How DARE Americans focus on Joe Biden steering over a billion dollars in aid money to Ukraine while his son bagged a sweetheart deal from their govern


Well-Known Member
"I remember going over and convincing our team, others, to convince that we should be providing for loan guarantees. And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Kiev. And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.

So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him. (Laughter.) I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a b-tch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time."


Well-Known Member
The outcome of the Burisma Holdings investigation - which continued on until 2017 - was a small fine (read: BRIBE).
This is what happens when you axe a corrupt investigator out to get Burisma, and replace him with another corrupt one
who asks for a smaller bribe.

Yes, they're all crooked. Joe got the "solid" crook that he needed. Really, does anyone think Hunter would have gotten
that cushy job UNLESS his father was VP?


Or you just can’t get past the narrative you have been told.

Show me where he bragged that he stopped the investigation of Burmisa by getting Shokin fired. I have watched the video and that is not in there. He said he held up funds to get Shokin fired because Shokin was so corrupt.

Biden is on record, bragging at how he got the chief prosecutor fired. Anyone with an ounce of logic knows this was an attempt to stop the investigation. But, since logic escapes you, here..............

Most of the general prosecutor’s investigative work on Burisma focused on three separate cases, and most stopped abruptly once Shokin was fired. The most prominent of the Burisma cases was transferred to a different Ukrainian agency, closely aligned with the U.S. Embassy in Kiev, known as the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), according to the case file and current General Prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko.

NABU closed that case, and a second case involving alleged improper money transfers in London was dropped when Ukrainian officials failed to file the necessary documents by the required deadline.


Well-Known Member
Biden is on record, bragging at how he got the chief prosecutor fired. Anyone with an ounce of logic knows this was an attempt to stop the investigation. But, since logic escapes you, here..............

Even the article you quote says that Biden never tied the investigation into hunter to the firing of the prosecutor.
Like I said, that narrative is a lie.

Let’s see a DOJ investigation. This sure seems like an issue for the IG.


Even the article you quote says that Biden never tied the investigation into hunter to the firing of the prosecutor.
Like I said, that narrative is a lie.

Let’s see a DOJ investigation. This sure seems like an issue for the IG.

Yeah, like have stated several times now... it was just a coincidence that his son worked for the very company that was being investigated. You really think Biden's going to come out and say "yeah, I did it to save my son's ass"? Sure, nothing to see here. And yet, of course, Trump was trying, again, to use a foreign country to meddle in our elections. No proof. But you just know that's what he was trying to do.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, like have stated several times now... it was just a coincidence that his son worked for the very company that was being investigated. You really think Biden's going to come out and say "yeah, I did it to save my son's ass"? Sure, nothing to see here. And yet, of course, Trump was trying, again, to use a foreign country to meddle in our elections. No proof. But you just know that's what he was trying to do.
That is the narrative YOU have been sold and have been pushing. You are just now falling back to ‘well of course he didn’t actually say it’ because you must have finally watched the video. That’s why trump didn’t have his DOJ investigate.

Still, as I have said, bring on the DOJ investigation.


That is the narrative YOU have been sold and have been pushing. You are just now falling back to ‘well of course he didn’t actually say it’ because you must have finally watched the video. That’s why trump didn’t have his DOJ investigate.

Still, as I have said, bring on the DOJ investigation.

Here's the rub. I know damn well you and all the other Trump-haters will scream that Trump is meddling in the election by calling for an investigation into Biden. He appears to be leaving that up to Graham and others in congress to push.

In any event, I watched and listened to what Biden said, and it's all-too-obvious that he abusing his authority to stop an investigation into corruption of a company his son worked for. And you're not going to convince me any differently.


Well-Known Member
It was an actual event in Bidens past.
Just as Kamilla Harris prostituting her way into Government was in hers.
Just as the fake Indian came out on Elizabeth Warren.

The Democrats made up a fake collusion charge on Trump .
Trump didn't have to make up a fake charge on Biden. The real truth is right there.

Things that happen in the past come out, in an election campaign.


Well-Known Member
Here's the rub. I know damn well you and all the other Trump-haters will scream that Trump is meddling in the election by calling for an investigation into Biden. He appears to be leaving that up to Graham and others in congress to push.

In any event, I watched and listened to what Biden said, and it's all-too-obvious that he abusing his authority to stop an investigation into corruption of a company his son worked for. And you're not going to convince me any differently.
I’m sure I won’t, trump already told you what to think. That’s why he tweeted about it and had his minions get his narrative out for the week leading up to the release of the summary.
If it is a crime it should be investigated by DOJ or possibly an IG. The only recourse the congress has is impeachment and Biden left office 3 years ago. A proper investigation into a crime is going to raise much fewer eyebrows than calling a foreign leader and asking for his help.

And I guess you are going to ignore that the whistleblower complaint included allegations regarding what was and was not included in that summary too, right?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
And I guess you are going to ignore that the whistleblower complaint included allegations regarding what was and was not included in that summary too, right?

You mean the "whistleblower" that didn't listen to the call, never heard the recording or witnessed a full transcript?

That whistleblower?



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You mean the "whistleblower" that didn't listen to the call, never heard the recording or witnessed a full transcript?

That whistleblower?


This whole affair is turning in to some kind of tragic comedy, with Nadler and Schitt-fer-brains in starring roles. And in the end, the most actual damage will be done to Joe Biden...:killingme


Well-Known Member
Direct from the Democrats hand "I was not a direct witness"

And the agencies confirmed.... He wasn't.

He's a "story-teller" not a witness.
It’s always fun watching Trumpers repeat the orange narrative.

If it’s nothing then why did the house have to raise an impeachment inquiry to force trump to release the complaint to congress as per the law?


And I guess you are going to ignore that the whistleblower complaint included allegations regarding what was and was not included in that summary too, right?

No. We haven't heard from the this so-called "whistleblower". His testimony was behind closed doors. All we know about is his written complaint. He stated that Trump was trying to influence the election and that he "pressured" the Ukrainian president to investigate Biden. Zelenski has flatly denied there was any pressure. And then there is this so-called quid-pro-quo. The phone call transcript and Zelenski himself state there was no quid-pro-quo.
And here's some concerning information about the whistleblower according to Greg Jarret:

To put this in plain language, a spy who allegedly spied on the president does not have a legitimate whistleblower complaint against that president under the law. The ICWPA is a mechanism to report alleged misconduct by members within the intelligence community, of which the president is not. Yes, the alphabet soup of intel agencies ultimately report to the president, but that does not make Trump a member of that community and subject to its rules of conduct.

So, it turns out that the “whistleblower” may not be a whistleblower at all.