Hermanville Road And Route 235 Being Examined


Since the intersection is off the beaten path, I think people act like it's not a major intersection and don't treat it as such. This includes the county, which set the light up as it stands now.

My idea? Make it like the 235/Great Mills Rd intersection. Problem solved, even though it'll piss people off. During rush hour in the morning, make the light longer for turning onto base. During the evening rush hour, make the light longer getting off of base.

Currently there are too many people that try to beat the yellow light. Making the left onto base, you really can't see the traffic coming very well if someone is waiting to make a left in the opposite direction, so you can only hope that people will stop, but usually they won't and then you go splat.

On the hermanville side of things, the intersection isn't lined up from my recollection. That can cause people making a left to stick out too far or jump the gun and get hit by people going straight.

Overall it's a poorly designed intersection and with the overwhelming safety concerns being there, you just need to operate it the same way you do with Great Mills and 235. People won't like it, but it'll make the intersection MUCH safer. You prevent the people turning left to beat the light and keep the two sides (base and Hermanville) from trying to cross 235 at the same time, which I bet are the most common issues. You can always work out the timing based on feedback.

Actually, I think you bring up an excellent point which frequently may be ignored. I'll examine the intersection this week for what you are suggesting. The SHA is supposed to be examing the intersection soon but they will likely overlook what you are suggesting for the simple reason that they are the ones that built it that way. This wouldn't be the first time that intersection alignment is an issue.

Hopefully the folks involved in these horrific accidents are not just a "number" to SHA. I fear that the accidents at this intersection, especially with today's economy will fall short of the magical number SHA may have before a correction can be done which will save lives.


Power with Control
And back from the dead...... Glad the SHA moved out on this. Wonder if a PIA request might shake loose anything. Last time I did one, I just got a call from the relevant MDOT engineer. That was back when Cameron wanted RLCs on 235.



Well-Known Member
All Options Explored

All options to solve this problem must be explored. Right or wrong, they will go with the cheapest solution first.
If you are on the Highway safety Board check out the number of accidents at Mechanicsville Road and 234. I have written and asked for helkp there Rumble strips if nothing else and they told me Rumble strips hurt the snow plows.
People have died there, There is an accident there twice a month more if it's raining.


Power with Control
If you are on the Highway safety Board check out the number of accidents at Mechanicsville Road and 234. I have written and asked for helkp there Rumble strips if nothing else and they told me Rumble strips hurt the snow plows.
People have died there, There is an accident there twice a month more if it's raining.

I brought this from the Before Times to illustrate the point that we've been having this talk for a long time :) Closing on 14 years now. And it looks like Roy hasnt been seen around here since 2014.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
MDOT is terrible. I give you Rt.5 in Leonardtown as my example. We are a Republican majority county therefore we are in the bottom 1/3 as far as state road priorities. I give you the Thomas Johnson Bridge replacement as testimony to that.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
I was told when I asked the SHA a few years ago why the 235/Rue Purchase/Buck Hewitt Rd intersection was not a proper 4-way...not enough fatal accidents.


Well-Known Member
If you are on the Highway safety Board check out the number of accidents at Mechanicsville Road and 234. I have written and asked for helkp there Rumble strips if nothing else and they told me Rumble strips hurt the snow plows.
People have died there, There is an accident there twice a month more if it's raining.
Even if they had a flashing light before the stop sign flashing STOP AHEAD. Its awful.


Well-Known Member
This intersection is properly traffic controlled and there is plenty of visibility from any direction. The problem is with the drivers. Be it aggressive driving, ignoring red lights, etc. Nothing more, nothing less.
Only solution would be to attempt a traffic round-a-bout.


Power with Control
This intersection is properly traffic controlled and there is plenty of visibility from any direction. The problem is with the drivers. Be it aggressive driving, ignoring red lights, etc. Nothing more, nothing less.
Only solution would be to attempt a traffic round-a-bout.

I would say the fact that it appears to have more accidents than other intersections with the same driver pool says there's something not properly controlled. And a traffic circle would screw the Hermanville residents and folks trying to go north in the AM.


