Hollyrock Diesel Douchebags - step in


Well-Known Member
In one of my many conversations on here, he acted made fun of my little prick, and they laughed at me when I clenched my fists and stamped my little feeties, and I never forget. As far as I'm concerned, itsboob and Baja can both jump off a cliff.



Just was at Walmart and noticed a minivan with a Hollyrock bumper sticker on it, people in the parking lot thought I had mental problems cause i busted out laughing.


In My Opinion
Just was at Walmart and noticed a minivan with a Hollyrock bumper sticker on it, people in the parking lot thought I had mental problems cause i busted out laughing.

They didn't think you had a mental problem because you were laughing, it was because you were in the Wal-Mart parking lot.


Registered User
In one of my many conversations on here, he acted like a total prick, and I never forget. As far as I'm concerned, itsboob and Baja can both jump off a cliff.

Word of advice from and old lady. Each day is a new beginning. Treat it as such. Dontt forget past wrongs but dont hold grudges either. People can change on a dime..those that aare #######s one day just might be the ones to help pick you upand dust you off later.


mama to two
Word of advice from and old lady. Each day is a new beginning. Treat it as such. Dontt forget past wrongs but dont hold grudges either. People can change on a dime..those that aare #######s one day just might be the ones to help pick you upand dust you off later.

:yay: ...and vice versa. Good advice for this forum, afterall, it is a micro community; which then spills out into the real community which is southern Maryland, and beyond. It is easy to lose our cool, but it certainly should not dictate how we act in the future. I was guilty of this very thing that you speak of just a couple days ago on another thread. I reacted out of anger of a past wrong, and it led to hurt, again. We need to think before we react, and learn from it. Oh, and, if you are old, then, I am ancient! :killingme
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I bowl overhand
Word of advice from and old lady. Each day is a new beginning. Treat it as such. Dontt forget past wrongs but dont hold grudges either. People can change on a dime..those that aare #######s one day just might be the ones to help pick you upand dust you off later.
You want to come pet my chicken?


New Member
Can't wait to finish my next project and race with the hollyrock guys hoping that migtig is out with her windows down sucking on something besides smoke. She should be happy that she's sucking on something besides smoke. Just saying lol the hollyrock guys are good to go in my opinion and hope to raise hell with them on 235 again so we can drive like douchebags according to this fat #### :/


mama to two
Can't wait to finish my next project and race with the hollyrock guys hoping that migtig is out with her windows down sucking on something besides smoke. She should be happy that she's sucking on something besides smoke. Just saying lol the hollyrock guys are good to go in my opinion and hope to raise hell with them on 235 again so we can drive like douchebags according to this fat #### :/

Well, I was trying to be supportive of a small business on this forum, but what you just posted doesn't help their/your cause, unless, you forgot the sarcasm smilie. Sorry, but migtig is someone I admire on this forum because she knows her shiat about a lot of subjects. Why would you post this? From what I understand you are one of the older posters here that have commented on this thread. I guess Zara's advice was lost on you. But, hey, no one knows better than I, that this forum is open to any opinions that a member wants to post.


New Member
Well, I was trying to be supportive of a small business on this forum, but what you just posted doesn't help their/your cause, unless, you forgot the sarcasm smilie. Sorry, but migtig is someone I admire on this forum because she knows her shiat about a lot of subjects. Why would you post this? From what I understand you are one of the older posters here that have commented on this thread. I guess Zara's advice was lost on you. But, hey, no one knows better than I, that this forum is open to any opinions that a member wants to post.
sorry, I'm just not a big fan of someone that wants to bash me when they know absolutely nothing about me except to say that I drive like a douchebag even though I've had a clean driving record for decades :/ just wondering how someone can talk trash without know a person at all what so ever and bash them behind a computer screen

I haven't read all the posts. Just the ones my friends tell me I'm being called out. If Zara said good things about me, then she knows the real me and not the trash that migtig is saying.


mama to two
sorry, I'm just not a big fan of someone that wants to bash me when they know absolutely nothing about me except to say that I drive like a douchebag even though I've had a clean driving record for decades :/ just wondering how someone can talk trash without know a person at all what so ever and bash them behind a computer screen

I haven't read all the posts. Just the ones my friends tell me I'm being called out. If Zara said good things about me, then she knows the real me and not the trash that migtig is saying.

