How much do you tell your s/o about your past?


Im On 1.
Tigerlily said:
How old are you.? Yes, you whining and complaining about your BF, sister's bratty kids etc is crap. I gave you my opinion do with it what you will.

r there rules as to what I can and cannot post?

Let me start keeping track of what you post so I can have my opinion about that too.


Luvin Life !!!
Qurious said:
r there rules as to what I can and cannot post?

Let me start keeping track of what you post so I can have my opinion about that too.
By all means go right ahead. I can always use another stalker :huggy:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
Do you think there are certain things you should and shouldn't tell your s/o before you two get seriously involved?

Being one of Clintons illegitamate children. :boo:


curiouser and curiouser
Qurious said:
Do you think there are certain things you should and shouldn't tell your s/o before you two get seriously involved?

My opinion is that if there are things about you that you don't feel comfortable telling him, then it's probably not going to work out. I don't think anyone should sit down with their s/o and spill everything, but there shouldn't be anything that you feel you have to hide from them. Theoretically the point of dating is to eventually end up married. Would you want to be married to someone from whom you keep secrets?


Time for a nap
kwillia said:
Not healthy marriages... Addictive love is ultimately destructive to itself and to the persons involved. Addicted lovers are increasingly unable to cope with anyone or anything else. The relationship becomes the only point of certainty in a bewildering and lonely world. Addictive love does produce a certain excitement that is not present in healthier relationships, which is why some people stay in an unfulfilling relationship long after they've recognized the dysfunctional nature of it.



BadGirl said:
But remember this: the more you reveal of yourself, the more that can, and will be, used against you at any time.
:yeahthat: But that being said it takes a special kind of nasty, vindictive person to catalog that crap and bring it back up out of context just to get points in an unrelated argument.


wandering aimlessly
Pete said:
:yeahthat: But that being said it takes a special kind of nasty, vindictive person to catalog that crap and bring it back up out of context just to get points in an unrelated argument.

Alas, I have met more of that type of person, than any other.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in this relationship, obviously. RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Nickel said:
My opinion is that if there are things about you that you don't feel comfortable telling him, then it's probably not going to work out. I don't think anyone should sit down with their s/o and spill everything, but there shouldn't be anything that you feel you have to hide from them. Theoretically the point of dating is to eventually end up married. Would you want to be married to someone from whom you keep secrets?


SamSpade said:
I'm pretty much a tell-all kind of person. I understand TMI most of the time, but I don't really feel much of a need to hide things. What's the point? It'll all come out sooner or later - might as well be sooner.

I don't see much of the other guy's situation - only your version of it. I do know if I was arguing with someone and they brought up a ridiculous point (say, someone giving me a hard time for getting laid off, only to know they'd been fired half a dozen times), you're damned skippy I'd bring it up. If someone I'd known had DUI's or been in jail - I'm not going to listen to their "advice" on how much I can drink. I've done that. It's not bringing up the past - it's shutting up a noseybody. I had a girlfriend a long time ago with a history of self-mutilation, attempted suicides, drugs, abuse and promiscuity - lecturing me about my little sister's problems. I let her have it, because it was none of her damned business.

On the other hand ---

Bringing UNRELATED sh!t just because you can is just plain dirty. Poking around in people's past just to be nosey is the product of an insecure control freak.

I think, in a good relationship, you reach a level of trust where it doesn't MATTER how much they know - and as they learn more - it doesn't bother you, either. Heck, this past Thanksgiving my dad told me stuff about his growing up that I'd NEVER heard before. And I thought I knew all of it.

Exactly :yay: