Homeowners Associations


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Re: I think we should do this to Cariblue's yard one night...

Originally posted by kwillia
I thought she preferred the flamingos. :lol:


b*tch rocket
Re: Re: What Do I mean about Personal Responsibility

Originally posted by huntr1
The schools in Northern St. Mary's county are good. If you don't want an HOA, that makes you conservative, not liberal on this subject.

Hey Kyrsten, Just saw a for sale sign go up in Kyle and I's neighborhood. We're in Northern St. Mary's and there are no HOA's. :thewave: I LOVE my neighborhood. :yay: I can get the # off the for sale sign if you'd like. Looks like a pretty big house on a good bit of property. My house is on 3 acres, not sure how much land Kyle has.


New Member
"I mean that it shouldn't take an HOA to tell someone that Common Courtesy says you shouldn't let your lawn grow 10 feet tall and put three orange trailers out in front if you want to keep good relations with your neighbors."

How old are you? You sound very young. Why? For one as I mentioned, the topic of HOAs and what they are worth is over 10 years old now. And second, "should" is one word that you never use in intelligent conversation.

"That Common SENSE says you don't drive around the neighborhood after dark with your radio and bass turned up to max without someone tracking you down and smacking you a couple of times."

What are you talking about? People, especially kids, do it all the time! Ever heard "booty bass" pumpin in a gated community? No? Guess why?

"Community Thinking says get to know your neighbors and keep your property well maintained and pitch in to the common areas via volunteering."

Where is this Community Thinking Commune Oasis Heaven Neighborhood Haven that you're talking about? I want to move there, because every place that I've ever lived surrounds me with idiots in some fashion or another; not that there's anything wrong with that.

And another thing along this line, how about we get rid of speed limit signs and speed bumps, and "No Parking" signs and red fire hydrant curbs, and street lights and locked mailboxes and oh, even get rid of front doors!!!!!! Get my drift? At what point do humans become human? See what I am saying?

"This is what I mean by personal responsibility. An HOA shouldn't have to be there just to keep things in line."

There you go with that should again.

"People should be able to do this by themselves."

And again.

"I am sorry that I am a liberal Yankee..."

Has nothing to do with anything. Being a liberal, repug, democrap, whatever is 99% of the time pointless, especially in local politics.

"...but I really can't see the upsides of an HOA other than discrimination and ensuring exclusivity in a neighborhood."

You're funny. You're obviously the kind of person that likes to talk to hear themselves talk. You obviously don't read because your answer is above over and over again from the beginning of the thread.

"I mean from what I can understand not all the roads are paid, some people on here are saying they have to pay EXTRA for trash pickup and such."

Uh, no, not extra. Wrong.

"I want my kids in a good public school system which means living in Calvert County and so far any homes I do see available in my price range are in HOA's."

GUESS WHY???????????????? DUUUHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"So tell me where I can get my children into good public schools without having to buy a house in an HOA neighborhood?"

Alaska, maybe.


Football season!
I don't have enough faith in people to live in a neighborhood without an HOA. If I was on plenty of land by myself, then I wouldn't care. But in a neighborhood? Heck no!


b*tch rocket
Jeeze http, what crawled up your behind and died? :confused:

Everything she's asking for happens in my neighborhood and there are no, I REPEAT, no HOA fees. I think they have a ragtag band of folks that send out a newsletter every so often asking for volunteers to fix up the community common area (aka playground/ballfield), but I pay ZERO HOA fees, and I don't have the HOA police patrolling the neighborhood looking for pink flamingos in eveyone's yard. :rolleyes:

Just because you want to live in a neighborhood with the HOA Nazi's doesn't mean everyone else does or that everyone should be required to. It's all about choices.


