How do you meet people?


Yeah my Pop was expected. He was sick for a long time. But my Mom was unexpected thats why I believe it was a broken heart..

Hi Seven, my grandparents went the same way. My grandfather passed away and then about 6 months later my grandmother developed heart problems and passed away next. We thought broken heart as well. Sorry for your loss! :huggy:


my war
We're trying to have a meaningful discussion about meeting people, not about arguing with people .... :coffee:

You will have to excuse him... He is a pitiful old man with nothing to do but stalk me.... I was merely taking up for the new dude when others insinuated he lived in a group home...


New Member
You will have to excuse him... He is a pitiful old man with nothing to do but stalk me.... I was merely taking up for the new dude when others insinuated he lived in a group home...

It was me Hank, there were not any others. I was the one that had the spelling errors also. Thank you for pointing out the error of my ways. :whistle:


New Member
It was me Hank, there were not any others. I was the one that had the spelling errors also. Thank you for pointing out the error of my ways. :whistle:

:killingme Guess you look like the stupid one that belongs in a group home huh? :killingme


I am kinda shy and was wondering how someone like me meets new people instead of the same people I see everyday at work. I like music alot (mainly older pop music) and like to work on computers and read books mainly astronomy. shhhh Carl Sagan is my hero. lol. Oh and my name is seven because I was born in 1977 on the 7th. Cool huh?

Beer I
Beer II
Tavern Politics
Beer Caucus

and coming this friday The Backroom Conspiracy .......


Well-Known Member
Yeah right

You will have to excuse him... He is a pitiful old man with nothing to do but stalk me.... I was merely taking up for the new dude when others insinuated he lived in a group home...

That's it Skank the champion of the underdog......


New Member
Seven, do you have any co-worker friends? Go to church?

Yes. I need to get back into church. I was so busy with my Mom and getting the house together I havent had the time (I know bad excuse). I have co-workers but they are pretty much like me. lol. We call ourselves the original geek squad. :killingme


I love Texas Road House
Yes. I need to get back into church. I was so busy with my Mom and getting the house together I havent had the time (I know bad excuse). I have co-workers but they are pretty much like me. lol. We call ourselves the original geek squad. :killingme

Do you like the Olive Garden. We can go one day and I will teach you the tricks I use to pick up ladies.