Hollywood leaders are trying to set what we can watch


Fighting like a girl
kwillia said:
Heck, music CDs aleady have been doing this for years... you can get an editted version of some popular CDs simply by purchasing them at Walmart verses a music shop. :shrug:
But that IS a problem, Wal-Mart (now the worlds largest retailer) only sells censored versions of CD's....there isn't a choice. I think a lot of people see the possibility of DVD censoring as the start of a greater movement toward limiting expression. It's like the argument a few years ago when all those librarians got upset that the government wanted filters placed on public internet terminals in libraries. In that situation everyone is forced to suffer though censored material, it's not that they wanted children exposed to porn, they were disturbed that some useful information will be blocked. The same is true of censoring DVDs, if entire scenes are removed it could significantly impact the movie....yes right now an uncensored version would also be available. But who is to say that Wal-Mart or other retailers would only offer the censored version? The current ratings system provides enough information for a parent to make a responsible choice.
Last edited:


Princess of Mean
Airwolf said:
I remember to this day the first time I saw that version, and telling my parent's that they had edited it, and what it used to be, and my smacked my 1/2 way across the room for cussing.

Somebody think of the children!! Actually, that's just what they need! My parents didn't worry about me hearing swears because they knew I wouldn't repeat them in their presence for that very reason. Swift smack up side the head will cure that smart mouth.

What kind of generation will all this censorship and over protection breed? Will it do any good? I was a kid who rode a bike without a helmet, played with lawn darts, listened to cussing, saw pron :shocking: watched Bugs and Daffy debate what season without finding the need to emulate any of it. Why? Because I knew if I effed up, my momma would hear about it and I'd be history.

Alluding to the original post in the tread: I thought it might be an urban legend, or something out of the 700 club. :ewww:


Super Genius
truby20 said:
But that IS a problem, Wal-Mart (now the worlds largest retailer) only sells censored versions of CD's....there isn't a choice. I think a lot of people see the possibility of DVD censoring as the start of a greater movement toward limiting expression. It's like the argument a few years ago when all those librarians got upset that the government wanted filters placed on public internet terminals in libraries. In that situation everyone is forced to suffer though censored material, it's not that they wanted children exposed to porn, they were disturbed that some useful information will be blocked. The same is true of censoring DVDs, if entire scenes are removed it could significantly impact the movie....yes right now an uncensored version would also be available. But who is to say that Wal-Mart or other retailers would only offer the censored version? The current ratings system provides enough information for a parent to make a responsible choice.
Stores are free to sell whatever they want. You are free to shop elsewhere. It doesn't matter how big Wal-Mart gets, you can always go somewhere else. You can get anything online.


Lovin' being Texican
Hello6 said:
Somebody think of the children!!

Somebody think of the rest of us too. I don't care for the cursing, nudity, and gratitous violence which is standard fare in movies today. If I want pron, I'll download it from the INTERNET (then copy it, then share it with friends, then hide if from wifey, then steal it back from my son, then finally get to watch it, then. . . . :dead: )


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Hello6 said:
Alluding to the original post in the tread: I thought it might be an urban legend, or something out of the 700 club. :ewww:
It is not either of those. It is an actual petition.

Airwolf has the explanation correct. The move is to have smart DVD players and encode DVDs. You can choose to see the R rated version, the PG version, or the G version. Now watching the G version of a XXX rated DVD might just leave you with the opening and closing credits. But think of the advantage for working parents that cannot be home with the children that are old enough to be home by themselves. Put the DVD player in PG or G mode and lock it in that mode. The kids won't be able to watch the XXX DVD they grabbed from the kid down the streets dad's DVD collection at your house. I think that is an advantage.

DVDs are now encoded to let you have alternate endings. The scenes are already encoded by chapters. It would just add another byte of encoding that would mark each scene as X, R, PG, or G and add or modify firmware (just programs in chips that are already there in the DVD players) to read the extra encoding and skip the scenes that are above the limit you set.

Heck, for you porn lovers, this could be taken a step further and the program could be made to only show the X stuff so your could skip to only the "good parts". And, NO, I am not recommending watching porn; I just know a lot of people do.


