Hunter Biden


Well-Known Member
They are even starting to appear in Conservative forums.

On Yahoo they all use just regular names like David. Someone makes a Biden comment. David, what about Trump. Another Biden comment. David, what about Trump. Are they bots or real people .?


PREMO Member

Leaked Docs: Hunter Biden Was Involved in Trump Impeachment Over Ukraine

According to emails leaked to Politico, Hunter Biden met with impeachment lawyers in January 2020.

Recall, in September 2019 then-Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats launched an impeachment inquiry into President Trump over his phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

President Trump’s phone call with Zelensky was cordial and there were no threats, no pressure and no quid pro quo as Adam Schiff and the Democrats liked the public to believe.

Hunter Biden met with impeachment lawyers as Pelosi and Schiff were on the House floor lying about Trump’s phone call with Zelensky.

It is important to note that the FBI was in possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell which documented numerous crimes related to the Bidens’ work in Ukraine while Democrats were persecuting Trump with an impeachment investigation.

Trump asked Zelensky to ‘look into’ Joe Biden’s threats to withhold money from Ukraine as well as Hunter Biden’s shady business with Burisma.

President Trump wanted Zelensky to look into the firing of Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor general who was investigating Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky, Hunter Biden and Burisma Holdings.



PREMO Member
🔥 During a remarkable discussion this weekend on Jake Tapper’s CNN show, the celebrated anchor first surprised his viewers by correctly reporting that Hunter Biden did in fact somehow earn sketchy millions — “substantial sums” — from Ukrainian and Chinese sources. Tapper left unsaid, but painfully obvious, that nobody still knows what Hunter supposedly got paid for, exactly.

Maybe someday, someone will ask the Bidens that question.

image 6.png

Next, Tapper shocked CNN’s lefty viewers even more, when he correctly pointed out that, during the 2016 Trump-Biden debates, Biden firmly but falsely said “my son has NOT made money, in terms of this thing about, what you’re talking about, China … that’s NOT true.”

Biden clearly lied and did not make a mistake. Bob Peters, I mean Joe, didn’t say “I don’t know whether Hunter is getting paid by the Chinese.” Instead he said, “that’s not true.” While one of Tapper’s co-anchors gamely tossed out the prepackaged defense that “nothing connects Hunter’s money to Biden,” he protested too much. Tapper hadn’t yet accused Hunter of doing anything illegal that could be connected to Biden. So nobody else on the panel touched the premature defense, and it ingloriously died on the table.

That was good enough, but I almost coughed up a hairball when Tapper bluntly told the shocked panelists, “I mean … Trump was right.” That’s probably as much vindication as the former President will ever get. Trump should use it in a campaign commercial or something.



PREMO Member
🔥 Is there trouble in Hunter land? On August 17, 2023, at the request of prosecutors (so that the charges could be re-filed later), the Court dismissed Hunter Biden’s misdemeanor tax offenses, closing United States v. Biden, the case where the judge stopped the government from giving Hunter perpetual immunity on everything illegal he’d ever done.

So far, so good.

But last week, several more of Hunter’s attorneys abruptly quit, bringing this year’s total to five departed lawyers. Attorney Joshua Levy quit in March, and Christopher Clark quit last week, saying he could be called as a witness in the dispute with the government over the failed plea negotiations.

That might be true. Or more likely, it was just a tepid gloss over Christopher’s untimely departure. To my lawyer’s ears, it sounds like an excuse. Why not wait to see whether he actually is called as a witness?

Last Friday, Hunter lawyers Brian McManus, Timothy McCarten, and Matthew Salerno — the entire Latham & Watkins firm — filed a joint motion to withdraw from representing Hunter.

You may recall the dust-up between the Court and the Latham & Watkins firm, where the Court had accused them of pretending to be lawyers for the Republican Party and successfully asking the clerk to withdraw a GOP brief. The recent round of quitting may be related to that little contretemps and fears about what the judge might do.

Hunter still has at least two other lawyers from politically well-connected law firms, so the judge will probably quickly approve the withdrawals, unless she has other sanctions in mind. The Latham & Watkins lawyers are probably sweating buckets right now, waiting to see whether the judge will let them ooze off into the sunset.

Mass lawyer departures aren’t usually a good sign. Rats off a sinking aircraft carrier, and so forth. On the other hand, it’s a unique case, so who knows?



PREMO Member

Democrats aren’t laughing about the Hunter Biden debacle anymore

One of the most insulting moments for the respected IRS agents came from ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), who mocked the allegations as part of “this Inspector Clouseau-style quest for something that doesn’t exist [that] has turned our committee into a theater of the absurd, an exercise in futility and embarrassment.”

Raskin assured the public that these “disagreements” are “routine” matters in investigations (a position echoed by his junior colleague, Rep. Dan Goldman of New York). The IRS agents tried to object that they had never seen anything like what happened in this case.

Then the case became anything but a laughing matter for Democrats. The plea agreement with Hunter Biden collapsed within minutes of a federal judge asking a few basic questions.

When District Judge Maryellen Noreika balked at sweeping language on immunity, she asked the prosecutor if he had ever seen any agreement like this one. He answered “no” and the deal quickly fell apart, with Hunter Biden’s lawyer finally saying exasperatedly, “Just rip it up.”

The language was anything but routine.

Then an FBI agent spoke to Congress and confirmed testimony of the IRS agents, including that Hunter Biden was tipped off on an attempt to interview him. The agent said they were forced to sit a block away and told not to approach the house. The interview was then cut off. He described being “upset” and how this was not routine.


Power with Control
He's got a job "artist". Which, since he cant really sell access anymore, I take to mean hes selling them to folks he's done business with before are blackmail so he doesnt start singing


#*! boat!
PREMO Member

Democrats aren’t laughing about the Hunter Biden debacle anymore

One of the most insulting moments for the respected IRS agents came from ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), who mocked the allegations as part of “this Inspector Clouseau-style quest for something that doesn’t exist [that] has turned our committee into a theater of the absurd, an exercise in futility and embarrassment.”

Raskin assured the public that these “disagreements” are “routine” matters in investigations (a position echoed by his junior colleague, Rep. Dan Goldman of New York). The IRS agents tried to object that they had never seen anything like what happened in this case.

Then the case became anything but a laughing matter for Democrats. The plea agreement with Hunter Biden collapsed within minutes of a federal judge asking a few basic questions.
Raskin is such a complete POS. A dog turd...a complete moron...


Well-Known Member
See, to ME, the entire Joe/Hunter story gets more and more likely that they committed crimes, sold influence, took bribes - and so on - and the DEFENSE that their supporters come up just seem more and more outlandish.

Bear in mind, the entire story began with Biden saying "I never did this - all debunked - never discussed this - I don't discuss this with my son - neither he NOR I made ANY money off of China". Point blank - NEVER happened.

The laptop? Oh it's fake - Russian disinformation. Hunter never left it there - why would he do it? It's a lie. 51 intelligence experts declaring definitively - it is a Russian disinformation hoax.

It's - *graduated* - now the lies are slightly different. And it keeps becoming increasingly obvious that everyone on their side is doing everything they can to bury things - make deals - delay to outrun the laws and their statutes of limitation.

At the very, very least - Hunter should NEVER have been doing business in a region where his father was the point man for the Obama administration. At the very least, it should be clear the lunch bucket Joe is MUCH richer than the guy who claimed he was the poorest man in the Senate.

I guess what I am trying to say is - at some point, the truth that he is corrupt just makes more sense than a long set of excuses.


PREMO Member

FOIA Turns Up Zilch On The ‘Full Authority’ Garland Claims He Gave Weiss Over Hunter Biden

Emails obtained by the Heritage Foundation following a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, and shared exclusively with The Federalist, reveal a glaring gap in the documentation maintained by the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office: There is nothing memorializing the authority Attorney General Merrick Garland claims he gave U.S. Attorney David Weiss for the Hunter Biden investigation.

For more than a year, Garland represented to Congress that Weiss held ultimate authority over the Hunter Biden investigation — which the eventual appointment of Weiss as special counsel contradicted. But now there is more evidence — or rather a lack of evidence — indicating the claimed authority was always a charade.

The Friday before the long holiday weekend, the DOJ provided the Heritage Foundation with the second batch of documents it was ordered by a federal court to produce in response to Heritage’s FOIA lawsuit. This installment concluded the DOJ’s production of the non-exempt documents in Weiss’s custody which concerned his authority for investigating Hunter Biden. But none of the documents produced addressed Weiss’s authority or any authority promised by Garland.


PREMO Member

Gun charges are the 'least' of the crimes Hunter has committed, top Republican claims: Rep. James Comer criticizes Special Counsel David Weiss and insists he is trying to SNEAK through another sweetheart deal



PREMO Member

Hunter Biden Sues Former Trump Aide Over Accessing ‘Laptop From Hell’ One Day After Biden Impeachment Inquiry Announced

Hunter Biden on Wednesday filed a federal lawsuit against former Trump aide Garrett Ziegler for accessing his ‘laptop from hell.’

The lawsuit was filed in the Central District of California just one day after Speaker McCarthy announced an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden.

The lawsuit accuses Ziegler of violating California and federal computer privacy laws after he posted content from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop to the website of his nonprofit, Marco Polo.

Hunter Biden claimed in his lawsuit that the “data appears to have been manipulated both before and after Ziegler obtained it,” according to Politico.

How convenient! After denying the laptop is even his, Hunter Biden is now claiming the data has been manipulated.

Ziegler laughed at the allegations in a statement to far-left Politico.

“I nor the nonprofit, Marco Polo, have been served with any lawsuit — but the one I read this morning out of the Central District of California should embarrass Winston & Strawn LLP,” Ziegler wrote in an email to Politico. “It’s not worth the paper it’s written on. Apart from the numerous state and federal laws and regulations which protect authors like me and the publishing that Marco Polo does, it’s not lost on us that Joe’s son filed this SLAPP one day after an Impeachment inquiry into his father was announced.”
