Hey Dems



Originally posted by vraiblonde
I'd have flashed him. :shrug:

I tried but my wardrobe was in functioning order that morning. :shrug:
I went in the store this weekend, luckily he wasn't there -- just the old guys. Some of them also know me there... I gave my friend (the cashier) some fake scratch off tickets to give to her "regulars" that could take a joke and also because I just don't have the heart to give them to anybody personally. She said one woman was in there on her knees thanking Jesus over and over and over again....I wish she had given him a few, it would have shut him up for sure. :smile:


Originally posted by vraiblonde
And it wasn't me, right?

No it wasn't -- now that we cleared the record... what would you have flashed him with? If you are referring to your upper... ummm body parts... why would you give such obnoxious behavior a reward? It would not have scared him away or anything -- probably just encourage it ... :lol:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
No, that was Ken - Otter was the one that fell out of the truck. :otter:
No hearing aid here (just had a physical). I just pretend to be deaf when around you (the wife and many other women). :lmao:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by dems4me
Do you want them Ken dear?
Nope, I don't wear any political candidate’s paraphernalia, but you could probably take them to Dean Lumber in Hollywood and give them away there.


Originally posted by Ken King
Nope, I don't wear any political candidate’s paraphernalia, but you could probably take them to Dean Lumber in Hollywood and give them away there.

I could but they all say Howard Dean for President... somehow I need to change all paraphenrnalia from Dean to Kerry -- ballon's included then I'd be right on track for this year's election.:smile:


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde

I met a guy at the local store two weekends ago that was belching ... fat beer belly, no teeth, playing a scratch of ticket that decided to strike up a conversation with me...

... he said "you know, this is going to highly irratate you... but in IQ tests, republicans rank higher than democrats"

Gotta love how these low lifes feel they must be "smart by association". My bet from the description of the guy, is that he wouldn't even make triple digits. But as long as he feels his political party is smarter and thus makes him smarter, :cheers: :cheers:

But I don't buy into that whole argument. As I have brought up many times in different circumstances, if they are so smart then how did they allow Clinton to get elected. Twice.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
But I don't buy into that whole argument. As I have brought up many times in different circumstances, if they are so smart then how did they allow Clinton to get elected. Twice.
More dead people were voting in the 90s.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
But I don't buy into that whole argument. As I have brought up many times in different circumstances, if they are so smart then how did they allow Clinton to get elected. Twice.

Because it's a stupid argument. If Lyndon LaRouche's supporters are so smart, how come their guy never gets elected?

Same answer - number of voters. Has nothing to do with intelligence.

I once tried to persuade my Dad to read sci-fi magazines based on the high circulation of some of them. He said, "I'm sure Playboy outsells Scientific American son, but subscription numbers don't guarantee quality of the articles".

I'm sure Clinton appealed to more people, but that doesn't mean they were using their brain while voting for him.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by SamSpade
I'm sure Clinton appealed to more people, but that doesn't mean they were using their brain while voting for him.

I've always thought of Clinton as a "feel-good" kinda guy. He's such a smooth talker that he makes those swing voters "feel good", and that's how he got elected.

I was guilty of voting for Clinton for precisely this reason in my younger years. I was not smart on the issues, but I "liked" Clinton, for lack of a better term.

Of course, I was also guilty of voting for Perot once too. :ohwell:

I'm glad I finally came to my senses in the past couple years.


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
More dead people were voting in the 90s.

Originally posted by SamSpade

Same answer - number of voters. Has nothing to do with intelligence.

Taking into account both of your comments, wouldn't the smarter group find ways to gain an advantage?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Taking into account both of your comments, wouldn't the smarter group find ways to gain an advantage?

Ok, you win. The "smarter" group got dead people to vote, and others to vote several times. They coaxed the elderly on which selections to make at the polls, and kept the voting booths open past their closing times to get more votes. So I guess you win.

Hey, if you don't have the votes, the only way to "gain an advantage" is to cheat, and again, this is a measure of integrity and not intelligence.


