I’m going to respectfully disagree with Newt Gingrich, practically every conservative radio host, and most of my PJ Media friends: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy deserved to be sent to the cornfield.
There is a tumulus of reasons why pink-slipping the former Speaker was a bad idea. But there is something larger to be discussed.
McCarthy knew the rules and he broke them. He knew that handing the Democrats everything they wanted in the stopgap bill, most notably a pallet o’ cash for Ukraine, was a death knell. He did it anyway. Which rule was McCarthy going to break next? Some of the
smartest people in the media believe the 2024 election may be our final chance to save the nation from Marxism. Do you really want a mushy squishy as a Speaker? I don’t.
I always considered McCarthy a RINO. I was nauseated when he became Speaker. That said, I was honestly surprised with some of his moves. However, continuing to throw mad stacks at the money-laundering nation of Ukraine is insane. More importantly, it tells me he is one of
them, a globalist who may or may not be riding the Ukraine gravy train.
America’s uniparty continues to send mad stacks to one of the most corrupt nations on the planet, yet when 25% of our military personnel complained they didn’t make enough of a salary to feed their families, they were told to apply for food stamps.