High gas prices? Thank a Democrat this November


'95 ZX6R
Those new bulbs dont come on immediately. they take about ten seconds to light.

Kind of annoying wondering if they are going to work. They do last a long time though.

the warm up time to pull brightness depends a lot on the brand. I've tried a bunch of different ones and none of the local ones seem to be of any real quality and also break easily. the ones i ordered online warm up much faster. i'd say they are about 80% bright at the moment i flick the switch and take a only a minute to get to 100%. i actually like the effect since when i first turn them on in the morning my eyes are a bit light sensative.


Well-Known Member
no need to insult her.
she, like many others are just fed up with the lack of investment into alternative energy, her problem, just like many others, is that she does not realize that it is not the governments responsibility to bring us new energy sources.
The responsibility is with the business to bring us alternatives, until such a time that they see it worth their investment to do something, its not going to happen.
dont complain about the president, or the congress on this one, either complain to the current energy providers, the makers of the products that use that energy, or come up with an idea and find funding to bring it to realization.

the government was never intended to hold our hands every moment of our life, the people have to do for themselves.
That's not a very progressive attitude! :lol:


New Member
no need to insult her.
she, like many others are just fed up with the lack of investment into alternative energy, her problem, just like many others, is that she does not realize that it is not the governments responsibility to bring us new energy sources.
The responsibility is with the business to bring us alternatives, until such a time that they see it worth their investment to do something, its not going to happen.
dont complain about the president, or the congress on this one, either complain to the current energy providers, the makers of the products that use that energy, or come up with an idea and find funding to bring it to realization.

the government was never intended to hold our hands every moment of our life, the people have to do for themselves.

let it be known that upon this, the first day of July in the year of 2008, bcp and I agree on a subject.


New Member
no need to insult her.
she, like many others are just fed up with the lack of investment into alternative energy, her problem, just like many others, is that she does not realize that it is not the governments responsibility to bring us new energy sources.
The responsibility is with the business to bring us alternatives, until such a time that they see it worth their investment to do something, its not going to happen.
dont complain about the president, or the congress on this one, either complain to the current energy providers, the makers of the products that use that energy, or come up with an idea and find funding to bring it to realization.

the government was never intended to hold our hands every moment of our life, the people have to do for themselves.

do for themselves....what are you some kind of right wing nut job?

So, how un PC, I am going to throw up......... where is the gov to my rescue


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I always offer the shut me up provision, to the dumb blonds out there stuck in full reality retreat.

SHOW the math, where this makes any economic sense.
:nono: Insults just lower the civility of our conversation. She's not being rude to you like that, why do you have to call names?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
My question is what is everyone doing right now to lower their energy costs?

There is a ton of information on the internet on how to lower your energy consumption in ways that are not expensive or even free. It's more than just using CFL lightbulbs (which btw also lower cooling costs as they don't generate the heat incadecents do).

Back in the day when I was in Girl Scouts - it was called conservation. We learned how to do a lot "green" things and we did them as a way of life. Before it was in vogue to be green, really. So I've personally been conserving energy and resources most of my life. Besides, I had a father who would post the electric bill on the fridge with arrows pointing at the total when it got high! If I heard him say once, I heard him say a trillion times "What do you think I'm trying to do - light up (heat/cool) the neighborhood?" :killingme

I'm on municipal water, so I watch my consumption, mostly due to frugality, but waste not - want not, etc. I don't buy pre-packaged foods if I can help it, so I don't have half the trash I see my neighbors producing. I don't normally buy water, when I can get away with it. (we have special holders for ours water bottles, & I need a certain size - so I will replace bottles when they get or we lose a lid) I never litter. I've seen more trash on the roads here in MD since I returned 3 years ago, it's disgraceful.

I have not converted to those wacky lightbulbs because I don't like the light they give off and the length of time they take to light up, but I do turn off lights when they're not being used.

There are a lot of things you can do. For me it's a way of life to conserve energy/resources and not pollute. I'm teaching it to my kids, as well.


New Member
Go read about EEstor and the car company Zenn.

EEstor has been working on EESU's - electrical energy storage units. They are not batteries but ultracapacitors. If true, they certainly could revolutionize cars. Zenn has provided funding and looks to test the first cars in 2009 or 2010. A lot of people dismissed the technology as overplayed or just quack, but earlier this year LockMart signed on with EEStor to buy the technology for military uses. I have said for awhile and continue to say that electrical cars are the future, not hydrogen, as that just adds an extra step. Each area f the country can produce electricity how best suits it and that extra load on the system would occurr mostly at night during charges, perfect for the current state of the gird. I certainly hope the EESU technology proves out.


There is no excuse for continuing to send our dollars to people who would destroy us, while refusing to drill for oil that might make us independent on Arab oil.

Anyone who says we cannot drill our way out of this crisis is full of crap. In the short term, that is exactly what we can and should do.

Certainly we need to discover alternative sources of energy, but we cannot dry up and die while doing the looking.I wonder sometimes if that is the plan . To destroy our economy while saving the planet for those who will come after the riots and pick up the pieces.

If drilling is so important why didn't it get pushed through when Bush was first in office with a Republican controlled congress? Seems like it should have been a slam dunk since the Democrats are blocking things now.


New Member
If drilling is so important why didn't it get pushed through when Bush was first in office with a Republican controlled congress? Seems like it should have been a slam dunk since the Democrats are blocking things now.

Well, if there really isn't an oil shortage, then more drilling wouldn't even matter, would it? But an excellent question!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
If drilling is so important why didn't it get pushed through when Bush was first in office with a Republican controlled congress? Seems like it should have been a slam dunk since the Democrats are blocking things now.
When Bush first entered office the Senate was 50-50 until June when Jeffords went Independent, anything brought up by one party that the other didn't like could be easily blocked by filibuster. Besides, when does Congress ever do anything for the good of the people?


Well-Known Member
When Bush first entered office the Senate was 50-50 until June when Jeffords went Independent, anything brought up by one party that the other didn't like could be easily blocked by filibuster. Besides, when does Congress ever do anything for the good of the people?

As has been mentioned on here before, nothing's a slam dunk in the Senate until the number 60 is reached.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

As has been mentioned on here before, nothing's a slam dunk in the Senate until the number 60 is reached.

...not even then! McCain introduced the sub group hold the senate hostage concept with his gang of 14. Imagine the leverage someone can exert if they can position themselves and their pals as, say, the 55th through 60th votes.


New Member
"slam dunk since the Democrats are blocking things now."

wait, but then Dems are in control??? So does anyone think the Democrates will do anything about the price of Gas? Other than Tax it more.


Not ready to try any of their more extreme measures (coasting with the engine off or disconnecting the alternator and using home charger for battery) but many other suggestions I've tried have worked.

yeah maybe in Cali that would work - less rain - but get caught in a thunderstorm and see how fast your battery drains with head lights, wipers, fan blowing for window defog .... :whistle: