Hollywood leaders are trying to set what we can watch


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member

Steve Spielberg, MGM and Warner Brothers and many other Hollywood leaders are trying to tell you and I what we can and cannot watch with our families in our homes!

These Hollywood leaders have filed a major lawsuit to block new technology that gives families the option to automatically skip offensive scenes on DVDs.

I just joined 254,492 citizens in signing Grassfire's Broadcast Decency petition to send Hollywood a strong message and secure our right to Family-Safe viewing of movies.

For more information and to join me in signing:




P.S. A bill called the Family Movie Act is currently being
considered in Congress (H.R. 4586). This bill will secure our right to Family-Safe viewing and keep Hollywood elitists from dictating what we can view in our homes. Please sign the petition and take action by calling Congress.

+ + Backgrounder on the Family Movie Act of 2004



24/7 Single Dad
Are they trying to tell you what you can watch or or they trying to maintain the integrity of their work?
Do you think Michaelangelo's David would be better suited for viewing if his pecker was chiseled off?
Every time I walk into the video store, the choice of what I chose to watch is up to me. Every DVD has a rating on it and a description of why it was given that rating. If I want to see a chopped up, censored version I can just wait for it to be shown on network TV.
The government is not my mommy.


Wow... It is not they, that are guilty of censorship....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Are you two stupid or something? They're talking about distributing "family-friendly" versions of the filth that comes out of Hollywood IN ADDITION TO the original version. Nobody's trying to take away your titties and cusswords - distributors are just trying to offer an alternative for those who might want to watch the movie but not have to put up with all the offensive garbage that these lazy effers call "entertainment" these days.

What the Hollyweirds are afraid of is that more people will buy the cleaned up versions and their little plot to poison American minds with filth and degeneracy will fail. Why else would they object? Is nudity and profanity THAT important to the plot of their "stories"?



24/7 Single Dad
This crap burns me up. :burning:
I'm a single adult male and if I buy a new TV I have to pay extra for a "V" chip because some chip salesman convinced a bunch of whinny azz losers that government regulation is a better solution to protecting their kids than parents actually paying attention to what they are doing.

Don't these idiots know that if you press the + channel button on a remote running a DVD it goes to the next scene?


24/7 Single Dad
The Petition States:
As a concerned citizen and television viewer, I am calling on the FCC and our leaders in Congress to adopt strict and enforceable regulations that restore decency to network television—especially during the family-viewing hours!

The recent rash of trash on television and subsequent public outcry should serve as a wake-up call to our leadership that the vast majority of Americans want decency restored to the airwaves. I am calling on our elected leadership to support the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2004 (HR 3717), and any other legislation that seeks to bring responsibility and accountability back to network television, motion pictures and other media.

I also support measures like the Family Movie Act (H.R. 4586) that affirm the right of citizens to purchase and use in the privacy of their homes technology that allows them to skip or mute over objectionable content in legally purchased or rented DVD movies.
:confused: Why can't they do this now? I can.


vraiblonde said:
Are you two stupid or something? They're talking about distributing "family-friendly" versions of the filth that comes out of Hollywood IN ADDITION TO the original version. Nobody's trying to take away your titties and cusswords - distributors are just trying to offer an alternative for those who might want to watch the movie but not have to put up with all the offensive garbage that these lazy effers call "entertainment" these days.

What the Hollyweirds are afraid of is that more people will buy the cleaned up versions and their little plot to poison American minds with filth and degeneracy will fail. Why else would they object? Is nudity and profanity THAT important to the plot of their "stories"?

I'm sick and tired of stroking the jones's It's BS! If The movie is inappropriate don't pick it up idiot! Why should we cater to you? It's ignorance and will eventually be the down fall of America if allowed!

Take responsibilty for your families Jerk Off!


Asperger's Poster Child
aps45819 said:
Are they trying to tell you what you can watch or or they trying to maintain the integrity of their work?
Do you think Michaelangelo's David would be better suited for viewing if his pecker was chiseled off?
Every time I walk into the video store, the choice of what I chose to watch is up to me. Every DVD has a rating on it and a description of why it was given that rating. If I want to see a chopped up, censored version I can just wait for it to be shown on network TV.
The government is not my mommy.

And 2A, I would advise you to not use a phrase like "Hollywood elitists." I don't think you meant it as code, but plenty of people use phrases like that to invoke ugly myths about supposed Jewish cabals in entertainment and academia. Even "Hollywood Versus America" author Michael Medved has objected to that kind of code talk. Just my 2 cents.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
What's so bad about it? There's nothing wrong with having a device to automatically fast-forward/skip scenes you don't want to see (for whatever reason). It sounds to me like they are trying to take back the responsiblilty of family viewing.

From the article:
I also support measures like the Family Movie Act (H.R. 4586) that affirm the right of citizens to purchase and use in the privacy of their homes technology that allows them to skip or mute over objectionable content in legally purchased or rented DVD movies.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
And 2A, I would advise you to not use a phrase like "Hollywood elitists." I don't think you meant it as code, but plenty of people use phrases like that to invoke ugly myths about supposed Jewish cabals in entertainment and academia. Even "Hollywood Versus America" author Michael Medved has objected to that kind of code talk.

Just my 2 cents.

I'll give ya 3¢ to shut up with your wacky comments. Are you trying to censor him? :lmao:


Sharon said:
What's so bad about it? There's nothing wrong with having a device to automatically fast-forward/skip scenes you don't want to see (for whatever reason). It sounds to me like they are trying to take back the responsiblilty of family viewing.

From the article:
What does that mean? Responsibilty falls on the Family... No one is trying to take it back! Good Mommies and Daddies don't rent bad movies.

End of story...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kain99 said:
If The movie is inappropriate don't pick it up idiot! Why should we cater to you?
Hello? You're NOT "catering to" anyone - if anything, people like ME are catering to people like YOU. Your skeez version would still be available for you to jerk off over. But there would be another toned down version that I could watch with my kids and not have to skip over every other scene or have to hear emeffer every other sentence.

Why do you object so strenuously to people having a choice in their entertainment? You've got this weird Clockwork Orange thing going on.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
And 2A, I would advise you to not use a phrase like "Hollywood elitists." I don't think you meant it as code, but plenty of people use phrases like that to invoke ugly myths about supposed Jewish cabals in entertainment and academia. Even "Hollywood Versus America" author Michael Medved has objected to that kind of code talk. Just my 2 cents.
Oh, look - the thought police have landed.

Tonio, do me a favor and keep your paranoid fantasies about "code speech" to yourself, okay? Otherwise the people in nice white suits will come scoop you up in their butterfly net.


vraiblonde said:
Hello? You're NOT "catering to" anyone - if anything, people like ME are catering to people like YOU. Your skeez version would still be available for you to jerk off over. But there would be another toned down version that I could watch with my kids and not have to skip over every other scene or have to hear emeffer every other sentence.

Why do you object so strenuously to people having a choice in their entertainment? You've got this weird Clockwork Orange thing going on.
First I must say, I am stunned as I discussed clock work orange with a friend this morning..."Do you have my house bugged?" :lmao:

I Do not object to people having a choice.... I object to the illusions they are desperately trying to create! Look Son, Mommy and Daddy rented the good version of "Monster" Come on..... It's ignorance extrodinaire!
I would like to have/use such a device in my home. There are alot of good movies that I can't share with my kids because of adult language or inappropriate scenes. When we do get a chance to sit down and watch movies together, I like watching TNT, FAM or other stations that dub out the bad words and snip the inappropriate scenes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kain99 said:
Good Mommies and Daddies don't rent bad movies.
What part of "choice" is upsetting you so much? You, Kain99, will still be able to rent full-version movies, complete with profanity, nudity, subjugation of women, racial slurs - the whole nine yards. But I, vraiblonde, will have a choice to rent an edited version that removes that crap. The same movie - two different versions.

How is that "censorship"?


New Member
vraiblonde said:
Hello? You're NOT "catering to" anyone - if anything, people like ME are catering to people like YOU. Your skeez version would still be available for you to jerk off over. But there would be another toned down version that I could watch with my kids and not have to skip over every other scene or have to hear emeffer every other sentence.

Why do you object so strenuously to people having a choice in their entertainment? You've got this weird Clockwork Orange thing going on.

Because it's just going to run up the cost of movie making for everyone. Including those of you who can't read a rating post on a movie box.


vraiblonde said:
What part of "choice" is upsetting you so much? You, Kain99, will still be able to rent full-version movies, complete with profanity, nudity, subjugation of women, racial slurs - the whole nine yards. But I, vraiblonde, will have a choice to rent an edited version that removes that crap. The same movie - two different versions.

How is that "censorship"?
What? Do ya think this comes Free? I think it is utter nonesense that these idiots want family happy verisons of Lethal Weapon! My God! What do they see... 5 minutes? It's just sheer stupidity and yes it drives me to wanna scream!

Rent Good Happy Family Movies and STFU! Talk about wanting your cake and eating it too...... Fatties!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kain99 said:
Look Son, Mommy and Daddy rented the good version of "Monster" Come on..... It's ignorance extrodinaire!
How is that ignorance?

If anything, this is a case of Hollywood trying to shove its depravity down our throats, not people like me trying to censor them. Why would directors have a problem releasing toned down versions of their movies? You'd think they'd have thought of it int he first place to broaden their audience and make more buckage.


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
Oh, look - the thought police have landed.

Tonio, do me a favor and keep your paranoid fantasies about "code speech" to yourself, okay? Otherwise the people in nice white suits will come scoop you up in their butterfly net.
Just go stick your head in a toilet and gargle, OK? Your single brain cell must get lonely inside your empty head. I'm not an expert in prejudice, but I know what I'm talking about when it comes to code, having been exposed to a lot of it growing up.