Hurrah! I Have Arrived!



1200 miles, 4 big rain storms, and nearly 2 days later... but it's official... I am now a resident of Southern Maryland!


vraiblonde said:
OMG, poor Kris!

So, have you seen Touchdown Jesus yet?
Um... Touchdown Jesus?

No, I don't think I have.

I did almost lose a tire driving on that south loop around DC though... about an hour from the house after 2 days of driving (with stopping, sleeping, eating, etc.) and my van threatened to break down... that was fun.

So if any of ya'll see a hunter green van with MN plates, that's me!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
kris31280 said:
Um... Touchdown Jesus?

No, I don't think I have.
Well, in the coming weeks I will have a BBQ ( I make the most awesomest brisket) and we will make a pilgrimage :yay:

(Jesus is practically next door to me)

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Well, in the coming weeks I will have a BBQ ( I make the most awesomest brisket) and we will make a pilgrimage :yay:

(Jesus is practically next door to me)

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Kind of spooky if you ask me. But your brisket is to die for. :drool:

Jesus is just all right with me
Jesus is just all right, oh yeah
Jesus is just all right with me
Jesus is just all right

I dont care what they may know
I dont care where they may go
I dont care what they may know
Jesus is just all right, oh yeah
Jesus is just all right

I dont care what they may say
I dont care what they may do
I dont care what they may say
Jesus is just all right, oh yeah
Jesus is just all right

Do, do, do, etc.

Jesus is just all right with me
Jesus is just all right, oh yeah
Jesus is just all right with me
Jesus is just all right

Jesus is just all right with me
Jesus is just all right, oh yeah
Jesus is just all right with me
Jesus is just all right



Stop Staring!!!!!
kris31280 said:
1200 miles, 4 big rain storms, and nearly 2 days later... but it's official... I am now a resident of Southern Maryland!

Hey great. Welcome. Did you bring any news from the outside world? Who is President? Is WWII over yet? :howdy:
Last edited:


Welcome Kris and don't forget your complimentary copy of the somd dictionary.

Alllll... = "Awww, that's so cute it makes me want to throw up"
asshat: A person whose behavior displays such ignorance/obnoxiousness that you would like to make them wear their own ass as a hat. short for mainman
bangbang : very casual sexual intercourse. origin: FD Dog
bankhead: attributed to dems consistently misspelling a particular smilie...
chock: to choke on something. origin: K_Jo
clam down: K_Jo’s way of trying to keep everyone at peace. K_Jo said, “Clam the #### down bcp, we’ll find your missing finger.”
coward: If I knew who you were, I'd give red karma back to you. Origin: elaine
dummah: short for dumb ass. origin: RoseRed
Hens - be wary of the feathered kind; they secretly control all things forum. What is known about them is the topic of much rumor and speculation which must mean its really bad!
Gaynet: the other forum.
heh: a singular amused sound, sometimes with a hint of surprise. Pete likes this one.
Kerosilene - the stuff that you pour into emergency home heaters. origin: itsbob - misspelled because BadGirl wasn’t there to help him that day.
krama (or kramer): karma, usually red or green in color.
meam: mean. origin is Tigger, now know as TWL's Wife
meamie: one who art thou mean.
mpd: a$$holes with multiple user I.D.'s. origin: unknown, but Catt thinks she invented it.
newbie: another new ####### to the forum.
ouchkas: just tried twisting the top off of a samuel adams, why does my hand hurt ? origin: FireBrand
Petezza - a winter holiday falling Dec 5th to 13th characterized by assigned days of specific action such as "random acts of meaness" and "be snotty"; days are determined by the creator of Petezza, Pete.
prolly: probably.
remot: BS gal’s word for the TV remote control. during football season origin: BS gal; assisted by Otter.
Red Headed Sluts: AKA - RHS - term coined by Otter that describes 3 close knit forumite friends after they had gone drinking at the Tiki 2 years ago ( or more )
siggy: signature line.
sniggle: part snort, part giggle
smow: southern maryland snow. origin: RoseRed
snort: is the sound some who giggle laugh and snort through their nose make
STUF - What dyslexics say when they don't want to listen anymore. Meaning clarified by Vrai.
Stud - bcp uses this to describe himself. The women don’t use this description for bcp.
Super Bowel – Dems was trying to describe the championship football game of the season.
tread: thread. origin is Tigger now know as TWL's Wife
waaaaa laaaaa= voila. Morg did this, we don’t know why. :shrug:
Waaaahmbulance: Sharon did this.
Weirest: a word used for the strange and unusual. origin: Geek.
woot woot: ...?
####, ###, ########### - the three big words; Dick is okay in the Proper Noun, but the male barnyard bird isn't allowed in any version due to the censors.


kris31280 said:
1200 miles, 4 big rain storms, and nearly 2 days later... but it's official... I am now a resident of Southern Maryland!

Welcome. Now that you are here, you are stuck. :howdy:


professional daydreamer
Vince said:
Welcome Kris and don't forget your complimentary copy of the somd dictionary.

Alllll... = "Awww, that's so cute it makes me want to throw up"
asshat: A person whose behavior displays such ignorance/obnoxiousness that you would like to make them wear their own ass as a hat. short for mainman
bangbang : very casual sexual intercourse. origin: FD Dog
bankhead: attributed to dems consistently misspelling a particular smilie...
chock: to choke on something. origin: K_Jo
clam down: K_Jo’s way of trying to keep everyone at peace. K_Jo said, “Clam the #### down bcp, we’ll find your missing finger.”
coward: If I knew who you were, I'd give red karma back to you. Origin: elaine
dummah: short for dumb ass. origin: RoseRed
Hens - be wary of the feathered kind; they secretly control all things forum. What is known about them is the topic of much rumor and speculation which must mean its really bad!
Gaynet: the other forum.
heh: a singular amused sound, sometimes with a hint of surprise. Pete likes this one.
Kerosilene - the stuff that you pour into emergency home heaters. origin: itsbob - misspelled because BadGirl wasn’t there to help him that day.
krama (or kramer): karma, usually red or green in color.
meam: mean. origin is Tigger, now know as TWL's Wife
meamie: one who art thou mean.
mpd: a$$holes with multiple user I.D.'s. origin: unknown, but Catt thinks she invented it.
newbie: another new ####### to the forum.
ouchkas: just tried twisting the top off of a samuel adams, why does my hand hurt ? origin: FireBrand
Petezza - a winter holiday falling Dec 5th to 13th characterized by assigned days of specific action such as "random acts of meaness" and "be snotty"; days are determined by the creator of Petezza, Pete.
prolly: probably.
remot: BS gal’s word for the TV remote control. during football season origin: BS gal; assisted by Otter.
Red Headed Sluts: AKA - RHS - term coined by Otter that describes 3 close knit forumite friends after they had gone drinking at the Tiki 2 years ago ( or more )
siggy: signature line.
sniggle: part snort, part giggle
smow: southern maryland snow. origin: RoseRed
snort: is the sound some who giggle laugh and snort through their nose make
STUF - What dyslexics say when they don't want to listen anymore. Meaning clarified by Vrai.
Stud - bcp uses this to describe himself. The women don’t use this description for bcp.
Super Bowel – Dems was trying to describe the championship football game of the season.
tread: thread. origin is Tigger now know as TWL's Wife
waaaaa laaaaa= voila. Morg did this, we don’t know why. :shrug:
Waaaahmbulance: Sharon did this.
Weirest: a word used for the strange and unusual. origin: Geek.
woot woot: ...?
####, ###, ########### - the three big words; Dick is okay in the Proper Noun, but the male barnyard bird isn't allowed in any version due to the censors.
