How DARE Americans focus on Joe Biden steering over a billion dollars in aid money to Ukraine while his son bagged a sweetheart deal from their govern


If Joe admitted to that last part you would have an open and shut case. He didn't.

Okay, perhaps "stop" wasn't the correct word. How about "influence"? In one way or another, Biden was trying to keep his boy out of trouble. There can be no other reason for him to use $1 billion in blackmail tax dollars.


Well-Known Member
God I hope voters can see through all of this. We have the left in search of a crime to pin on Trump, while we have evidence of actual crimes, and the left tells us "there's nothing to see here", even when the perpetrator admits to it. The insanity is just....... well........... insane.

To me the red flag is simple - why would we do this at all? It's their own country and their own corruption they're investigating and the United States has no damned business whatsoever doing this.

Ukraine is desperately in need of loans and - I am supposed to assume that Biden withholding the loan on the basis of firing a prosecutor - it's just a COINCIDENCE that his son, who's got no reasonable justifiable presence on its board - it's just a coincidence he's there?

And we know he did it. He said so. He bragged about it. His son got millions and his hedge fund more - and there's no connection whatsoever? How often do we do this? Screw over a country unless they capitulate on internal corruption investigations?

See, THAT by itself strikes me as damning.


Well-Known Member
I'm not buying that at all. If this were true, there would be no reason for Biden to call for the firing of the chief investigator.

Nothing except for the fact that the US and EU both felt that it was in our interests to get rid of the corruption in the prosecutors office.
Again, lets have an investigation. If Biden did something illegal prosecute him, if trump did, same thing. 👍


Well-Known Member
Biden starting a Presidential campaign with this in his background is more than a little bit indicative of just how stupid he is.

. If they choose to shut up about it, what does that say about the power that the Clinton/Obama/Biden clan holds over the party?

IMO Biden is not a full fledged member of the Clinton -Obama Cabal.
He was just a card that they used. No way was he smart enough to have full billing.
He was used, and tossed away when Obama refused to endorse him, then being the mental midget he was , he decided to go it on his own.
I almost feel sorry for him. He hasn't got a clue.


PREMO Member
It's super annoying the way the progmasters are spinning this story, and even more annoying that a faction of Americans are so stupid they're buying into it.

Rumor has it the Chess Master is behind the " Whistle Blower ' [that isn't] and Trump PLAYED The Progressive Media to Sand Bag Biden and his Son


To me the red flag is simple - why would we do this at all? It's their own country and their own corruption they're investigating and the United States has no damned business whatsoever doing this.

Ukraine is desperately in need of loans and - I am supposed to assume that Biden withholding the loan on the basis of firing a prosecutor - it's just a COINCIDENCE that his son, who's got no reasonable justifiable presence on its board - it's just a coincidence he's there?

And we know he did it. He said so. He bragged about it. His son got millions and his hedge fund more - and there's no connection whatsoever? How often do we do this? Screw over a country unless they capitulate on internal corruption investigations?

See, THAT by itself strikes me as damning.

Some things are so cut-and-dry from our side of the wall, yet inside that wall they make it so complicated. I don't know what's worse, the corruption and criminality, or the efforts to pretend it's not criminal and cover it up and deflect with "he's doing it too".


Well-Known Member
So, how does Biden having the prosecutor fired accomplish that?

The lead prosecutor, Shokin, was extremely corrupt. They fired him and the hope was he would be replaced with a guy who would investigate corruption. That’s how
When you have the perpetrator admitting he did it, it should be a short investigation.

He admitted he pressured them to have Shokin fired, not to doing it to save his son. Besides, the investigations into Biden Jr’s company had ended a year prior. So that couldn’t be the motivation, could it?


Well-Known Member
He admitted he pressured them to have Shokin fired, not to doing it to save his son. Besides, the investigations into Biden Jr’s company had ended a year prior. So that couldn’t be the motivation, could it?

$500 US in the Ukraine buys you a 'governmnet official' to say anything.


He admitted he pressured them to have Shokin fired, not to doing it to save his son.

You don't believe he committed this blackmail to save his son's ass? It was just mere coincidence that Hunter was on the board of directors for a company that was being investigated for corruption? You only know this because Honest Joe said so. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
If the House had any ethics whatsoever they would be investigating Biden and Obama, not Trump.


Well-Known Member
You don't believe he committed this blackmail to save his son's ass? It was just mere coincidence that Hunter was on the board of directors for a company that was being investigated for corruption? You only know this because Honest Joe said so. :lmao:
How many times do you have to be told that the investigations into hunters company had ended a year earlier?
Did uncle joe get in his time machine and go back to bribe Ukraine to save his boy? F not, how did that work?


Well-Known Member
So Lutsenko takes over - not known for not being a crook himself - not a lawyer and fresh from prison - takes over and what do you know? Burisma case is dropped. Wow. Yet another coincidence.


How many times do you have to be told that the investigations into hunters company had ended a year earlier?
Did uncle joe get in his time machine and go back to bribe Ukraine to save his boy? F not, how did that work?

Keep saying it until you lose your ability to take in oxygen, because Joe seemed it was important to brag that he stopped the investigation by having the chief investigator fired. So, either you have your facts wrong, or Joe is lying.


Well-Known Member
Keep saying it until you lose your ability to take in oxygen, because Joe seemed it was important to brag that he stopped the investigation by having the chief investigator fired. So, either you have your facts wrong, or Joe is lying.
Or you just can’t get past the narrative you have been told.

Show me where he bragged that he stopped the investigation of Burmisa by getting Shokin fired. I have watched the video and that is not in there. He said he held up funds to get Shokin fired because Shokin was so corrupt.