How to let your horse help you beat the battle of the bulge


Rocky Mountain High!!
Those of us who have ridden for years forget exactly which body parts get worked the hardest until we take a newbie out, and they complain at the end of the ride about what hurts the most (once they actually figure it out) :lol:

I'm seeing how much the knees are used laterally, and even when pushing the heel/calf/thigh into proper position, based on how much mine hurt when i dismount, since having surgery 8 weeks ago.

Flexible people can ride easier than people with very stiff tight muscles.

And try getting on a fresh 2 year old, and see how you feel when you're done :lol:


Horse Poor
Isn't it fun riding 2 yr olds and getting WESTERN.. :killingme :lmao: Or your riding along at a good clip and your horse decides to exit stage left.... :killingme Or locks up at a gallop because there's a strange log on the trail..... :lmao:


Rocky Mountain High!!
Or takes a trip up hershy highway on the horse in front of you....and stops dead, while you contine on in forward motion :faint:

Ask mygoldenhorse about that little ditty :killingme


There's also all the stretching involved in bathing the's amazing how tall they become when the hose comes out!


Cowgirl Up
:howdy: everyone.
We went to the Mounted Wanderers show yesterday and had a great time in the speed classes. I am feeling quite :wench: today. Mygoldnhorse whips my A$$ in shape, instead of me working her it always seems the other way around :lmao:. She's a tough girl with a strong will :jameo: but I wouldn't trade her for anything. She's a awesome ride and if I could just slow her down a bit around the barrels we might be able to beat Percy,:flowers:, who takes 1st place every time. But what a blast.


mygoldnhorse said:
At this time of year, just before the holidays, ads for weight-loss programs saturate print media and the airwaves. Even TV talk shows devote time to the battle of the bulge. I caught part of a Dr. Phil episode in which the prominent self-help guru was evaluating the situation of one overweight guest. The woman commented that she'd like to buy a horse so she could get exercise via riding. "That's great for the horse," responded Dr. Phil drolly, "but what good is it for you?"

Clearly, the good doctor doesn't own a horse. At least, not the right horse. A quiet, well-broke, agreeable mount may indeed not offer much in the way of fitness training. But the right horse (and most of us have owned 1 or 2, haven't we?) will provide a body-building, cardiovascular-enhancing workout that would make Richard Simmons envious.

Allow me to explain...

With the right horse, you begin your fitness program by walking out to the pasture. As you stride briskly, you carry the halter and lead rope behind you, pushed up high on your back so the lead doesn't drag. The purpose of this is to tone your chest and upper-arm muscles (because you're not fooling your horse- -he knows what you're carrying). As you approach to within a few feet of him,he'll walk slowly away from you, then stop. This will be repeated several times in succession, until you're ready to jog. At that point, the horse will trot, then gallop around the pasture.

If you're at the advanced level of fitness, you may continue chasing after him for maximum aerobic benefits. Beginners may prefer to toss the halter and lead on the ground, bend forward from the waist, and engage in heavy breathing and chanting (that's what we'll call it, anyway--chanting) as the horse continues to circle the field. When the horse determines you've had enough of this warm-up session, he'll allow you to catch him.

Now comes the total upper-body workout of grooming. The right horse, of course, will be caked in dried mud. The cement-like consistency of it will require work-to-exhaustion effort of your biceps and triceps.

Next comes the bending, stretching, and toning of hoof-picking. Bend over, pick up the horse's left front foot, then be prepared to jump back as he stomps it back down to the ground. (Keep your knees bent as you jump, to protect your lower back.) Reach down and pick up the foot again, hopping about with the horse to maintain your grip as you attempt to pick what seems to be dirt mixed with Super Glue from the hoof. Eventually the horse may stand still; you may be chanting by this time. Repeat the entire circuit 3 more times, with the remaining feet.

Once you can stand erect again, it's time for the insect repellent exercise. True, with this one, your horse may actually get more of a workout than you do, but you certainly get more of the repellent. It goes like this: Squirt!-circle-circle. Squirt!-circle-circle. Squirt!-circle-circle---and so on, until you're completely misted with repellent.

With the right horse, saddling up provides both aerobic and strength building benefits. The trick is to keep your feet moving as you heft the saddle blanket over and over, trying to keep it in place on a moving target. The blanket exercise warms you up for the saddle exercise, for which the routine is the same, only the weight is much greater--perfect for buffing those hard-to-tone shoulder muscles.

Now comes the mounting exercise. With the right horse, it's left leg up, hop-hop-hop, left leg down. Left leg up, hop-hop-hop, left leg down. For balance, go around to the other side and continue the exercise (right leg up, hop-hop-hop, right leg down, etc.). When your heart rate begins to exceed your target range, look for a bucket. Bend over, pick it up, place it upside-down next to the horse, wait for the horse to move away, then bend over, pick it up again, place it next to the horse, and so on. When the horse deems you've had enough of these repetitions, he'll stand still and allow you to actually mount.

At this point, of course, you'll be too exhausted to ride. It's best not to overdo it, so dismount, grab a protein bar, and head to the shower.
Does this sound familiar :lmao:

Aint it the truth


Persimmon Creek Farm
mygoldnhorse said:
:howdy: everyone.
We went to the Mounted Wanderers show yesterday and had a great time in the speed classes. I am feeling quite :wench: today. Mygoldnhorse whips my A$$ in shape, instead of me working her it always seems the other way around :lmao:. She's a tough girl with a strong will :jameo: but I wouldn't trade her for anything. She's a awesome ride and if I could just slow her down a bit around the barrels we might be able to beat Percy,:flowers:, who takes 1st place every time. But what a blast.
I bet you R hurting 2 day...I dont know how you stay on her. :lmao: it was fun. looking forward to the next show when Morg will be ridding Glory. :yay:


Cowgirl Up
persimmoncf said:
I bet you R hurting 2 day...I dont know how you stay on her. :lmao: it was fun. looking forward to the next show when Morg will be ridding Glory. :yay:

I did feel a little pain when bedtime came. But I think my body is just accustomed to her :lmao:. She definetly keeps life interesting...... I did think I was in for a crash when she did her rodeo romping from the 1st barrel to the 2nd. I am not sure what that was about, but I lost my stirrup and held on with my thighs...she must of felt I was off balance :jameo: because her run for home was not bad at all.
I can't wait to watch Morg next show :yay: .
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R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
Here's some pointless red from someone without a set.

How to let your horse h... 09-22-2006 04:32 PM You're just as dumb as they are.
How to let your horse h... 09-22-2006 02:55 PM stupid is, as stupid does


Cowgirl Up
persimmoncf said:
I bet you R hurting 2 day...I dont know how you stay on her. :lmao: it was fun. looking forward to the next show when Morg will be ridding Glory. :yay:

I took Mingiz advice quite sometime ago and never ride any faster than my guardian angel can fly :whistle:.


Cowgirl Up
And also a good catch. When Fance crashed into Mo and I went from flying into a perfect mid air flip :lmao: the landing was not bad at all. :killingme It still makes me laugh when I think about it. I just hope she stays around, if anybody needs a guardian angel its me :yay: :lol:


Leap Of Faith Farm
persimmoncf said:
I bet you R hurting 2 day...I dont know how you stay on her. :lmao: it was fun. looking forward to the next show when Morg will be ridding Glory. :yay:

Mygolden horse defently puts on a good show for us all .. :lmao:

I hope Tiki and I will get a chance next time ...I wanted to run so bad :bawl:but we both were hurting.. and still are..


Rocky Mountain High!!
RC, little one and I went on the same ride we did last weekend at Paracletes farm Sunday. WHAT a blast!! Little one rode Dani...she did AWESOME on that big tank of a horse!
Then RC called me today at my first day back at work, and taunted me with another invitation to RIDE just as i was about to begin my commute home. :tantrum paybacks are he!! i tell ya.


Chevy Is Da BOMB!!!!
TotalControl said:
Mygolden horse defently puts on a good show for us all .. :lmao:

I hope Tiki and I will get a chance next time ...I wanted to run so bad :bawl:but we both were hurting.. and still are..

Hi everyone i finally got on this thing :howdy: I am z most of you probably know me but i would have been on here a long time ago but TC had to get permission. z :yahoo:


Chevy Is Da BOMB!!!!
Thread Date Comment
How to let your horse h... 09-26-2006 09:17 PM So who cares?
How to let your horse h... 09-26-2006 09:16 PM Go Away!!!!!

it's pretty rude to say that. how come you could not leave you'r name?? what are you a coward??????????????????????????????


Cowgirl Up
horsesrock93 said:
Hi everyone i finally got on this thing :howdy: I am z most of you probably know me but i would have been on here a long time ago but TC had to get permission. z :yahoo:

:howdy: Z. Great job at the MW show. You and your lil arab are really doing good.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
horsesrock93 said:
Thread Date Comment
How to let your horse h... 09-26-2006 09:17 PM So who cares?
How to let your horse h... 09-26-2006 09:16 PM Go Away!!!!!

it's pretty rude to say that. how come you could not leave you'r name?? what are you a coward??????????????????????????????

:howdy: Hi there! Don't let them stupid comments bother you. They're just from whuzzies that need to get a life!!