
Well-Known Member
Nope, not at all. The SS had the ultimate responsibility with regard to protection. It was their ball and they not only dropped it but ran it into the opposition's endzone.
Di you ever think they might have to wait for permission to shoot I know that is stupid but....


Well-Known Member
Starting to sound like 9/11, local/lower level personnel knew something was up but the people getting the info fail/refuse to act.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
Everybody calling for the head of the SS head. Who was the on scene commander? Can she holster her sidearm?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Couple of YT out there now, apparently the shooter's parents called the police on their son well before the shooting.
What I heard about that was he had been missing over a day and didn't tknow what else to do


Well-Known Member
That made me tear up a bit. Did you notice the doofus SS chick all fluttering around because she clearly has no idea what to do? You'd think at the very least these people would be physically fit.
Did you just fat shame that person?

Also notice that I did not assume (insert pronoun) gender, unlike you, Missy.


Or something.

Hell, I'm old and I'm no good at these word salad accusation games the left plays.


Throwing the deuces
I meant to just doofus shame her, but she also looks like her idea of exercise is 12 oz curls and pounding snack cakes.
There are all these YouTube shorts referencing to her as Lunch Lady Pat (as in SNL character Pat). I can't lie. I do giggle at them. Moreso a nervous giggle when I realize how inept some SS people are which is scary. Neighbor used to be SS and I thought the extent of ineptness was falling asleep on the job like he used to say he did all the time due to the work schedule.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I meant to just doofus shame her, but she also looks like her idea of exercise is 12 oz curls and pounding snack cakes.
In all likelihood, it's the bulletproof vest making her look out of shape. She needs one specifically designed for women.