the turning lane they are "A" going to to turn into the gas station or "B" turn on to Hermanville rd. This is not rocket science people. Do not pull out. You will get hurt.

Hope this helps! :howdy:

You are definitely correct. For some reason, there is a substantial amount of folks that can't only understand this, but they also can't see a large motor vehicle approaching them. They also are unable to properly judge the speed of a vehicle until it will hit them. Since they are unable to comprehend any of this, I doubt they can understand a simple light with a yield on green. The State will be looking at this intersection again probably within the next few weeks. It may have to go to a red arrow, green arrow and yellow arrow. Very specific.


Methodically disorganized
It may have to go to a red arrow, green arrow and yellow arrow. Very specific.
It would be nice if they included a nice message, such as "If you move you'll DIE" or "Don't move, dumbazz!"

People get freaked out over the thought of computer-driven vehicles. But they can't do any worse than people. They will be out there someday.


Big Poppa
When on Hermanville rd and your turning left you do not have the right a way. Which means you sit there until the traffic going straight is clear then proceed. This is a HUGE issue.

Red Light means STOP! If you don't stop then you will hit someone or something.

That is the biggest issue. OTher night i was trying to go across to the sunoco to get some gas and i get about half way across the intersection when the dumbass turning left onto 235 decides to go when im about half way across the intersection. They where about a foot away from hitting my dirver side door.

AS for the stop light its all the "welfare" recipients and their adolescant children trying to get the next crack hit before the other guy gets across the intersection.

Its not a bad intersection there are just to many idiots that dont understand how an intesection works.


Resident PIA
Straighten the intersection, designated right and left turn lanes from all directions, four way light system with each direction getting it's own cycle, extended red cycle to account for yellow/red light runners.

I didn't think the intersection was crooked and you can extend all you want, people will continue to run the red light. The problem is traffic, to much of it. People haven't come to grips with the increase in volume with the new housing south of the base and the increased use of that intersection.

235 south of that light was and will continue to be a drag strip because it is flat and straight. How many accidents have their been on that section with people trying to pass or rear ending cars slowing down for a turn?

Two solution, either educate the chuckleheads who think they have the right of way "because" or reduce the volume - shut down gate 3?


They're out to get us
Since the intersection is off the beaten path, I think people act like it's not a major intersection and don't treat it as such. This includes the county, which set the light up as it stands now.

My idea? Make it like the 235/Great Mills Rd intersection. Problem solved, even though it'll piss people off. During rush hour in the morning, make the light longer for turning onto base. During the evening rush hour, make the light longer getting off of base.

Currently there are too many people that try to beat the yellow light. Making the left onto base, you really can't see the traffic coming very well if someone is waiting to make a left in the opposite direction, so you can only hope that people will stop, but usually they won't and then you go splat.

On the hermanville side of things, the intersection isn't lined up from my recollection. That can cause people making a left to stick out too far or jump the gun and get hit by people going straight.

Overall it's a poorly designed intersection and with the overwhelming safety concerns being there, you just need to operate it the same way you do with Great Mills and 235. People won't like it, but it'll make the intersection MUCH safer. You prevent the people turning left to beat the light and keep the two sides (base and Hermanville) from trying to cross 235 at the same time, which I bet are the most common issues. You can always work out the timing based on feedback.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The State will be looking at this intersection again probably within the next few weeks. It may have to go to a red arrow, green arrow and yellow arrow. Very specific.

Don't bother trying to dummy-proof - the dummies are incredibly resourceful and dedicated in their desire to be dumb. They will out-dummy you every time, no matter what you do.

SoccerMom laid it out, and it's very very simple, and actually quite easy to avoid mishap at that intersection. I've done it myself any number of times. But there is a segment of our population that has absolutely no business behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. You can do lights, and signs, and education campaigns, and stand on your head whistling Dixie, and these folks will still jump in their car with the intention of playing Mario Kart with their fellow motorists.

In Christyvrainia, you would get warned for your first instance of reckless driving. For your second offense, you would have your license suspended for a period of time. For your third offense, or if you drive with your suspended license, we get to stand you up and have the Ladies Night range shooters use you for target practice, because you will have proved that you do not have a single speck of consideration for the well-being of your fellow man.


Power with Control
Reckless driving? And who is going to give those citations? I wonder how many traffic citations that are not handed out at accident scenes are for that offense.

In GLHSville, the %5 of the population that has demonstrated proficiency in a real driving test, one that requires one to actually make choices beyond "Is it red or green?" will be issued sealed dash cams with a 60 second recording loop like a EVDR, which they can trigger after witnessing acts of stupidity. The unit will use 3G to upload the video the sheriffs office for review. Cases with any possible extenuating circumstances get tossed, obvious ones get sent the Vraiville States Attorney for punishment.