High gas prices? Thank a Democrat this November


In My Opinion
Perhaps they've been around for decades, but they're not being used as frequently as other things. Think of other technology that's dramatically decreased in price: microwaves, TVs, CD and DVD players. They're pretty common in most American households. Solar panels? Not so much.

Besides, we're talking about a big investment that will save people money in the long run. Look at the money people throw away on vehicles every year! Trucks for $50K?! They cost you money each month, not save you. And after 5-10 yrs you'd be lucky to get much money from resale.

Anyway, I'm bored with discussing this. :howdy:
I agree completely.
I would love to have a car that was economical to drive, safe in a accident, did not have a major ecological problem getting rid of batteries somewhere down the road, and would do what I need my vehicle to do.

but its just not there, so in the meantime I drive a gas hog that spews deep rich black smoke into the windows of the eco car drivers that look at me with disdain at the stop lights. mean, but damn sure fun to soot the homocar drivers.


Well-Known Member
"big investment that will save people money in the long run."

Gee how many times do we have to say.... NO

Right now it will cost you MORE money in the long run.


You really can't grasp the concept that it will become less expensive the more people use it? :loser:


In My Opinion
You really can't grasp the concept that it will become less expensive the more people use it? :loser:
that is true, however there is always a price curve where only the wealthy can afford to purchase the new technology.
just like the microwaves you mentioned, when they first came out, what now costs 100 bucks was 900 bucks. the average person could not afford it.

however, had that 900 dollar microwave not been introduced, we certainly would not have realized the 100 dollar microwave.


You really can't grasp the concept that it will become less expensive the more people use it? :loser:

But you are missing the concept that more people have to buy it before it can become less expensive.

With all your examples there were people buying the expensive VCR's, DVD's and stuff creating a market thus creating competition thus lowering prices.

Also to consider that "durable goods" IE; goods intended to last more than a couple years (I know the definition of durable goods is slightly misapplied) don't always follow your model of lower prices through higher demand especially those that are high dollar. Sure a $300 VCR was a big purchase but it was reachable by the bulk of the housholds, laying out $10K is not reachable for most. Automobiles and other high dollar long term goods do not decrease in price typically because of increased manufacturing efficiency.

With solar the ROI is not attractive enough yet.


Well-Known Member
But you are missing the concept that more people have to buy it before it can become less expensive.

With all your examples there were people buying the expensive VCR's, DVD's and stuff creating a market thus creating competition thus lowering prices.

Also to consider that "durable goods" IE; goods intended to last more than a couple years (I know the definition of durable goods is slightly misapplied) don't always follow your model of lower prices through higher demand especially those that are high dollar. Sure a $300 VCR was a big purchase but it was reachable by the bulk of the housholds, laying out $10K is not reachable for most. Automobiles and other high dollar long term goods do not decrease in price typically because of increased manufacturing efficiency.

With solar the ROI is not attractive enough yet.

I completely understand all that. That's why I said we need to research more and put more effort into finding other alternatives. If we spend money to develop a solar panel that's cheaper to make and saves the consumer more money, more people would be willing to install systems.


Obama destroyed America
I completely understand all that. That's why I said we need to research more and put more effort into finding other alternatives. If we spend money to develop a solar panel that's cheaper to make and saves the consumer more money, more people would be willing to install systems.
Your heart is in the right place. :huggy:

The short term fix while we develop alternative sources is to drill holes and build refineries like banshees. Then we have plenty of oil AND new technologies. Those fukcing towel heads can drink their precious oil. And since it doesn't grow in the desert, we can jack the chit out of food prices to those allah lovin bastards!! :evil:

I like it!! :yahoo:


In My Opinion
Your heart is in the right place. :huggy:

The short term fix while we develop alternative sources is to drill holes and build refineries like banshees. Then we have plenty of oil AND new technologies. Those fukcing towel heads can drink their precious oil. And since it doesn't grow in the desert, we can jack the chit out of food prices to those allah lovin bastards!! :evil:

I like it!! :yahoo:
I wonder if we can speculate on produce until those filthy unwashed oil slurping bastards are paying 50 bucks for a wrinkled tomato


New Member
You really can't grasp the concept that it will become less expensive the more people use it? :loser:

not when physics of scale are involved. You can only make fuel for car's one or two ways, and no short cuts exist.

Now for a small razer, yes, for a whole fuel based system...well its been tried, and it don't work

Try looking at the physics first. Before you blabber about a fix that is not going to happen.


Well-Known Member
You really can't grasp the concept that it will become less expensive the more people use it? :loser:

You mean, the more people *buy* it? Of course. How long will that take? I went through the case studies on your site. It takes decades to break even, and that's even with massive rebates and tax credits. Somehow the idea of saving a few hundred a year on my electric bill doesn't seem worth it.

And while I can see the cost of manufacture going down, I certainly don't see the cost of installation going anywhere but up. Not long ago I have some electrical work done in my house. Price of materials? Almost zero - some cables and a bit of hardware. Whole job was hundreds of dollars.

Even if the solar panels were totally free, I don't see their installation as saving me all that much in the long run. There's not a significant payoff.


Well-Known Member
Have you seen a house with these things installed?? Ugly isnt the word.

True, but I've seen examples of solar shingling that doesn't look terrible. I suppose if it came as an option and I was into building a *new* home, I might be persuaded to have them put on. I'm not, however, going to drop a lot of money to replace the ones I have for a negligible drop in my electric bill.


New Member
I always offer the shut me up provision, to the dumb blonds out there stuck in full reality retreat.

SHOW the math, where this makes any economic sense.


Well-Known Member
I always offer the shut me up provision, to the dumb blonds out there stuck in full reality retreat.

SHOW the math, where this makes any economic sense.

I certainly hope you're not referring to me as the dumb blonde. Oh, and blonde has an "e" on the end. I'm not dumb and I'm certainly not a blonde. Like the website said, it makes economic sense for some people. All people? Nah, maybe not everyone. I've seen firsthand that wind and solar energy can work for people.

This will be my last post to you. I've got better things to do than sit around and argue (on the internet, no less) with someone that has his head stuck up his ass. :howdy:


Well-Known Member
I certainly hope you're not referring to me as the dumb blonde. Oh, and blonde has an "e" on the end.

It's either, both as a noun and an adjective, although the most common distinction is to use "blond" in reference to a male and "blonde" in reference to a female. But either is acceptable in either usage.


Well-Known Member
It's either, both as a noun and an adjective, although the most common distinction is to use "blond" in reference to a male and "blonde" in reference to a female. But either is acceptable in either usage.

Well, I am a female. :smile:


New Member
"I've seen firsthand that wind and solar energy can work for people."

I agree it can work if you have the sunlight. Just not in Maryland at $4.00 a gallon for gas, or .14$ for Utility power.

All I asked for was proof, in hard cold numbers, not some feel good, its going to work answer.

You should color your hair.