Well-Known Member
I would say the fact that it appears to have more accidents than other intersections with the same driver pool says there's something not properly controlled. And a traffic circle would screw the Hermanville residents and folks trying to go north in the AM.
Ok then. What is the solution?
That intersection has a functioning traffic signal to direct each direction of traffic. The roads are paved exactly like any other intersection in the area. Proper signage, etc.
Maybe, just maybe.. it is the drivers who use that intersection daily that are to blame??


Well-Known Member
This intersection is properly traffic controlled and there is plenty of visibility from any direction. The problem is with the drivers. Be it aggressive driving, ignoring red lights, etc. Nothing more, nothing less.
Only solution would be to attempt a traffic round-a-bout.
No it's not. It needs a left turn signal on the NB signal...I've had to sit there thru 3 light cycles during evening rush hour to make a left onto Hermanville. It has less to do with aggressive driving and more to do with poor driver judgement. Put up a left turn arrow & you'd eliminate 85% of the accidents there...

But then again, maybe you're a TCE and you've run the computer program that's told you it's all fine down there....while ignoring the reality that it's not all fine down there...


Well-Known Member
I would say the fact that it appears to have more accidents than other intersections with the same driver pool says there's something not properly controlled. And a traffic circle would screw the Hermanville residents and folks trying to go north in the AM.
Same driver pool? Once you get to that intersection southbound most of the sober / sane people have left the road and the remainder are drunk bay billies, 90 year old's with license that have been expired since the carter administration, and meth heads. You know, TPD's customers.


Just sneakin' around....
Only solution would be to attempt a traffic round-a-bout.
The aggressive drivers will simply cut right over the center. They are built with a cement apron to allow for large trucks who can't make the radius which makes it easy to just drive straight over. Others won't slow down sufficiently and depart the circle.

Agree, it's the drivers more than the road or signals, but a left turn light would help a lot.


Well-Known Member
No it's not. It needs a left turn signal on the NB signal...I've had to sit there thru 3 light cycles during evening rush hour to make a left onto Hermanville. It has less to do with aggressive driving and more to do with poor driver judgement. Put up a left turn arrow & you'd eliminate 85% of the accidents there...

But then again, maybe you're a TCE and you've run the computer program that's told you it's all fine down there....while ignoring the reality that it's not all fine down there...
Yes. I will concede that having a NB 235 left turn arrow can help and would lower "frustration" however, it doesn't change the fact that, beyond getting aggravated about having to wait through multiple light cycles to turn, the reason for these accidents is either aggressive drivers (running the red light going SB235) or poor driver judgement (not waiting for traffic to clear or running a red light to turn left onto Hermanville)


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
They should paint scoring zones on this intersection, like a dart board, and award prizes to the highest score.


Well-Known Member
Yes. I will concede that having a NB 235 left turn arrow can help and would lower "frustration" however, it doesn't change the fact that, beyond getting aggravated about having to wait through multiple light cycles to turn, the reason for these accidents is either aggressive drivers (running the red light going SB235) or poor driver judgement (not waiting for traffic to clear or running a red light to turn left onto Hermanville)
Wrong still...try it again, but this time stop focusing on aggressive drivers & focus on the fact that SHA effed up by NOT including the Left Turn Signal on the NB light that EVERYONE else seems to have listed as a concern since day 2 of that light being installed...

There is only ONE reason why you would blame aggressive drivers and not SHA...you're the idiot at SHA that approved that improper traffic signal...
Or you're such a narcissist, you're mentally incapable of conceding when you're wrong...like now...


Well-Known Member
Wrong still...try it again, but this time stop focusing on aggressive drivers & focus on the fact that SHA effed up by NOT including the Left Turn Signal on the NB light that EVERYONE else seems to have listed as a concern since day 2 of that light being installed...

There is only ONE reason why you would blame aggressive drivers and not SHA...you're the idiot at SHA that approved that improper traffic signal...
Or you're such a narcissist, you're mentally incapable of conceding when you're wrong...like now...
Yep! Its all the SHA's fault that you can't properly navigate that intersection without their help or a multitude of signal lights to tell you what to do :blahblah:
Yet I am the idiot who has driven around these parts for 15 years without a single accident. Yep... you Win! Congrats!