Back again
Seeing somethings never have changed. Sending some love to my old buddies: Vrai, King Ken, Penquin, just to name a few. I see alot of others have joined the crowd.. And a few that are still rainting on.. Well I suppose I will give my opinion about this topic. There are alot of people that fit under this category, and not even realizing it, or maybe feeling they have to fit in the in crowd, so they compromise their true beliefs. Reading a few posts - its seems to me, people love using God to justify themselves of their wrongdoing. A true believer knows - Love the sinner and not the sin. We ALL fall short of the Glory. No man is better then the next one.. I have learned and understood, that I can not hold God to my standards, because who am I, Im just a falling man, that believes truly what the bible says. Despite what others quote, or say to me. Its my salvation Im trying to save, not theirs. But back to the topic - Anyone that is a leader whether in the Church, or politics, or some other type of organization. If you take a oath in doing something you believe in, and you are practicing something else that goes totally against what you said an oath too, then you are a hypocrite... Wear the H well, I always say.. Don't deny your wrong doing. You weren't denying it, when you were doing it in the dark.. I suppose this will be a fun ride once again..