Originally posted by jimmy
Yes robbing raping, murdering etc. are all illegal activites. But it's a cycle that people get into and it often begins with drugs. If you're saying that some people are just going to choose unproductive ways of life, I'd say you're right. But if you're gonna tell me that, because of that, we shouldn't invest time and money into programs that attempt to remedy that situation, I'd disagree.
I didn't say we should give no assistance! I said you get a chance! If you blow it! TS!!!
Is it frustrating for us to look at and to be told that we SHOULD or HAVE to care? Sure. But is it fair for us (I'm assuming, by the way, that you are white) to look at that situation in the inner city and just ask "why arent' they doing something about it? No.
Here we come to the "Black" thing!
It's been my personal experience that the "inner city" problems you are so concerned about aren't attributed to being black!
I don't believe more than a trace of it can be attributed to some sort of racism, which is where I figure your going on this as it's the usual path from the left, it's more cultural.
I've known many blacks I worked with and lived around that made themselves a valued asset at their place of employment, or gone into business for themselves. They've done fine in life. I've also known many that missed days at work, came in drunk, high etc. and they don't last long nor do they live well since they are throwing away opportunity and life. I've know whites that did the same. It's not Race! It's a cultural thing, at least in my estimation, no different than what you might run into around Arkansas, West "by Gawd" Virginia or any other predominantly white regions.
The options are there for them they've simply grown use to complaining and being handed something.
Have you ever wondered why it is that so many other groups do exceptionally well in spite of being minority's from the "inner city"?
Asians, Indians etc.? They work through the system and excel!
You/we can't imagine how neglected and detached people in the inner city feel. And how that turns into anger against society in some cases, and self-destructive behavior in others. Why is there such a drug problem in the inner city? What better way for them to make money! You have the ulitimate in capitolism right there. Now, take away that incentive by making drugs legal and what do you have?
Already answered this part.
As for you comments about "why do we HAVE to care" I can't help you there. It is very common in this country to have that attitude and I probably won't be able to change your mind. I can't give you a reason why you HAVE to care about others, except for the fact that you most likely expect others to care about you.
Yes, I can hear you now "I don't need that kinda help and if I get in that kinda situation and I did it to myself, then TS for me!". That's all well and good. But you're NOT in that situation. And without people caring about the "common good" (whatever that can be determined to be) why the hell even get out of bed in the morning?
Actually my answer to that is "If I get in that kinda situation and I did it to myself, then TS for me!"
They have the chance to select the path to their lives the same as you, I and every other person in this country does. Stop making excuses and rewards for bad behavior and choices and the levels will decline.
You reap what you sow!
Again, if they screw up they get a chance to correct it with help....If they still continue to screw up cut the cord!
If your sole purpose on this earth is just to do whatever is good for you and screw everyone else, then I'd say it's people like THAT who are counterproductive to society....because, as is inherint in the name SOCIETY is a SOCIAL organism. People are, by most accounts, inherintly social animals. So working towards the common good would seem to be about the ONLY point to life from where I sit.
Actually my "purpose", as I see it, is to take care of mine and those around me to the best of my ability, support my country and in the case of working towards "common good" to support that when it's truly "common good".
I do not see it as my obligation to be shaken down for hard earned $$ that I could be using to send my kids to school, college, feeding, clothing or medically assisting them or my friends, family and neighbors.
Those are "my" responsibilities as I see them.
Tell me when it was that I or anyone else adopted the nations druggies, drunks and deadbeats? And whose signature is on the adoption papers? And more so when do we get to turn them out on their own?
But, again, I probably can't change your mind and you obviously feel very strongly about you position on this. And I can understand how you feel that way. Like I said, I get it. I get why you would feel no real responsibility to other people in society. I get why you're offended by people who seem to be leeching off of society. And a good friend of mine once told me that you'll always lose an arguement if you can see both sides and the other person can't....so I guess you can go ahead and chalk one up in the win column for yourself.
No where did I say I couldn't see your side of the argument! I don't agree with where you place responsiblilty for society's problem citizens.
I don't believe that I, you, or anyone, should be forced to support others...As you so elegantly put it..."leeching off of society"