Hey! Who do you think you are?



HOLY SHIAT! I am almost totally speechless! I just received an e-mail from one of my daughters teachers. He's upset about an essay she turned in about United States Policy in the Middle East. I thought, all teachers were fricking Liberal! I don't even know what to do. I don't see what she wrote as anti-war at all! Am I wrong?

His E-Mail

Dear Mrs. xxxxxx

Once again, we are dealing with an issue regarding xxxxxx renegade spirit. She is a good student and will always be afforded the ability to express her opinions in class. I have a personal concern. It is my understanding that she is formally a member of the United States Navy. I have a son in the Army and as you are well aware the United States Military does not tolerate insubordination. If she is against the War I suggest she find a more subjective career.


xx xxxxxxxxxx

Her Thesis Statement which was attached

I have researched U.S. Policy in the Middle East. I am a Republican and love my country but somehow, Our Policy in the Middle East, seems shallow and poorly thought out. Basically, in a nut shell, America thinks that everyone should live just like we do. In a perfect world that would be nice but get real! Because of our position in Israel The Middle East hates us! Can a country who is despised and hated truly bring about permanent, positive change? I understand and agree that these people live in horrible conditions and are mistreated by their governments but that doesn’t change the facts. We can’t kill everybody, so we have a real problem on our hands! It was wonderful and uplifting to see the footage from the recent Iraqi elections, their cute purple fingers and big smiles but we have to face facts. Once America leaves the region and we eventually will, tyranny will once again rear it’s ugly head and the people will be right back at square one. If we want to make a powerful and lasting change in this region we must be willing to meet them halfway.
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24/7 Single Dad
If she's in the Navy, why is he writing you?

Your daughter is wrong. We're hated in the middle east for various reasons starting with they still hold a grudge about the Crusades and the only schools available to most of them teach them it's our fault that they're poor.


New Member
Way to many exclaimation marks for a thesis :wardchurchill:
Also loses points for capitalizing 'Our Policy'.


aps45819 said:
If she's in the Navy, why is he writing you?

Your daughter is wrong. We're hated in the middle east for various reasons starting with they still hold a grudge about the Crusades and the only schools available to most of them teach them it's our fault that they're poor.
She's delayed entry... she's only 17.


My Sweetest Boy
I would think the teacher should only criticize her writing style/grammar not the topic. What about freedom of speech.


This Space for Rent
Bogart said:
Way to many exclaimation marks for a thesis :wardchurchill:
Also loses points for capitalizing 'Our Policy'.

Much less the other use of language, such as "get real" (exclamation point)... etc...


Football addict
cattitude said:
I would think the teacher should only criticize her writing style/grammar not the topic. What about freedom of speech.
That doesn't matter anymore in High School. Seems the public school systems are turning into educational prisons, you do it this way or no way.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Sorry Kain, not only do I agree with your daughter's teacher, I completely dis-agree with her introductory paragraph. I still remember discussing Middle East politics in High School. I used to get frustrated since very few people understand the mindset they have. Its all or nothing: There is no compromise. These people have been bred to hate, fight, die and be proud of it for thousands of years.

The sad part is, I'm extremely mild compared to what my father's was and what my grand-father's is (Grandpa is ex-Iraeli army).


FromTexas said:
Much less the other use of language, such as "get real" (exclamation point)... etc...
Awful isn't it... She writes exactly like she talks.:lmao:


The teacher isn't arguing the fact that she has freedom of speech. He is concerned that her opinion about the war in the Middle East isn't a favorable one, which I clearly see, nor is her thought process on the subject matter clear. His question is simply with her negative feels, why would she want to join the military, especially during a war she doesn’t feel we need to be fighting. Maybe this was not her intent Kain, but with the scattered thoughts, one could only come to that conclusion.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I don't think the issue is whether you agree with her statement. It's not even about free speech.

The issue is whether or not A) as a member of the US Navy, it is appropriate that she should be writing such material, and B) it is appropriate for the teacher to make this his/her problem.


My Sweetest Boy
Sheesh. She's a 17 year old impressionable girl who has not really lived life. So, she joined the Navy. BFD. You really think she knows what to expect? I think not. I would suspect her mindset will change quite a bit once she's actually IN the Navy and has experienced life away from mommy. The teacher is acting like an ass.


professional daydreamer
If they ship her over there, she'll change the way she thinks real fast, or get her azz kicked.