And what's ignorant is that, for me, it's easier to overhaul my diet than take one little teeny tiny pill every day. I swear I am mental. It's one of those weird aversion things that I can't explain.
My big deal is eggs - I love them and eat them daily. But I also love steel cut oatmeal with apples and nuts, so there's no reason why I can't make that transition. I rarely eat fish, even though I like it, so there's a swap. There are a lot of things I could be doing different that I'll actually enjoy. Rather than taking one little pill a day. How messed up is that?
I don't know HOW I missed this thread! I guess I've been mucho busy this week after work.

ANYHOO, I haven't read all the posts yet, so I may be repeating some other comments. However, my first thoughts are I think you are right to make the changes you are motivated to make without popping the pills first. What harm can come from that? All the diet changes you can make will probably be very good anyway. Daily exercise in the form of daily cardio is the best. Briskly walking, taking an aerobics class, doing the stationary or real life bike (at a fast enough pace to qualify as a good cardio workout.)
Anecdotally, my BFF's husband (you know who I mean) lost a LOT OF WEIGHT, lowered his triglycerides dramatically and his overall cholesterol to a healthy range by going on the Atkins diet. His triglycerides were off the chart and he was very overweight. (He's only about 5'6" or 5'7") His Dr. told him if he didn't lower the triglycerides, he was going to die. He will be 50 in June, and this was a little over 10 years ago. You've seen him, so you know he's in better shape now than what I'm describing him at younger than 40!