New Member
Let me see if I can clarify

Http I live in the Northeast, my neighborhood has NO REPEAT NO HOA, however the TOWN takes care of ROAD, Trash, Playground that was installed 1 year ago. My neighbors are nice, and there are No flamingos, gazing balls, no trucks or cars on blocks and though there is one family that during the daytime has 3-4 cars at various times due to children coming and going picking up the grandkids, our streets are kept free of an overload of cars. Our yards are well kept, admittedly they were all looking a bit overgrown with all the rain and having a hard time getting a big enough break in the downpours to mow. No houses are painted very odd colors, we do have a person who has done a pastel house with a pastel fence but it is tasteful and has not brought down property values. There is no trash all over peoples' yards and right now the pile I have is in my backyard until I am done cleaning out and get ready to move when I will get a HUGE bin and dump it all out at once. Now mind you this is all done WITHOUT an HOA being involved, and I know my neighbors, and we look out for each other without paying a fee. What a concept! I am in my mid 30's thank you so I am old enough to remember when these things were started, though none stayed here in the North for the same reasons I have pointed out. I realize that a relaxed HOA is only there to make it easier for common areas to be maintained and cheaper for everyone. I am just saying that when there is a good responsible neighborhood in place with MATURE and Community minded adults willing to take care of their property and the property around them then I don't see the need to pay a bunch of people to make sure everyone follows the rules. So if you want to know where this little NO HOA Haven is, come north, most communities are well kept and people know that the more rural areas are going to have some odder neighbors. And guess what there are no HOA's keeping everyone line.
Also there are several good public school systems up here, and guess what those towns don't have HOA's either. And yes if my husband did not have a job down there I would QUITE happily stay here in my area where we obviously take neighborhoods more to heart on our own without the Neighborhood Nazi's having to tell us how, when, where, why and what we can do with our land. There are times now that I wish I could stay here and avoid them all together but I can't therefore will have to put up with the HOA's to get the best overall chance for my children. I am just hoping to get into the lesser evil of all of them where I am not paying one month's mortgage every year just to keep them happy. And to all the poster's on this thread who have voiced a similar view of not wanting an HOA telling them how many pets they can have, how high and exactly where their fence can be located and what color your house is I thank you, you have made a Northerner feel a little less timid about moving down there.


b*tch rocket
Hey Kirsten, PM me and I can give you some info on the neighborhood I live in. If you're interested in living in Northern St. Mary's County.


New Member
Christy thanks. I don't have a PM program, my system does not like them and they usually crash windows on a regular basis on me. Thanks for the link. I will check it out.
Also thanks for the support.


New Member
Re: Let me see if I can clarify

Originally posted by Kirsten

Whatever. Alls I'm saying is that its no big deal. Its like b!tching about paying taxes and being forced to drive on the right side of the road. Who cares?


b*tch rocket
Re: Re: Let me see if I can clarify

Originally posted by http
Whatever. Alls I'm saying is that its no big deal. Its like b!tching about paying taxes and being forced to drive on the right side of the road. Who cares?

HOA's are a big deal for me. I REFUSE to live anywhere that has them, and there are TONS of really nice houses in the area that aren't governed by the HOA Nazi's. :neener: :moon:


New Member
Christy I agree with you, they are a big deal. I have decided that I will start looking in St. Mary's County since the HOA's are less prevalent and looking over the school reports real quickly online I can work with what they have to offer. I have already found two houses in my price range, $175k, that are pretty much what I want. I contacted one of the realtors I am working with to see what further info I can get. The other thing I can't get over in the area is the lack of a basement. Having TONS of stuff that I need to store I would truly like a basement, not to mention being able to build a darkroom. Amatuer photographer here who wants to get more involved in my hobby! Anyhow there is a really nice one that was just built, however it is in the Hickory Hills HOA. Not sure how Militant they are but the fee is $42, just not sure if that is monthly, quarterly or what. The other house is not in an HOA and if it has a basement we may be seriously looking at that one this weekend.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: I think we should do this to Cariblue's yard one night...

Originally posted by cariblue
I prefer pink flaminos, though.
Didja notice I made mention of that? :biggrin: