How much do u pay for daycare?



Now, some people don't want to be a SAHM, and I respect that. It can be boring as heck at times and there are other drawbacks. Some people aren't suited to it. But you still have to look at all those expenses when you do get a job. Sometimes it's just not worth it.

My almost 3 yr old is not boring ............


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How much do u pay for... 02-04-2008 08:32 AM maybe you should look up "latchkey kid"

According to what I am seeing, 8 years old is the legal age to leave a child alone afters school.
I think that is way too young.

hehehe I could find all sorts of trouble before mom got hime @ 1730 - 1800 I got out of school @ 1500 .... Cartoons most of the time though


I might have been older than 8 when mom went back to work ..... of course I could not stay out of trouble so I got to go to a sitter for after school and Summer .........

coffee man

New Member
OK, NO WHERE IN THIS FORUM OR ANY OTHER HAVE I OFFERED FULL-TIME CHILDCARE! I simply stated PM me for my rates, that does NOT mean i offer Full-Time care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
west said:
If not in school yet the rate is $110 per week. If he is in school the rate would be $90 per week. I do provide meals & snacks while he is here.
Liar Liar Pants on Fire!!!!!!!!!

coffee man

New Member
unsigned gray karma said:
Seeking full time daycare fro someone without a license makes you a criminal and as such your own children should be taken away you DUMBA$$
Hey West, I PM'd you for your information so I could report your illegal operation to the relevant authorities, which has been done. All the information I gave you was fake.


Hey West, I PM'd you for your information so I could report your illegal operation to the relevant authorities, which has been done. All the information I gave you was fake.
Thanks for your concern, coffee boy, but there is no "illegal operation" going on. As i have said before, the only children i take care of are my own and they cannot be taken away from me, as i have done nothing illegal.


New Member

Thanks for your concern, coffee boy, but there is no "illegal operation" going on. As i have said before, the only children i take care of are my own and they cannot be taken away from me, as i have done nothing illegal.

West you are correct you didn't say you were seeking to give full time care. Those rates COFFEE MAN said could have been for 1 day or 2 hrs a day, no specfic days were given- COFFEE MAN: you seem like a trouble starter :gossip: and seem to get a kick out of starting drama! You don't need a license to babysit a few hours COFFEE "MAN", in case you didn't realize that! and you can provide care for a child up to a certain number of hours without being license AND you don't even need a license to provide care for someone related to you, SO with that said COFFEE MAN you should check your resourses before blabing off at the mouth!

ALSO "COFFEE MAN" apparently you have forgotten the agreement you click "yes" to when joining the forums...let me refresh your memory from the registration agreement directly : Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' checkbox and press the 'Register' button below. If you would like to cancel the registration, click here to return to the forums index. By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

If I were WEST, Coffee Man, I would have reported you along time ago for being the following towards her which is againist the rules you agreed to: obscene, vulgar, hateful, and treatening.

Coffee Man- You know nothing about WEST, so your actions are uncalled for and they need to stop.:smack::shutup:


New Member
I don't want to get in the middle of the argument between West and Coffee Man but I wanted to vent my frustration on day care licenses. I have gone through the process of getting a license and let me tell you it is one big headache. The classes they make you go to and the the money you have to put out is unbelievable not to mention all the paperwork that has to get done. I personally think that it should be the parents looking for childcare to make sure the person they are putting in care of their children is responsible and let the parents decided how important it is if their provider has taken a class on "child development". The hours of classes you have to take is ridiculous. I realize that they are trying to protect the children but let the parents do that and not the state. Of course I have jumped through all the hoops but I certainly think they have gone overboard.


New Member
Thanks for your concern, coffee boy, but there is no "illegal operation" going on. As i have said before, the only children i take care of are my own and they cannot be taken away from me, as i have done nothing illegal.

I don't want to get in the middle of the argument between West and Coffee Man but I wanted to vent my frustration on day care licenses. I have gone through the process of getting a license and let me tell you it is one big headache. The classes they make you go to and the the money you have to put out is unbelievable not to mention all the paperwork that has to get done. I personally think that it should be the parents looking for childcare to make sure the person they are putting in care of their children is responsible and let the parents decided how important it is if their provider has taken a class on "child development". The hours of classes you have to take is ridiculous. I realize that they are trying to protect the children but let the parents do that and not the state. Of course I have jumped through all the hoops but I certainly think they have gone overboard.

I agree with you, it should be the parent who decides they feel comfortable leaving there children with whether licensed or not, I am in the process of getting my license, a few more things and I will be done (thank goodness, with all we are required to do it has taken a long time), you are correct, it is expensive, alot of paperwork and all the classes you have to take, and honestly, alot of the moms I talk to only worry if the provider is licensed for there own tax purposes, if they are not worried about the tax w/off part then being licensed or not isn't important to them as long as there child is in a safe loving enviroment and not parent really haven't any idea about the classes or money be put forth for all of it, they just want to know there child is safe.:howdy:

coffee man

New Member
West you are correct you didn't say you were seeking to give full time care. Those rates COFFEE MAN said could have been for 1 day or 2 hrs a day, no specfic days were given- COFFEE MAN: you seem like a trouble starter :gossip: and seem to get a kick out of starting drama! You don't need a license to babysit a few hours COFFEE "MAN", in case you didn't realize that! and you can provide care for a child up to a certain number of hours without being license AND you don't even need a license to provide care for someone related to you, SO with that said COFFEE MAN you should check your resourses before blabing off at the mouth!

ALSO "COFFEE MAN" apparently you have forgotten the agreement you click "yes" to when joining the forums...let me refresh your memory from the registration agreement directly : Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' checkbox and press the 'Register' button below. If you would like to cancel the registration, click here to return to the forums index. By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

If I were WEST, Coffee Man, I would have reported you along time ago for being the following towards her which is againist the rules you agreed to: obscene, vulgar, hateful, and treatening.

Coffee Man- You know nothing about WEST, so your actions are uncalled for and they need to stop.:smack::shutup:

:roflmao::killingme :roflmao::killingme :roflmao::killingme :roflmao:


I agree with you, it should be the parent who decides they feel comfortable leaving there children with whether licensed or not, I am in the process of getting my license, a few more things and I will be done (thank goodness, with all we are required to do it has taken a long time), you are correct, it is expensive, alot of paperwork and all the classes you have to take, and honestly, alot of the moms I talk to only worry if the provider is licensed for there own tax purposes, if they are not worried about the tax w/off part then being licensed or not isn't important to them as long as there child is in a safe loving enviroment and not parent really haven't any idea about the classes or money be put forth for all of it, they just want to know there child is safe.:howdy:

:huggy: Thank you very much, i agree!! It should totally be up to the parent and no one else!

coffee man

New Member
Unsigned Karma I can only assume was from west said:
idiot, i hope someone reports you

For what? I have not been abusive. I have not been mean. I have not cussed. I have not posted porn. What rules have I broken? None that I have seen.


I don't want to get in the middle of the argument between West and Coffee Man but I wanted to vent my frustration on day care licenses. I have gone through the process of getting a license and let me tell you it is one big headache. The classes they make you go to and the the money you have to put out is unbelievable not to mention all the paperwork that has to get done. I personally think that it should be the parents looking for childcare to make sure the person they are putting in care of their children is responsible and let the parents decided how important it is if their provider has taken a class on "child development". The hours of classes you have to take is ridiculous. I realize that they are trying to protect the children but let the parents do that and not the state. Of course I have jumped through all the hoops but I certainly think they have gone overboard.

Hmm what the hell is that for ? ..........

my daughter is not even 3 yet, and knows her ABC's, colors, Numbers, Shapes, can tell you the contents of most of her books, aka can paraphrase the stories when she "reads" them back to you, Full Name, Address, and phone #,

Her Mom reads to her everyday .... I'd say she was developing just fine, all with out some silly state course ............ :whistle:


For what? I have not been abusive. I have not been mean. I have not cussed. I have not posted porn. What rules have I broken? None that I have seen.

Actually, coffee boy, that karma u left me has got to be the meanest thing anyone has ever said to me.

coffee man

New Member
Actually, coffee boy, that karma u left me has got to be the meanest thing anyone has ever said to me.
You have GOT to be kidding me. If you think I have been mean, you need to get some skin that's thicker than tissue paper.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
:huggy: Thank you very much, i agree!! It should totally be up to the parent and no one else!
Then you may want to move to a state that doesn't have the third toughest daycare regulations in the country. You may want to move to a state where parents see things like this:
and say, "That's all the parent's fault, there are no crimes committed here (which there aren't by Maryland law) and I'm ok with that."

The fact is, Maryland has been rated number 3 in the country for daycare regulations. And these regulations came about because parents made daycare decisions that turned out to have disastrous results, mostly because they didn't know better. Because situations come up when there are multiple children in a location, that don't happen in the normal home...

For example, about 10 years ago, a daycare provider on the Eastern Shore laid two toddlers down for a nap on her bed and they died. Investigators said they snuggled down in the blankets together face to face and smothered each other. Would it ever occur to you that that could happen in your home? Probably not, because for one, your child in your home would have his own bed and there wouldn't likely be another child sharing it. But the circumstances of those children's deaths lead to regulations that children need to have their own sleeping arrangements, they need to be arranged in such a way that children's faces are a certain distance apart, children under age 1 aren't allowed to have pillows, stuffed animals, crib bumpers, or anything besides the sheet and a thin blanket (no quilts) and just in case, daycare providers must have CPR training.

Last year or the year before, a daycare provider's indoor cat got out of her house. Everyone went outside looking for it, the provider, her schoolage children, the daycare kids all went out. One of the provider's older children opened the gate to the pool looking for the cat, and even though the gate had an automatic latch, it caught on something and didn't close all the way. The search for the cat went out of site of the gate, but a toddler in the daycare saw the gate was ajar and decided to check it out. She drowned. There was one regulation broken, a child under 6 must remain within sight or sound of the provider. The provider lost her license.

