Originally posted by SmallTown
And if the republicans are the better (smarter) party, then they owe it the american people to play the game whichever way it needs to be played to make sure their people are in office.
This is the liberal view - "our opinion is the right one, and we owe it to the american people to make sure it prevails". Our opinion is the correct one, EVEN if the voting population is too bigoted, ignorant or ill-informed to know it. And if they STILL don't like it after we present our case, well, we'll find a way to get activist judges to MAKE it so - because we're right.
Most conservatives I know would be horrified by that, despite the way they're cartoonishly depicted in liberal press. The religious ones are the worst, in my opinion, but most of the ones I know believe that if they can't win the opinions of the public, their case can't be forced onto them.
The conservative feeling is still - if the american voter wants to vote a basset hound into the White House and free donuts from the government every morning, then that's what happens. Yeah, it's stupid, but it's after all a democracy. Hopefully SOMEONE will convince them that it's dumb, but if the mob is stupid, you get stupid choices.
It's a question of - do you trust the masses to think for themselves, or do they need a "smarter" head to think for them? The liberal view is the latter. Not surprisingly, their politics follows this.