Super Genius
2ndAmendment said:
Heck, for you porn lovers, this could be taken a step further and the program could be made to only show the X stuff so your could skip to only the "good parts". And, NO, I am not recommending watching porn; I just know a lot of people do.
But then you'd miss out on the great dialog and plot! :killingme


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
But then you'd miss out on the great dialog and plot! :killingme

He: "Your place or mine."
She: "Decisions."
He: "Heck. There is a park bench over there."
She: "OK."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
truby20 said:
Ylexot has it exactly right.

You're not the only one who lives in this country, you know. The rest of us have rights, too. And if you want to go on with your fantasy about how limiting the amount of filth that gets through to me and my kids is somehow preventing you from being entertained, be my guest. But know that you sound like an idiot.

If Wal-Mart doesn't sell what you want, SHOP SOMEWHERE ELSE.

If you can't surf for porn in a public library, GET YOUR OWN COMPUTER AND INTERNET CONNECTION.



Fighting like a girl
vraiblonde said:
If Wal-Mart doesn't sell what you want, SHOP SOMEWHERE ELSE.
But when 1 out of 5 major label albums is sold there isn't it their responsibilty to offer non censored versions since they wiped out many of the independent stores that once offered it?

And yes I know everything is available on the internet...but I still have a problem with this company imposing its idea of morality on the American Public. Why don't they follow Target's lead and ban sales of Tobacco products? I think that would do more to improve America's situation instead of refusing to sell anything by Eminem.
truby20 said:
I still have a problem with this company imposing its idea of morality on the American Public. Why don't they follow Target's lead and ban sales of Tobacco products? I think that would do more to improve America's situation instead of refusing to sell anything by Eminem.
So... it's okay for Target to discriminate against tobacco products, but it's not okay for Walmart to discriminate against smut...:confused:


Super Genius
truby20 said:
But when 1 out of 5 major label albums is sold there isn't it their responsibilty to offer non censored versions since they wiped out many of the independent stores that once offered it?

And yes I know everything is available on the internet...but I still have a problem with this company imposing its idea of morality on the American Public. Why don't they follow Target's lead and ban sales of Tobacco products? I think that would do more to improve America's situation instead of refusing to sell anything by Eminem.
Apparently you don't understand how a consumer-driven market works. If the consumers want something, the stores either sell it or lose business to competitors. If Wal-Mart wants to lose that business, that's their right.

Would you prefer that the government step in and force Wal-Mart to sell the CDs you want?


Well-Known Member
Where is it posted that there will be cleaned up versions of movies, songs etc? All I see is a new rating system proposed and fast forward your DVD plus the usual 1st amendment stuff. Who is going to create these sanitized DVD's? I personally think it's a good idea and there would be a market for it but who will do it?


Fighting like a girl
ylexot said:
Apparently you don't understand how a consumer-driven market works. If the consumers want something, the stores either sell it or lose business to competitors. If Wal-Mart wants to lose that business, that's their right.
That would be true if the only thing Wal-Mart sold were music, the loss from edited music is probably insignificant. The majority of CDs at Wal-Mart are sold as the artist intended since it passed their decency test. So the few sales that are lost from the few editied CD's are more than made up for by the TVs, light blubs, detergent, toys, or ANYTHING else that they sell.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Would you prefer that the government step in and force Wal-Mart to sell the CDs you want?
I think she was pretty clear that that's exactly what she wants.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
truby20 said:
That would be true if the only thing Wal-Mart sold were music, the loss from edited music is probably insignificant. The majority of CDs at Wal-Mart are sold as the artist intended since it passed their decency test. So the few sales that are lost from the few editied CD's are more than made up for by the TVs, light blubs, detergent, toys, or ANYTHING else that they sell.
But the fact remains that Wal-Mart is a privately owned business and can sell or not sell whatever they want. If you want to live in a country where retailers have no choice in what they stock their shelves with because the government decides, there are plenty for you to choose from.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
truby20 said:
But when 1 out of 5 major label albums is sold there isn't it their responsibilty to offer non censored versions since they wiped out many of the independent stores that once offered it?

And yes I know everything is available on the internet...but I still have a problem with this company imposing its idea of morality on the American Public. Why don't they follow Target's lead and ban sales of Tobacco products? I think that would do more to improve America's situation instead of refusing to sell anything by Eminem.
I don't smoke, but what makes the smoke and food Nazis think they have a right to impose their restrictions? The food Nazis are responsible for getting coconut oil removed from use as a cooking oil because it is high in saturated fat. It turns out that:
What Coconut Oil Does Not Do:

* Does not increase blood cholesterol level
* Does not promote platelet stickiness or blood clot formation
* Does not contribute to atherosclerosis or heart disease
* Does not contribute to weight problems

What Coconut Oil Does Do:

* Reduces risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease
* Reduces risk of cancer and other degenerative conditions
* Helps prevent bacterial, viral, and fungal (including yeast) infections
* Supports immune system function
* Helps control diabetes
* Provides an immediate source of energy
* Supports healthy metabolic function
* Improves digestion and nutrient absorption
* Supplies important nutrients necessary for good health
* Promotes weight loss
* Helps prevent osteoporosis
* Has a mild delicate flavor
* Is highly resistant to spoilage (long shelf life)
* Is heat resistant (the healthiest oil for cooking)
* Helps keep skin soft and smooth
* Helps prevent premature aging and wrinkling of the skin
* Helps protect against skin cancer and other blemishes
* Functions as a protective antioxidant

The food Nazis did us a good thing there didn't they.

The DVDs suggested would be the exact same version with extra encoding. The smart DVD player would be able to let you watch or skip the scenes according to rating. Where is the problem. They could do the same thing with CDs too if consumers wanted it and said so. The D stands for DIGITAL which means you can use a micro computer (already in the devices now) to make decisions about content and what you want to see or not see, hear or not hear.

Got it?


Fighting like a girl
vraiblonde said:
But the fact remains that Wal-Mart is a privately owned business and can sell or not sell whatever they want.
I understand that, but why not give the customer a choice? What is the harm there? You still have access to a clean version and the original is also there. Again, if they were just some small regional chain then this wouldn't be an issue, but they are using their size to influence the culture.

A few months ago they launched an online music store and any download is available for 88 cents...11 cents cheaper than the most popular store, iTunes. But they are only offering edited versions of explicit tracks. So Wal-Mart is able to offer downloads cheaper than anyone else because of their buying power, then gives the customers edited versions of explicit tracks. American Public decides to buy all their Hillary Duff songs from Walmart.com, where does that leave iTunes? They would either be forced to raise prices or end their business...that won't happen right now because Wal-Mart uses a proprietary format that is incompatible with the most popular MP3 player, the iPod. But you see where I'm going with this....why limit our choices?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Apparently you don't understand how a consumer-driven market works. If the consumers want something, the stores either sell it or lose business to competitors. If Wal-Mart wants to lose that business, that's their right.

Would you prefer that the government step in and force Wal-Mart to sell the CDs you want?
Wal*Mart actually responded to customer demand for the "smut removed" CDs as I remember it. There was a bunch of bally hoo at the time, but the Wal*Mart customers overwhelmingly wanted the edited CDs.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
willie said:
Where is it posted that there will be cleaned up versions of movies, songs etc? All I see is a new rating system proposed and fast forward your DVD plus the usual 1st amendment stuff. Who is going to create these sanitized DVD's? I personally think it's a good idea and there would be a market for it but who will do it?
Not "sanitized DVD's". Same DVD's with extra rating encoding on each scene and technology in the player to read and auto skip what you don't want to see, if anything.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
But the fact remains that Wal-Mart is a privately owned business and can sell or not sell whatever they want. If you want to live in a country where retailers have no choice in what they stock their shelves with because the government decides, there are plenty for you to choose from.
East Berlin was like that when the wall was still up. You want a vacuum? Here it is. You want a canister vacuum. Nope. This is it. You want a bag less. Nope. This is what we have. This, only this, and you have to buy this one because I am not sure we will have any at all next week. Substitute a product; the story is the same.