I am the president of the HOA in my neighborhood. (ducking for cover) I wanted to be president so that I could have some control over the HOA. I grew up in Upper Marlboro with a strict HOA, lived in Frederick with a strict HOA, have seen neighborhoods without HOA's. The ones without the HOA's all ended up looking like trash eventually, and I HATED the strick HOA's. Wanted to make sure that the new HOA is low key. Our covenants are all of about 2 pages. Can't have chickens or pigs, can't live in a trailer in your front yard, can't have a mining operation, must keep your yard maintained. I wanted to make sure that somebody didn't try telling me what type of fence I could have, what the screen door on my house had to look like, what color I could paint my house, what design my shed had to be and where I could put it on my property. I had all of these before, and don't want them again. Just want to make sure that the common areas are maintained and that the neighborhood doesn't end up looking like the Flattops.