The mother of that child is now trying to get more regulations for daycare including prohibiting pets in daycare homes or else requiring those pets to be caged during daycare hours. Also, prohibiting pools at daycare homes, or else, requiring a full time lifeguard in addition to the provider, during daycare hours, even though current pool regulations are so restrictive that no providers can use their own pools for daycare children anyway. So far, no new regulations have come out of that incident but it's only a matter of time.

None of the childcare regulations have been made up out of thin air. They are almost all reactions to some tragedy. Despite all of them there are two groups of caregivers that are totally unregulated, care by relatives and care which occurs in the child's home (which is why there were no laws broken on that nanny cam.) Also, illegal providers (which in Maryland is defined as care by unrelated people, not in the child's home, more than 20 hours per month) are among the hardest people to catch because 1. they will claim that they only provided care that one day that the investigators showed up or 2. they will claim that every child in their house is a cousin. And the shame of it is that the parents of those children will write a letter to the licensing agency swearing to that...right up until the day their child dies because they fell asleep too close to another child or because the uneducated provider didn't know that wrapping a small child in a blanket and swinging them around, accidentally smacking them into the wall can kill them or because there were 15 other children in the house and no one noticed the baby didn't wake up from his nap and when they did, no one knew CPR or because the two years old with violent biting tendencies who was supposed to be asleep, instead climbed into the crib and bit the baby 20 times, while the supposed caregiver was watching her soaps. And let's not even go into the convicted child abusers who could be watching the kids.

But yeah, lets do away with all the daycare regulations and let's let the parents decide.


New Member
Then you may want to move to a state that doesn't have the third toughest daycare regulations in the country. You may want to move to a state where parents see things like this:
and say, "That's all the parent's fault, there are no crimes committed here (which there aren't by Maryland law) and I'm ok with that."

The fact is, Maryland has been rated number 3 in the country for daycare regulations. And these regulations came about because parents made daycare decisions that turned out to have disastrous results, mostly because they didn't know better. Because situations come up when there are multiple children in a location, that don't happen in the normal home...

For example, about 10 years ago, a daycare provider on the Eastern Shore laid two toddlers down for a nap on her bed and they died. Investigators said they snuggled down in the blankets together face to face and smothered each other. Would it ever occur to you that that could happen in your home? Probably not, because for one, your child in your home would have his own bed and there wouldn't likely be another child sharing it. But the circumstances of those children's deaths lead to regulations that children need to have their own sleeping arrangements, they need to be arranged in such a way that children's faces are a certain distance apart, children under age 1 aren't allowed to have pillows, stuffed animals, crib bumpers, or anything besides the sheet and a thin blanket (no quilts) and just in case, daycare providers must have CPR training.

Last year or the year before, a daycare provider's indoor cat got out of her house. Everyone went outside looking for it, the provider, her schoolage children, the daycare kids all went out. One of the provider's older children opened the gate to the pool looking for the cat, and even though the gate had an automatic latch, it caught on something and didn't close all the way. The search for the cat went out of site of the gate, but a toddler in the daycare saw the gate was ajar and decided to check it out. She drowned. There was one regulation broken, a child under 6 must remain within sight or sound of the provider. The provider lost her license.

The mother of that child is now trying to get more regulations for daycare including prohibiting pets in daycare homes or else requiring those pets to be caged during daycare hours. Also, prohibiting pools at daycare homes, or else, requiring a full time lifeguard in addition to the provider, during daycare hours, even though current pool regulations are so restrictive that no providers can use their own pools for daycare children anyway. So far, no new regulations have come out of that incident but it's only a matter of time.

None of the childcare regulations have been made up out of thin air. They are almost all reactions to some tragedy. Despite all of them there are two groups of caregivers that are totally unregulated, care by relatives and care which occurs in the child's home (which is why there were no laws broken on that nanny cam.) Also, illegal providers (which in Maryland is defined as care by unrelated people, not in the child's home, more than 20 hours per month) are among the hardest people to catch because 1. they will claim that they only provided care that one day that the investigators showed up or 2. they will claim that every child in their house is a cousin. And the shame of it is that the parents of those children will write a letter to the licensing agency swearing to that...right up until the day their child dies because they fell asleep too close to another child or because the uneducated provider didn't know that wrapping a small child in a blanket and swinging them around, accidentally smacking them into the wall can kill them or because there were 15 other children in the house and no one noticed the baby didn't wake up from his nap and when they did, no one knew CPR or because the two years old with violent biting tendencies who was supposed to be asleep, instead climbed into the crib and bit the baby 20 times, while the supposed caregiver was watching her soaps. And let's not even go into the convicted child abusers who could be watching the kids.

But yeah, lets do away with all the daycare regulations and let's let the parents decide.

Very good post. Everything you posted is why I count my lucky stars my MIL is a licensed daycare provider who provides excellent care to my daughter.