High gas prices? Thank a Democrat this November


New Member
Mike, I'm not talking about drilling more. I'm talking about how great it would be to research and develop more options for petroleum-free cars, energy, etc.

Hon: so far they have been doing exactly that and they have relatively ZIP.

Yes: They have some technology that shows promise,but nothing that can do the job of replacing carbon based fuels. Meanwhile they want us to abandon carbon based fuels while they continue to look.

What they should be doing is cleaning up the carbon based fuels the best they can , using them,while they continue to look. not trying to wean the baby before its ready to be weaned.


New Member
Hon: so far they have been doing exactly that and they have relatively ZIP.


Not only do they have zip, but every study shows that unless you plow 90% of the USA for Corn to Fuel, or set up massive windfarms on every coastline, and even then you can't come close to Nukes and gas.

Reality based engineering says drill, and build Nukes.


New Member
NObama has been caught on tape saying he's glad the prices of gas went up, what he also said is that he just didn't expect it to go up so fast!!! So good to know how much you care about Americans dipsh!t!!! :buttkick:

I Google'd this and can't find where he said this anywhere.

When and were did he say this? Can you post a link? Or is this another e-mail you got?

Andy :howdy:


Well-Known Member
Hon: so far they have been doing exactly that and they have relatively ZIP.

Yes: They have some technology that shows promise,but nothing that can do the job of replacing carbon based fuels. Meanwhile they want us to abandon carbon based fuels while they continue to look.

What they should be doing is cleaning up the carbon based fuels the best they can , using them,while they continue to look. not trying to wean the baby before its ready to be weaned.

I'm not your hon. :nono: Only Baja can get away with calling me that. I agree that we should improve our petroleum based fuel efficiency, but I also think it's extremely important that we continue to look into renewable energy sources. If every home in America installed solar panels on the roof, we'd save a ton of energy. Prices would come down because more people are using solar. I knew of a farmer in VT who had 1 windmill installed on his farm. It paid for itself in 3 years. It's now providing enough energy to run his entire farm, and he's selling electricity back to the power company. I realize that it's not feasible for everyone to have a windmill, but it's very do-able in a lot of cases.

Not only do they have zip, but every study shows that unless you plow 90% of the USA for Corn to Fuel, or set up massive windfarms on every coastline, and even then you can't come close to Nukes and gas.

Reality based engineering says drill, and build Nukes.

I think we could drill now to ease things up a bit, but eventually we're going to have to look into alternative fuel sources. Wouldn't it be smart to develop those sources now, instead of waiting until we rely 100% on another country? We shouldn't wait until we're out of oil, we need to plan ahead. Just because there are no perfect solutions now doesn't mean we won't eventually get 1 or 2 perfect solutions.

And companies have already looked into windfarms off coastlines, but guess what? People don't want to ruin their view. :drama:


I'm not your hon. :nono: Only Baja can get away with calling me that. I agree that we should improve our petroleum based fuel efficiency, but I also think it's extremely important that we continue to look into renewable energy sources. If every home in America installed solar panels on the roof, we'd save a ton of energy. Prices would come down because more people are using solar. I knew of a farmer in VT who had 1 windmill installed on his farm. It paid for itself in 3 years. It's now providing enough energy to run his entire farm, and he's selling electricity back to the power company. I realize that it's not feasible for everyone to have a windmill, but it's very do-able in a lot of cases.

I think we could drill now to ease things up a bit, but eventually we're going to have to look into alternative fuel sources. Wouldn't it be smart to develop those sources now, instead of waiting until we rely 100% on another country? We shouldn't wait until we're out of oil, we need to plan ahead. Just because there are no perfect solutions now doesn't mean we won't eventually get 1 or 2 perfect solutions.

And companies have already looked into windfarms off coastlines, but guess what? People don't want to ruin their view. :drama:

Calm down Hon. :lol:


wandering aimlessly
In episode 32 Scotty just fired the phasers into ti and recharged it so they could run away from the Klingon. Evidently that technique was fake.
Whatever happened to those Germans that were working on warp drive? IRL not Star Trek.


New Member
"If every home in America installed solar panels on the roof, we'd save a ton of energy. "


OK, so we spend $8,000 on solar pannels (Conservitive estimate), to do this (New Batteries every 5 years not included), and charge up the car, see this article on a Solar Powered Gov test vehicle


At $4 a gallon I drive the 25 miles to work and back, so I get to spend $4 each day, or in abot 8.3 years we are equal, and I don't need a $3000 outlay for new batteries, plus the $5000 extra just to buy the green battery equipped car up front.

Sniff test says, go with gas, let the tree huggers spend their cash for a feel good experience.
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Well-Known Member
If every home in America installed solar panels on the roof, we'd save a ton of energy.

I've looked into it - basic systems I've been able to locate START somewhere in the range of 15 grand, and that doesn't include installation. And they'd contribute somewhere around 200 kW-hrs per month - so, it'd save me about what, 30 bucks a month, maybe? How long before I recoup my investment?

Until solar roofs become a lot more affordable, I don't really care how green they are.


New Member
I've looked into it - basic systems I've been able to locate START somewhere in the range of 15 grand, and that doesn't include installation. And they'd contribute somewhere around 200 kW-hrs per month - so, it'd save me about what, 30 bucks a month, maybe? How long before I recoup my investment?

Until solar roofs become a lot more affordable, I don't really care how green they are.

I calculate 44.4 years. Will you keep your green car that long?