Football season!
Originally posted by SamSpade
Ok, you win. The "smarter" group got dead people to vote, and others to vote several times. They coaxed the elderly on which selections to make at the polls, and kept the voting booths open past their closing times to get more votes. So I guess you win.

Hey, if you don't have the votes, the only way to "gain an advantage" is to cheat, and again, this is a measure of integrity and not intelligence.

Integrity? Politics??:confused: :killingme :killingme :killingme


Football season!
Originally posted by SmallTown
Integrity? Politics??:confused: :killingme :killingme :killingme

And if the republicans are the better (smarter) party, then they owe it the american people to play the game whichever way it needs to be played to make sure their people are in office.


Originally posted by SmallTown
And if the republicans are the better (smarter) party, then they owe it the american people to play the game whichever way it needs to be played to make sure their people are in office.

Which reminds me of a saying from Queens of Comedy...

There's no shame in my game!!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
And if the republicans are the better (smarter) party, then they owe it the american people to play the game whichever way it needs to be played to make sure their people are in office.

This is the liberal view - "our opinion is the right one, and we owe it to the american people to make sure it prevails". Our opinion is the correct one, EVEN if the voting population is too bigoted, ignorant or ill-informed to know it. And if they STILL don't like it after we present our case, well, we'll find a way to get activist judges to MAKE it so - because we're right.

Most conservatives I know would be horrified by that, despite the way they're cartoonishly depicted in liberal press. The religious ones are the worst, in my opinion, but most of the ones I know believe that if they can't win the opinions of the public, their case can't be forced onto them.

The conservative feeling is still - if the american voter wants to vote a basset hound into the White House and free donuts from the government every morning, then that's what happens. Yeah, it's stupid, but it's after all a democracy. Hopefully SOMEONE will convince them that it's dumb, but if the mob is stupid, you get stupid choices.

It's a question of - do you trust the masses to think for themselves, or do they need a "smarter" head to think for them? The liberal view is the latter. Not surprisingly, their politics follows this.


The conservative feeling is still - if the american voter wants to vote a basset hound into the White House and free donuts from the government every morning, then that's what happens. Yeah, it's stupid, but it's after all a democracy. Hopefully SOMEONE will convince them that it's dumb, but if the mob is stupid, you get stupid choices.

It's a question of - do you trust the masses to think for themselves, or do they need a "smarter" head to think for them? The liberal view is the latter. Not surprisingly, their politics follows this. [/B][/QUOTE]

ummm... I know I'm opening up a can of worms... but that never seems to stop me.... I for one think that Gore won the popular vote and should have been elected pres. instead of Bush and Kathleen Turner as co-chair of Bush's campaign should have recussed herself . Sorry In Advance -- jmho :biggrin:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by dems4me
ummm... I know I'm opening up a can of worms... but that never seems to stop me.... I for one think that Gore won the popular vote and should have been elected pres. instead of Bush and Kathleen Turner as co-chair of Bush's campaign should have recussed herself . Sorry In Advance -- jmho :biggrin:

:confused: How do you figure that? The numbers show Bush won both the popular and the electoral vote.


Originally posted by sleuth14
:confused: How do you figure that? The numbers show Bush won both the popular and the electoral vote.

Then again it goes back to the sources... and the merri-go-round on here on this issue. Its just my opinion dear :wink: :flowers: for you -- its too nice of a day for the start of a flamewar.:cheers: Happy Engineers Day!!!:cheers: :dance:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
The numbers show Bush won both the popular and the electoral vote.
Everything I've ever seen is that Gore won the popular vote and Bush won the electoral vote and, therefore, the election.

Originally posted by Dems4me
I for one think that Gore won the popular vote and should have been elected pres.
Take it up with your Congressman. Presidents are elected by electoral vote, not popular vote - says so in our Constitution. If you want that changed, you have to go through the process of making an amendment.

Kathleen Turner as co-chair of Bush's campaign
I was unaware that Kathleen Turner had anything to do with politics at all, let alone the Bush campaign.