Well, you kind of lost in it in the translation, but one thing you do get for sure is: This forum is good for bashing someone that they don't know if you don't agree with them. One thing I have learned as an American, which was reinforced on this forum is stand up for what you believe in, and never back down. Case in point. I just misjudged you, my fault. I have been here for two years, and, yes, I have my opinions, and who I believe is worthy of following, and others that I do not waste my time on. Just to summarize, migtig, is not your enemy. She is about as balanced as you will get, here. The one factor I never talked about in my few previous posts was the danger factor. Members are right here to be concerned about the crazy spinning out thing which could cause a vehicle to go out of control. Maybe this is more prevalent in other counties, but I have not experienced this in Calvert; I can't even remember seeing a Hollyrock back window banner.(My world is between Lusby and Prince Frederick) Yes, there are loud cars, people that floor it, and buttholes on 4, but I don't see the black smoke, crazy stuff, or any of these big trucks causing havoc; yet, again, just my opinion. Take care.
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my war
Well, you kind of lost in it in the translation, but one thing you do get for sure is: This forum is good for bashing someone that they don't know if you don't agree with them. One thing I have learned as an American, which was reinforced on this forum is stand up for what you believe in, and never back down. Case in point. I just misjudged you, my fault. I have been here for two years, and, yes, I have my opinions, and who I believe is worthy of following, and others that I do not waste my time on. Just to summarize, migtig, is not your enemy. She is about as balanced as you will get, here. The one factor I never talked about in my few previous posts was the danger factor. Members are right here to be concerned about the crazy spinning out thing which could cause a vehicle to go out of control. Maybe this is more prevalent in other counties, but I have not experienced this in Calvert; I can't even remember seeing a Hollyrock back window banner.(My world is between Lusby and Prince Frederick) Yes, there are loud cars, people that floor it, and buttholes on 4, but I don't see the black smoke, crazy stuff, or any of these big trucks causing havoc; yet, again, just my opinion. Take care.

10 :coffee:


mama to two

STFU! There, I said it. No one uses the word 'I' except for me. My rank as a lady was just downgraded, but it was worth it! Go suck on Bann's 'thank you hank' thread until you are satiated, and then go to sleep. Poor baby!
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Registered User
sorry, I'm just not a big fan of someone that wants to bash me when they know absolutely nothing about me except to say that I drive like a douchebag even though I've had a clean driving record for decades :/ just wondering how someone can talk trash without know a person at all what so ever and bash them behind a computer screen

I haven't read all the posts. Just the ones my friends tell me I'm being called out. If Zara said good things about me, then she knows the real me and not the trash that migtig is saying.

Just because someone shares a negative opinion about people acting like idiots and doing burnouts does not make either person bad. Mig is actually a very sweet woman, with :cds: moments.

Regardless of the words used, you should not take it as a personal attack, but an attack based on certain actions. The person you and the rest of the showoffs are is not being attacked. The actions are being attacked. It is 2 different things.

I can understand becoming defensive because no one really saw the harm in the actions, but there is harm. Now the harm has been brought to light and we can only hope the the people showing off will think twice about doing burn outs.

I know it is easy to be very nasty to people online, anonymity and all that, but if you can, try to think of both sides of it and then try to think everything through before replying in a knee jerk fashion.

Go back and read my last few posts and you will come to understand the real reason why many are so upset over all the smoke.

You are correct, we do not know you personally. We do not know what kind of person you are. But if you are as good a person as you claim to be,
1. You will think of how your actions may affect that child that has asthma.
2. You will carry yourself with respect and not elude to someone "sucking something other than smoke." Which is extremely rude and disrespectful.
3. If you want respect, always be respectful in actions and in words.
4. You will recognize a personal attack from a general attack over displeasing actions.

And just for the record...this thread is nothing compared to the crap I have seen thrown here. Of course, I did skip the mini-novelas. Wall of txt death blows...lol

Any how I do hope you guys (whoever it is) do stop with the peel outs. If my best friend's 2 kids were with me and someone did a burn out/peel out, I would go ape chit on a MF'er. One has severe asthma. The kind that kills. They have it so bad that running can send them into a dangerous attack. And a burn out...that really could kill them.


Registered User
You want to come pet my chicken?

Sure! And the duckies too? When I was a little girl and lived on the ranch, we let the chickens hatch their eggs. One of the baby chicks hatched crippled, it's foot was curled to the side like my GranPa's and it couldn't get around at all at first. They were going to put it down but I begged them to let me care for it. They did and I fed it by hand, cared for it etc until it was strong enough to get around on its own. I named it Crip. Not exactly original, but I was 8...lol


Well-Known Member
STFU! There, I said it. No one uses the word 'I' except for me. My rank as a lady was just downgraded, but it was worth it! Go suck on Bann's 'thank you hank' thread until you are satiated, and then go to sleep. Poor baby!

Your rank wasn't THAT high to begin with. :otter: