Hollywood leaders are trying to set what we can watch


Asperger's Poster Child
vraiblonde said:
Dur - you brought my mother AND my kids into it. And I didn't say anything about your family.
No, but you got personal in Post 13, and Pete got personal in post 28 before I said anything to him. It's fine if you don't accept the idea of code. This is going to sound like something a third-grader would say, but you were nasty and insulting to me first. I'd be a REAL panty-waist if I rolled over and played dead for you.


24/7 Single Dad
vraiblonde said:
Reading for comprehension is your friend. Nobody is forcing directors do do anything, least of all the government.
The distributors want to release toned down versions of hit movies. The electronics developers want to make machines that filter offensive content. The movie people are complaining about this because they want you to have to watch their movie EXACTLY the way they made it, with NO filtering whatsoever.

Get it now?

:confused: No.

From the article:
I also support measures like the Family Movie Act (H.R. 4586) that affirm the right of citizens to purchase and use in the privacy of their homes technology that allows them to skip or mute over objectionable content in legally purchased or rented DVD movies.
If you can buy this equipment now, what is the problem? If there is a market/profit, the technology emerge. I'm concerned that this will be another "V" chip. It's in your TV, you paid extra for it but do you use it?


What's it 2 U
vraiblonde said:
Dur - you brought my mother AND my kids into it. And I didn't say anything about your family.

It does so happen that my mother is a crisis intervention counselor, used to dealing with the psychiatrically challenged. If you had in fact gone over to her house, I doubt you'd have made it out of there so soon.

Yeah - and I thought they said she was a meam mommy, not a bad mommy! There is a BIG difference. They will thank her for being a meam mommy one day!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
aps45819 said:
If you can buy this equipment now, what is the problem?
Because the Hollyweirds are trying to prevent that technology in DVD players. That's what this is all about. They're trying to say that filtering chips in DVD players are, in effect, censorship and that DVD manufacturers do not have the right to do that.


My Sweetest Boy
Tonio said:
No, but you got personal in Post 13, and Pete got personal in post 28 before I said anything to him. It's fine if you don't accept the idea of code. This is going to sound like something a third-grader would say, but you were nasty and insulting to me first. I'd be a REAL panty-waist if I rolled over and played dead for you.
You are aware this is the INTERNET right?


Let's get drunk
As long as I dont have to pay extra for my T&A and ascortment explictives movies or DVD player. I am fine


24/7 Single Dad
J.South said:
As long as I dont have to pay extra for my T&A and ascortment explictives movies or DVD player. I am fine
That's how the "V" chip started out. Then congress decided it wasn't "fair" to make idiots pay more for the TVs than normal people, so everybody has to pay for one.

:gossip:not a big fan of "I'm from the guberment and I'se here to hep you."


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
aps45819 said:
That's how the "V" chip started out. Then congress decided it wasn't "fair" to make idiots pay more for the TVs than normal people, so everybody has to pay for one.
I've never paid for one.


Super Genius
aps45819 said:
That's how the "V" chip started out. Then congress decided it wasn't "fair" to make idiots pay more for the TVs than normal people, so everybody has to pay for one.

:gossip:not a big fan of "I'm from the guberment and I'se here to hep you."
Sounds like my beef with airbags.